Hubdic fs300 manual 체온계는 가족 건강 관리에 필수품 중 하나라고 생각해서 저렴하면서도 성능이 괜찮은 제품으로 구입하게 되었다. And the Gun-Type designing which makes it easier to use even for those with small 韓國hubdic非接觸紅外線體溫計 | 型號fs-300 紅外線 產品特點. alt + / HUBDIC. Tento přístroj používejte v intervalu pracovních teplot 15℃ až 40℃ (59℉ až 104℉). Rp1. 2~3 👉 Hubdic Digital Non contact Infrared Thermometer FS-300 ****Made in Korea**** ****FDA approved**** 🔥Product specification🔥 👉 Measurement Modes : Body,Object 👉 Basic functions Switches for Celsius / Fahrenheit, Memory function, Sound controls (On,Off) 👉 Power Requriement : 3. Rp474. 32 memory spaces. 00 Add to cart; Asante TH58 紅外線耳探 $ 40. Sale. es: Salud y cuidado personal. Termometr bezdotykowy HUBDIC Thermofinder FS300 Opis produktu: Thermofinder FS300 jest termometrem bezdotykowym najnowszej generacji ; Pomiar wykonywany jest z odległości 2-3cm; Wynik pomiaru już w ciągu 2 teploméru výrobce HuBDic Co. Asante TH65 多功能電子體溫計| 紅外線耳探 $ 420. 5'C (93. Thermometer Gun - Thermometer Non Contact Fs300 Hubdic. ปรอทวัดไข้แบบดิจิตอล HUBDIC FS-300 วัดอุณหภูมิทางหน้าผาก ชนิดไม่สัมผัส ทำงานด้วยระบบ Infrared Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Home. HuBDic-Thermoscan FS-300. 9, 39. Harga Rata-Rata Pasaran Hubdic Fs 300 di Indonesia. The options may be chosen on the product page Este documento es el manual de usuario del termómetro infrarrojo sin contacto FS300 de Oricom. Harga thermometer non contact hubdic FS 300. FS300 is intended for use as a measuring device for determining the patient's body temperature. 000. Rp 772. 1~42. 🇰🇷韓國 製造 非接觸式紅外線電子體溫計可更安全量度體溫及物件溫度。可儲存32個結果,槍型設計易於操作。 💥數量有限,售完即止💥 🛍🛒🛍 購買方法:留言+1 之後會有專人🙋‍♀️‍聯絡你📱付款‍💳及送貨🚛安排! Содержание 1. 0. 5 👉 Range(Object) : 15 to 60 👉 Measurable HuBDIC FS-700 Bezkontaktní IR čelní teploměr recenze a specifikace. 主要功能. Nie posiadamy informacji wskazujących, aby podczas stosowania tego wyrobu medycznego wraz z innymi lekami dochodziło do jakichkolwiek interakcji, mających negatywny wpływ na zdrowie. Bisa COD Promo & Diskon Terlengkap Cashback Gratis Ongkir Cicilan 0%. 喺 Hong Kong,Hong Kong 買 HuBDIC 探熱槍 FS300 韓國製. 體溫計獲ce認證; 槍型設計 合法醫療器材資訊網,hubdic hfs-1000 manual,hubdic thermometer fs-300,oricom fs300 review,fs300 non-contact infrared thermometer review,oricom thermometer hfs1000 instructions,oricom hfs1000,hubdic thermometer fs201 manual,oricom nfs100 Top brands. Bezdotykový teploměr pro použití jak ve zdravotnictví tak i v domácnosti. 2ºC (36 ~39ºC) ±0. com. pdf), Text File (. Service manual(FS-300) Microsoft Word - Hubdic FS-300 Briutcare_Rehabmart. Digital Hubdic merupakan alat untuk mengukur suhu tubuh menggunakan sensor infrared, Entdecken Sie alle Informationen zu Fieberthermometer FS300 von der Firma HuBDIC. Features. Fs100 Maintenance Manual - Free ebook download as PDF File (. 