Columbia journal of transnational law government over what it views as unjust extraterritorial sanctions in the same month that the Chinese government sought to protect Chinese companies more broadly from Key Title Columbia journal of transnational law. He graduated from Brown University in 2018. F. Jennifer El-Fakir June 1, 2019. Founded in 1961, CJTL primarily features scholarly articles and student NEW YORK - The regulation of foreign direct investment (FDI) - economic activity involving ownership with an element of active control by a foreigner - is the topic of The Columbia Law School | CLIO | WorldCat | Guide to Columbia Law Library Services and Policies Marc Chien is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. In 2017, she founded the Columbia Law School Legal Technology Association and created a pro bono research program that pairs students with public interest-oriented * Editor-in-Chief, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law; J. A native of Germany, Professor Friedmann immigrated to the Katie Holland, Rachel Jones, and Maxwell Votey provided indispensable editorial assistance. Guest User January 24, 2021. 1782 Discovery in Less-Developed Legal Systems. How Judges Can Challenge Dictators and Get Away with It: Advancing Democracy while Preserving Judicial Independence The Legality of Deforestation Under International Law and the Quest to Preserve Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Bridging an Access-to-Justice Gap for International Commercial Dispute Resolution: Recent Developments of Interim Measures in Cross-Border Chinese Arbitration. Decades after the creation of the major international drug control Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Problems with Enforcing International Space Law on Private Actors. GPLs constitute basic building blocks of systemic coherence, both internally and between regimes (Part I). Rice is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. I. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Amay Gupta is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. That same year, Damrosch won a grant from the Columbia University President’s Global Innovation Fund to convene the conference “International Legal Dialogue—Middle East North Africa” at the Columbia Global Center in * J. Joshua Bean April 2, 2021. Thank you to Professor Benjamin Liebman for his excellent guidance on this Note and more broadly for his insights as a mentor during law school. She graduated from the University of Toronto in 2021. She graduated from Columbia University in 2021. HAMILTON* “Photographs furnish evidence. Writings that appear in the Journal are regularly cited Adam Bryla is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Guest User April 7, 2021. Record Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Hybrid Constitutional Courts: Foreign Judges on National Constitutional Courts. As a first-year law student, she represented CLS in the Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, where she presented arguments on violations of international On April 1, 2021, the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law awarded the 47th Annual Wolfgang Friedmann Memorial Award to the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Cali Sullivan September 17, 2024. REBECCA J. By: William Chao; Staff Editor . Permission to Reprint. M. § 1332. Thus far, much attention has The Bulletin publishes short blogposts and essays about transnational legal issues, including interviews with practitioners of international, foreign, and comparative law. Prior to law The author would also like to thank the staff of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law for their exceptional efforts. Emilie C. Finally, I would like to thank my family, Clark, Mary Kay, and Ben, for their constant support and About JTL. I thank Professor Gillian Metzger at Columbia Law School for her guidance in composing this Note. John Kerry served as the United States’ 68th Secretary of State from 2013 to 2017. in International Politics. Jake Samuel Sidransky February 23, 2021. COLANGELO* Jus cogens are a species of supernorm in international law. C. Guest User May 20, 2021. Global climate action so far has proved unable to meet the moment. International and Comparative Law on Compensating Miscarriages of Justice: From Proven Innocence to Wrongful Detention Hye Jin Lee is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. L. 2 (Spring 1962)-v. Guest User March 13, 2021. She graduated from Yale University in 2019. Articles. in Public Alec Stone Sweet * and Mads Andenas † The paper argues for the centrality of GPLs [general principles of law] as a primary source of international law. Facebook 0 Twitter LinkedIn 0 * J. Automating Fairness? Artificial Intelligence in the Chinese Courts. Focusing on them c Columbia Journal of Transnational Law The Law and Politics of The CJTL is one of the leading journals focusing on topics related to transnational law. Something we hear about, but doubt, seems proven when we’re shown a photograph of it. This precision revolution has been lauded by the * Financial and Technical Editor, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law; J. He earned a master’s degree in Russian Ahmed H. As Former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Judge of the International Criminal Court, and President of The Columbia Journal of Transnational Law will host our annual Wolfgang Friedmann Memorial Award Banquet on Monday, March 31 . Guest User August 1, 2021. The Columbia Journal of Transnational Law is a law review edited and published by students at Columbia Law School. They are typically framed in terms of substantive prohibitions: no genocide, no slavery, no He would also like to thank Lisa D. Before law school, Joseph worked as an analyst at Emergent Method and volunteered with Berkeley Law School’s Center on Equality & Anti-Discrimination Law. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Procedural Jus Cogens. He graduated from East China University of Political Science and Law in 2016. The Journal’s Staff members contribute regularly to the Bulletin. Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently announced that the United States has suspended and initiated the process to terminate asylum cooperative agreements with El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. She graduated from Duke University in 2017. §1782, which authorizes district courts to issue orders compelling discovery of evidence located within their district for use in a proceeding in a foreign tribunal. , Harvard University; M. She co-founded the first association of legal design in France while she was a fourth-year law student Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Judicial Review of Deferred Prosecution Agreements: A Comparative Study* FREDERICK T. D. Probs. Guest User March 22, 2021. We are very appreciative of the care with which the editors of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law have prepared this Article for publication. I would like to thank Professor Michael Burger for his guidance in this process. People or Patents? The COVID-19 IP Waiver & Property Rights During a Pandemic The Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems (JLSP) (Colum. Schwarz is a future lawyer with an interest in the intersection of human rights, corporate accountability, and technology. Yiran Lin* Transnational data governance has been a field of growing legislative development, emblematic of the increasing regulation of the digital economy. . Human Rights Reporting as Human Rights Governance. While Columbia Journal of Transnational Law To Post or Not To Post: Judges’ Social Media Predicament . I owe my deepest debt of gratitude to Dan Richman, who provided incisive and invaluable guidance throughout the * Associate Professor, West Virginia University College of Law. BRAND* The success of the New York Convention has made arbitration a preferred means of dispute resolution for international commercial transactions. He graduated from Johns Hopkins University in 2019. Legal Design and the Future of Law. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law American Identity Politics and International Law. He graduated from Vassar College in 2020. She worked with the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals in the summer of 2020. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Volume 62. He graduated from Hunter College in 2017. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law The Netherlands Steps Up Efforts to Eliminate Child Labor. Afterward, he practiced law New York, Nov. Thank you to Professor Richard Briffault for his immense guidance as I pursued this research and for his example as a scholar, educator, and Conor J. RONALD A. N. K. In law school, she interned for the Department of Justice, where she worked on issues of diplomatic, sovereign, and head of state immunity. He previously worked at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Candidate, Columbia Law School, 2023. Judges are meant to be unbiased and unaffected by outside influences, exposing their every tweet and Facebook post to scrutiny. student at Columbia Law School and a staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Hathaway, and Justin Cole* In 2019, The Gambia brought suit against Myanmar in the International Court of Justice to hold it accountable for its alleged genocidal acts against the Rohingya, an ethnic Muslim minority Columbia Journal of Transnational Law The Promise and Perils of China's Regulation of Artificial Intelligence. He graduated from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in 2014. About CJTL Latest Volumes The Bulletin Latest Volumes The Bulletin The Bulletin’s first volume, containing two issues, was a forum for the informal discussion of international legal questions; the second volume, published in 1963 under the title International Law Bulletin, aspired more to the tradition of the scholarly law review. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 2015 and served as in infantry officer in the U. Back History Current Masthead Recruitment Back Volume 63 Volume 62 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Cart 0. Guest User March 20, 2023. Published by . They are universally binding and trump all contrary rules—such as treaties and customary international law. B. Guest User February 14, 2022. Guest User April 25, 2020. ) is a general-interest legal journal whose mission is to remind readers of the law’s responsibility to serve the public good. I am grateful to Professor Petros Mavroidis for his invaluable guidance and tireless enthusiasm for the subject; the staff of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law for their editorial assistance; and my family for their unwavering support and sense of humor. Mark R. He graduated from the University of Michigan in 2016. Regan is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Jessup International Moot Court. I further thank the staff of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, especially Robert Casty, Cassie Allen, Liz White, William Taub, Grace Pyo, Vineet Surapaneni, and Daniel Kim for their diligence in providing feedback * Notes Editor, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law; J. Nicholas Kourides, Chairman of the Board of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law A New Tool for Enforcing Human Rights: Erga Omnes Partes Standing. The Dutch Child Labor Duty of Care Law is a step in the right direction, but it remains to be seen how the government will structure the enforcement apparatus and whether regulators will have sufficient capacity to implement the expansive regulation Columbia Journal of Transnational Law The Law of Gravity. Candidate, Columbia Law School, 2021. The Wolfgang Friedmann Memorial Award is presented annually by the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the field of international law. He graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2020. Ali is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. She graduated from Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service in 2020. Janklow Professor of Literary & Artistic Property Law at Columbia Law School, accepted the award on her behalf. On April 2, 2024, the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law awarded the 50th Annual Wolfgang Friedmann Memorial Award to Judge Sarah Cleveland. She graduated from New York University in 2021. Permission to reprint entire articles, or excerpts of articles, from the Journal is Since the Journal only retains the copyright to the collective work, it will be necessary, in most cases, Lune Klappe is an LL. Brandon Fiscina is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. He graduated from the University of California-San Diego in 2020. . It is published three times per year. Before law school, Brian worked as a political-economics intern for the U. She graduated from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in 2020, with a B. Map of the Northern *Head Notes Editor, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law; J. On March 5 the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law awarded the 46th Annual Wolfgang Friedmann Memorial Award to Judge Joan E. v. TAMAR MEGGIDO* Despite its central contribution to the construction of the global legal order, the United States has long been perceived to exclude itself from the reach of international law. Matthew S. Can Learn from India and the U. DAVIS** A Deferred Prosecution Agreement is a negotiated criminal procedure that allows individuals—and increasingly, corporations—to avoid a criminal conviction by reaching an agreement with the prosecutor to Adaeze Eze is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. She is a competitor in the Philip C. , Columbia Law School, 2024. J. Any views expressed in this Article are entirely those of the authors and do not reflect the views of Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP or the International Court of Nurlan Orujlu is a rising third-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Its exceptionalist image has been reinforced by Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Crypto exchange’s jurisdiction-shopping: a regulatory problem that requires a global response . Guest User November 23, 2021. student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Guest User March 3, 2022. [1] [2] I also owe thanks to the thoughtful editors of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, especially Dana Ahdab, Molly Bodurtha, Adam Bryla, Marc Chien, Helen Catherine Darby, Matthew Dwelle, Adaeze Eze, David Giordano, Jordan Jarrett, Daniel Kim, Hye Jin Lee, Wisdom Onwuchekwa-Banogu, Grace Pyo, David Rubinstein, Vineet Surapaneni, and Tim *J. Grimm* The history of U. He graduated from Baruch College in 2018. Josh is a former Fulbright Scholar and researcher at Harvard’s Belfer Center Columbia Journal of Transnational Law How Universal Is the Corporate Form? Reflections on the Dwindling of Corporate Attributes in Brazil. CHRISTINA ISNARDI* This Note argues that the body of international space law is largely unenforceable on private actors. Grace Lin is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Article 113-7 of the French Penal Code: The Passive Personality Principle. Jennifer El-Fakir October 24, 2019. Thank you to Professor Michel Paradis for his invaluable guidance and mentorship throughout the process of writing this Note. Shulman* JONATHAN HAFETZ, PUNISHING ATROCITIES THROUGH A FAIR TRIAL: INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW FROM NUREMBERG TO THE AGE OF GLOBAL TERRORISM (CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY Joseph Wakeford is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. A. Borna Khoshand is a second-year student at Columbia Law school and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law The Domestic Standing of International Law: A Non-State Account. Thank you to the staff of the Journal for their editorial assistance, to Emilie Sims for helpful comments and her friendship, and to the Hon. As America’s top diplomat, he guided the Department’s strategy on nuclear nonproliferation Columbia Journal of Transnational Law VOLUME 58 . He graduated from Tulane University with a B. ANTHONY J. On November 10, students, professors, and journal alumni will celebrate the publication’s 50th anniversary at a reception in the New York City office of Mayer Brown. 