휴비딕(HuBDIC) 체온계(FS-300)은 비접촉식으로 피부에 직접적으로 접촉없이 간편하게 빠른 측정이 가능하다. Add to cart Buy Now. asikalkes Tangerang Selatan. 0V (LR03(AAA)x2EA) 👉 Range(Body) : 34 to 42. 6 1408 37400) Thermofinder NON-CONTACT Infrared Thermometer Non-contact infrared thermometer /N IMPORTANT — MEASUREMENT POINT e Aim at the Temple area or behind the ear lobe correctly Temple area Behind the ear lob Incorrect measurement If there Is sweat on the forehead, recommend to measure behind ear lobe. Preview. Saltar a. 5. KOREAN MADE Dapatkan Harga hubdic fs 300 Murah & Terbaru. 99 $55. Razer other → 紅外線體溫計. HuBDIC非接觸紅外線體溫計 型號FS-300 因家人買了同款,新買時試用過一次就無用,連電(無用過) 原價$420 HKTVmall買入 細細部慳位好用 小朋友好啱用 平讓比有需要嘅人 喺 溫度計 度買嘢,傾偈買嘢! Sold as a single piece Contactless, Quick Non-contact Temperature Detection Measurement Distance: 2 to 3cm from the measuring point (temple area) Measurement Range: 34ﹾC to 42. 00 – $ 460. Простой принцип работы รหัสสินค้า: EQ19467 หมวดหมู่: HuBDic, อุปกรณ์เพื่อสุขภาพ, เครื่องวัดอุณหภูมิ ป้ายกำกับ: HuBDic-ThermoScan FS-300, วัดอุณหภูมิ, วัดไข้ Brand: HuBDic خرید ترمومتر (تب سنج) دیجیتال لیزری با پایه هابدیک hubdic مدل FS-300 ، لیست قیمت ترمومتر (تب سنج) دیجیتال لیزری با پایه هابدیک hubdic مدل FS-300 ، ارزانترین قیمت ترمومتر (تب سنج) دیجیتال لیزری با پایه هابدیک hubdic مدل FS-300 ، تخفیف های ESPECIFICACIONES TECNICAS-HUBDIC-FS300 - Free download as PDF File (. Encuentre toda la información del producto: termómetro médico FS300 de la empresa HuBDIC. By clicking Download you are confirming this is the correct document for your purposes and that you agree to our Terms & Conditions. FS-300, Thermometer, Korean Machine. Póngase en contacto con un proveedor o con la empresa matriz directamente para conocer los precios, obtener un presupuesto y descubrir los puntos de venta más cercanos. 1 terjual. 생활온도(분유 및 이유식 온도, 목욕물 온도, 실내온도 등) 측정이 가능하고 Hubdic 紅外線非接觸式體溫計 FS-300 | 閃購價 $399| 鄰住買 Neigbuy | 日日搶好嘢 K03666, HuBDIC, 韓國制造 - FS-300非接觸紅外線體溫槍 溫度計 (一年保養), 非接觸式紅外線電子體溫計可更安全量度體溫及物件溫度。 可儲存32個結果,槍型設計易於操作。 , HKTVmall 香港最大網購平台 مشخصات فنی تب سنج مادون قرمز لیزری با پایه Hubdic مدل FS-300 اندازه‌گیری دما ۳۴ تا ۴۲٫۵ درجه سانتی‌گراد(۹۳٫۲ تا ۱۰۸٫۵ درجه فارنهایت) برای بدن، ۱۵ تا ۶۰ درجه سانتی‌گراد برای اشیاء [hubdic]휴비딕 비접촉체온계 fs-300 상세정보; 품명 및 모델명: 의료기기 허가/신고 번호: 광고 사전심의필: 전기용품 안전인증: 정격전압 / 소비전력: 동일모델 출시년월: 제조자 / 수입자: 제조국: 제품의 사용목적: 제품사용시 주의사항: 크기(용량, 형태포함) 품질 Interakcje Termometr elektr. 2ﹾC) Measuring Time: Less than 2 seconds Memory Function: can store 32 measurements Auto-off (1 Minute) LED Back Light AAA batt hubdic thermometer infrared fs-300. docx Created Date: 4/10/2020 5:07:13 PM はじめに この冊子は HuBDIC 社製、皮膚赤外線体温計 サーモファインダーPro (型式 FS-300)の 取扱説明書です。 説明書を注意深くお読みください。 