56, no. But would an expanded space regime be effective in guiding and controlling behavior in space? Shelby Butt is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. *J. Guest User November 2, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law International Drug Control Regime and Reforms. Ahmed is interested in public international law, comparative constitutional law, and human rights in Sub-Saharan Africa. Candidate, 2022, Columbia Law School. Guest User April 15, 2021. 2025 friedmann Award recipient. He graduated from Fordham University in 2019. He graduated from the University of Chicago in 2018. RAYMOND GAO* As interim measures in international arbitration have gained prominence in recent decades, the arbitral authority to issue these Brian Japari is a second-year at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Miranda Katz March 11, 2022. Donoghue, the first American woman to sit on the International Court of Justice, in a banquet at the 21 Club in Manhattan. John’s University School of Law. On April 9, 2022, the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law awarded the 48th Annual Wolfgang Friedmann Memorial Award to former Costa Rican diplomat Christiana Figueres. He graduated from the College of William & Mary in 2018. Jessica A. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Permissions . Before joining the legal academy, the author spent seven years as a prosecutor at two United Nations international criminal tribunals, the United Nations International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals and the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Cart 0. Prior to law school, Kanishka worked as a Legal Analyst at Kobre & Kim. JIDE NZELIBE* It has long been conventional in our public discourse to assume that special interest groups play a destabilizing role in shaping international law. , Universiteit Leiden; J. We are currently accepting submissions for the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law (CJTL), our journal print publication. She graduated from both Panthéon-Sorbonne and Panthéon-Assas Law Schools (Paris, France) with a degree in Business Law. Success in arbitration often depends on the extent to which a party may secure assets, evidence, or the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Use or Abuse of Sec. 1, no. MARIANA PARGENDLER* The business corporation, a central pillar of modern capitalism, is deemed to have a set of defining features that are universal across different jurisdictions and ever more widely A special note of thanks to Matthew Clifford of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law and to Melissa Vogt for outstanding editorial and research assistance. She graduated from the University of Florida in 2018. in Political Science and Human Rights. CJTL welcomes the submission of manuscripts for proposed articles from professors and practitioners on topics related to transnational law, including areas related to public The CJTL is one of the leading journals focusing on topics related to transnational law. As this Article (which was largely written in mid-2022) goes to print in mid-2023, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine remains ongoing, with the situation fluid and outcome uncertain. These documents refer to certain violations of international law as Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Is International Space Law Interactional? Jack Wright Nelson* Scholars, states, and non-state organizations are intensifying their efforts to expand the legal regime governing outer space activities. Fukuda and the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Editorial Board team (especially Articles Editor Austin Owen) for their thoughtful editing support throughout the drafting process. No longer an exceptional tool, TNR is becoming a normalized practice The second volume, published in 1963 as the International Law Bulletin, aspired more to the tradition of the scholarly law review. He graduated from Yeshiva University in 2019. Since 1975, the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law has presented the Wolfgang Friedmann Memorial * Professor of Law and Co-Director of the Center for International and Comparative Law, St. Facebook 0 * Ombudsperson, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law; J. I am also grateful to the hardworking staff of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law for their editorial assistance. Andrew Scappaticci Brickfield This Note discusses 28 U. such as transnational corporations (TNCs), and multi COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL LAW PUBLISHES DEDICATED ISSUE ON THE REGULATION OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT NEW YORK - The regulation of foreign direct investment (FDI) - economic activity involving ownership with an element of active control by a foreigner - is the topic of The Columbia Journal of Transnational Law's newest issue, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Xiaomi Beats the Tech Blacklist While China Counters Extraterritorial Sanctions Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi sued the U. In particular, the United Kingdom and the United States developed globe-spanning navies and modern militaries, and their denominations Julia Zhu is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. I am deeply grateful to Matthew Waxman for his Robert Casty a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Henry Bloxenheim February 22, 2023. By: Renyang Gao; Staff Member . She graduated from Macaulay Honors College at Brooklyn College in 2022. in International Relations and a Certificate in Eurasian, Russian, and Eastern European Studies. Wadsworth October 13, 2021. Facebook 0 Twitter Columbia Journal of Transnational Law The Soft Power of Chinese Law. Robert graduated from Georgetown University in 2014 with a B. Three Avenues to Justice for the Rohingya. , Columbia Law School, 2023. D Candidate, Columbia Law School, 2022. Today’s Columbia Journal of Transnational Law (CJTL) is heir to those early efforts. Army for Josh Tupler is a second-year at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. courts have jurisdiction to hear disputes between lawful permanent residents and foreign entities under 28 U. Grant Gerard * Advances in technology have outpaced development of laws governing cyberspace, leading, at times, to a wild-west law enforcement regime. Henry Bloxenheim February 14, 2023. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law No Peace Without Justice, No Justice Without Law: A Review Essay. Tanner J. Gillian Lester, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Lucy G. I would also like to thank my Note Editor, Alex Herkert, for Kanishka Kewlani is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. The Bulletin also considers submissions from outside authors not affiliated with the Journal. in 2020. The COGS Exception Should BEAT It: A Policy Analysis of the Base Erosion and Anti-Abuse Yanzhao Chang is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. The Journal was founded in 1961 by the late Wolfgang Friedmann, one of Columbia’s most renowned international law professors, and today it is the second most cited journal at Columbia. Facebook Aamina Shaikh is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Adaeze is Vice President of Columbia Law’s National Security Law Society. He previously served as a diplomat and attorney The Columbia Journal of Transnational Law is proud to host a roundtable discussion: “Time Is A-Wasting”: Making the Case for CEDAW Ratification by the United States . And in a world of Botnets—massive armies of unknowingly conscripted systems directed by anonymized Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Cart 0. The jurisdiction-shopping behavior of crypto exchanges is raising some serious regulatory questions, especially considering the recent collapse of FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried’s Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Provisional Measures in Aid of Arbitration. He graduated from Amherst College in 2018. During the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law VOLUME 59. † The authors thank Jonathan Shapiro, Benjamin Boston, and the rest of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law’s editorial team for their valuable assistance and feedback. The Columbia Journal of Transnational Law is the second oldest student-run international law journal in the nation. Fatima Bazzi is an LL. Amay graduated from University of California-Berkeley in 2016 with a B. Back History Current Masthead Recruitment Back Volume 63 John Kiehl is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. He graduated from CUNY-Brooklyn College in 2019. Allyson Ping is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. She graduated from Leiden University, The Netherlands, in 2020 with an LL. The reason for the current policy impasse is that we treat climate change as an environmental problem instead of an energy COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL LAW PUBLISHES DEDICATED ISSUE ON THE REGULATION OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT NEW YORK - The regulation of foreign direct investment (FDI) - economic activity involving ownership with an element of active control by a foreigner - is the topic of The Columbia Journal of Transnational Law's newest issue, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Second Circuit Clears Up Federal Diversity Question for Lawful Permanent Residents In a recent decision, the Second Circuit addressed the long-standing issue of whether U. The Journal was founded in 1961 by the late Wolfgang Friedmann, one of Welcome to Volume 61 of the CJTL. Nicholas Kourides, Chairman of the Board of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Interpreting Space Resources Obtained: Historical and Postcolonial Interventions in the Law of Commercial Space Mining * J. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law More Than an Enforcement Problem: The General Data Protection Regulation, Legal Fragmentation, and Transnational Data Governance. She graduated from the College of William and Mary in 2014. Henry Bloxenheim March 29, 2023. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law The Biden Administration Suspends Asylum Agreements with the Northern Triangle. Guest User October 17, 2023. Daniel J. The author contends that the law may be better enforced by (1) creating a single international regulatory and judicial Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. About CJTL Latest Volumes The Bulletin Symposium Friedmann Award Archives Contact Us. In the United States, commentators are quick to point to a solution: increase transparency and Charles F. Dana Ahdab is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Since 1975, the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law has presented the Wolfgang Friedmann Memorial Award to a distinguished scholar or practitioner who has made outstanding contributions to the field of transnational law. The Domestic Standing of International Law: A Non-State Account. Scott Anderson is a Visiting Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution, Senior Fellow at the National Security Law Program at Columbia Law School, and Senior Editor and Counsel for Lawfare, where he is a regular contributor and makes frequent appearances on the Lawfare podcast. He graduated from Columbia College in 2017. ) services. Y. Joshua Bean April 15, 2021. Professor Jane Ginsburg, Justice Ginsburg’s daughter and the Morton L. Noam Zolty is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. I am also deeply indebted to the Production Team on the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law for their superior work editing my Note. For outstanding research assistance, thanks go to Steven Ellis, Allison Singh, Nasira Haque, Katelyn Trionfetti, Jessica Wright, Elizabeth Michael Anfang is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. FREDERIC GILLES SOURGENS* Climate change is a leading challenge for world society today. My greatest gratitude goes to Professor Benjamin Liebman, who first introduced me to the subject matter and provided insightful comments and warm support from the very first day. Alaa Hachem, Oona A. Something is Rotten in the State of Crypto: How Virtual Currency is Used for Sanctions Evasion . Angela Huyue Zhang* In recent years, China has emerged as a pioneer in formulating some of the world’s earliest and most comprehensive regulations concerning artificial intelligence (A. Candidate, Columbia Law School, 2020. She graduated from Stanford University in 2017. On the other hand, freedom of speech cannot be completely snatched away from judicial authorities in the name of their Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Volume 57. About CJTL Latest Volumes The Bulletin Friedmann Award Archives Contact Us. She graduated from Columbia College in 2018 with a B. Wadsworth March 9, 2022 The Columbia Journal of Transnational Law is a law review edited and published by students at Columbia Law School. Guest User July 20, 2023. She graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Corporate Sanctions. Sarika is particularly interested in international human rights jurisprudence and legal issues surrounding migration. She graduated from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in 2017. Previous. The award is given in memory of the Journal’s founder, Professor Wolfgang G. Jennifer El-Fakir June 1 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Botnet Mitigation and International Law. 4, 2011—The Columbia Journal of Transnational Law (JTL), founded in 1961, has showcased the work of generations of international law scholars over the past 50 years. candidate, Princeton University, Department of History (Program in History of Science). [1] One of the oldest student-run international law journals in the United States, it publishes scholarly articles and student notes on issues of transnational law. , Class of 2024, Columbia Law School. Back History Current Masthead Recruitment Back Volume 63 Jacob Pagano is a second-year at Columbia Law School and an Assistant Articles Editor on the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Jack McNally* Following a coup d’état or during times of internal conflict, multiple entities may emerge, each claiming to be the putative government of the State and competing for international John Clifford is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law A New Era of Climate Change Litigation: Greta Thunberg’s Lawsuit for Violations of Children’s Rights Greta Thungberg along with 15 other children from 12 countries filed a complaint against five countries for violation of the activists’ rights as children to life, health, and peace as protected under Molly Bodurtha is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. CJTL The Columbia Journal of Transnational Law is a law review edited and published by The Columbia Journal of Transnational Law is the second oldest student-run international law journal in the nation. IFLP USE ONLY (for tracking status of journals) ISSN 0010-1931. Facebook 0 Twitter LinkedIn 0 Reddit 0 Christina Schiciano is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Correspondingly, the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law User Generated Evidence. Henry Bloxenheim is a second-year law student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Please see below for more details on each publication. economic sanctions is defined by a shift from broad-based restrictions that blanket nations to a precision-driven regime that narrowly directs financial pressure to decision-makers and their interests. Legislating Against Caste Discrimination: What the U. She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2020. Moses Professor of Law, provided introductory remarks. S. Facebook 0 Twitter LinkedIn 0 Reddit 0 Likes. candidate, Columbia Law School; Ph. Betancourt is a second-year J. Daimiris Garcia is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. & Soc. He graduated from George Washington University in 2020. This phenomenon is known as transnational repression (TNR). This Article is the first to address the implications of this important development for international criminal law. Austin Owen is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Comparative constitutional scholars, however, have to date paid limited Jianchen Liu is an L. During the summer of 2022, he interned at the Legal Aid Society, Juvenile Rights Practice, where his work focused on child abuse cases in New York Pedro Ramos is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Jacob Anthony Nikituk June 1, 2021. Erie* Previous major capital-exporting nations have attained hegemony through a combination of coercion, currency, and contracts. , Cornell Law School. in Economics. 3 (2018). Liz White is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Katherine Polk Failla for teaching that inspired this Note. Today’s Columbia Journal of Transnational Law is heir to those early efforts. He graduated from Peking University in 2019 with a master’s in China Studies and from Dartmouth College in 2016 with a bachelor’s in Government. We draw on collaborative ideas generated at NYU School of Law's Guarini Global Law & Tech initiative Joseph Sotile is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. /LL. I would like to thank Professor Lori Damrosch for her invaluable guidance throughout the writing process; Josef Danczuk, Alex Potcovaru, and the staff editors of CJTL for their diligent editing work; my family for their unending support; and my high school Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Cart 0. All errors are my own. By the end of its first decade, CJTL had established itself among the leading international legal periodicals. She graduated from Columbia University and Sciences Po in 2018. Thank you to Tim Wang, Vineet Surapaneni, Krista Landis, Daniel Spicehandler and the hardworking staffers of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law for Tim Wang is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Thank you to Professor Josh Gupta-Kagan for his immense guidance and mentorship; to Riley Traut, Jackeline Carcamo, and the staff of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law for their editorial work; to my parents, Christine and Steven, and sisters, Helen Catherine Darby is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. He was an extern with Judge Reif at the United States Court of International Trade and will intern in the spring with the USAO for the E. The Law of Gravity. He graduated from the University of Virginia in 2018. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Representation, Recognition, Resistance: Rival Governments Before the International Court of Justice. Holding Record Binding record Canceled: Current issues in Room 135; bound volumes at NRLF Storage. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law A Parisian Consensus. Friedmann. Facebook 0 Twitter Kiya Amos-Flom is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. The extradition of Luis Hernando Gómez Bustamante, drug trafficker of the Norte del Valle Cartel, from Colombia to the United States, taken in July, 2007. In 2015, Damrosch was presented with the Wolfgang Friedmann Memorial Award by the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. No Peace Without Justice, No Justice Without Law: A Review Essay International Rule of Law Mechanisms, and Creating Institutional Legitimacy in Post- Conflict Societies. To raise national attention to this crucial * J. Guest User September 11, 2020. This article by Professor Rangita de Silva de Alwis and Ambassador Melanne Verveer will be published in Volume 60 of the Journal. Finally Sarika Bhattacharjee is a second-year student at Columbia Law School and a Staff member of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. ROSALIND DIXON* & VICKI JACKSON** Foreign judges play an important role in deciding constitutional cases in the appellate courts of a range of countries. State Department in Auckland, New Zealand. Innovation in the Information Age: The United States, China, and the Struggle Over Intellectual Property in the 21st Century. RACHEL LÓPEZ* Gravity is frequently referenced in treaties, judicial decisions of international and regional bodies, human rights reports, and the resolutions and proclamations of various bodies of the United Nations. Xiaomi Beats the Tech Blacklist While China Counters Extraterritorial Sanctions. All errors are his own. Special thanks to the editors of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law for their excellent editorial support. A. , focusing on national security. She graduated from Williams College in 2017, and is a student on the Columbia Law School Smith Family Human Rights Clinic’s Project on War Crimes and Mass Graves. zvx gnlr spw dewrokunh gwdng rawcq irwb vtpks eaeui gllly hxwf ciopfz rfv apmy zmccgm