本書は保証書を兼ねていますので、 HuBDIC Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer FS-300 can measures both body and object temperature contactlessly and safely. cz Инфракрасный термометр hubdic fs-300 – клинически протестированный медицинский прибор Most Quality Forehead Thermometer Is Now Available!! 👉 Superb Stable and Accurate!!! ⭐ Feature⭐ - Quick Non-contact Temperature detection - No probe Filters, No Risk of Virus Transmission - Versatility for General-use of Virus Transmission - Backlight function - LCD display - Automatically powr off ⭐ What Special?⭐ - Measurement Method : Infrared measurement, HUBDIC (รุ่น FS-300) เครื่องวัดอุณหภูมิทางหน้าผาก แบบไม่สัมผัส สินค้าผลิตจากเกาหลี ประกันสินค้า 1 ปีเต็ม!! ทำงานด้วยระบบ Infrared แสดงผลดิจิตอลผ่านหน้าจอ LCD خرید تب سنج مادون قرمز لیزری با پایه hubdic مدل fs-300 ، خرید Hubdic FS-300 Infrared Laser Thermometer ، لیست قیمت تب سنج مادون قرمز لیزری با پایه hubdic مدل fs-300 ، لیست قیمت Hubdic FS-300 Infrared Laser Thermometer ، ارزانترین قیمت تب سنج مادون قرمز لیزری با پایه hubdic Thermometer Hubdic FS300 Non-Contact Infrared. 品 牌: HuBDIC 型 號: FHA-CF-HUFS-300 庫存狀況: 尚有庫存. $23. Next page. 삼성카드를 열심히 사용하는 편이라 포인트가 쭉쭉!! 쌓이고 있는데, 거기서 필요한 것들 주문하거든요 ㅎ HuBDIC韓國紅外線免接觸式額探 FS-300 Home ; HuBDIC韓國紅外線免接觸式額探 FS-300 ; Next product . Data diperbaharui pada 6/3/2025. This will automatically be stored. HK$550. 1usb3. Recomended Thermometer Digital Hubdic Dotory FS100. The product development activities focus on "Human Healthcare" issues and on innavative solutions. ️ 15 hari retur - [SVS-70006-26628] 探測方式:紅外線, 溫度單位:攝氐, 比較 HUBDIC 紅外線非接觸式體溫計 FS-300 價格,查看詳細規格、用家意見、相關情報及二手買賣,安心訂購產品享折扣優惠及購物保障 Most Quality Forehead Thermometer Is Now Available!! 👉 Superb Stable and Accurate!!! ⭐ Feature⭐ - Quick Non-contact Temperature detection - No probe Filters, No Risk of Virus Transmission - Versatility for General-use of Virus Transmission - Backlight function - LCD display - Automatically powr off ⭐ What Special?⭐ - Measurement Method : Infrared measurement, Hubdic FS-300 Contactless Thermometer Hubdic FS-300 Contactless Thermometer Κωδικός Προϊόντος: SKU: {{ sku }}: 00-07-002. 198437). $39. - Teplomër FS300/301 je biomedicíncký ptístroj 3 Jednoduchá pravidla pro použití Pokud cítíte télesnou horkost, piikládáte si ruku na öelo. Manufacturers รับประกัน 1 ปี. 5ﹾC (Accuracy ±0. 0 1409. Dry your hands and make sure all parts of HuBDIC FS-300 is clean before starting to take the temperature. This product is manufactured by. Beli hubdic fs 300 Aman & Garansi Shopee. 4. View and Download Oricom FS300 user manual online. Cara pengukuran sangat mudah (cukup dengan menembakkan infrared pada kening dengan jarak 2-3cm) dan cepat (2 detik). ,LTD Ver. Harga HNA 100 Plus Hubdic Nasal Aspirator Manual Elektric Sedot Ingus. txt) or read book online for free. Aim towards the HuBDIC CO. Tento přístroj je bezdotykovým infračerveným teploměrem. 180. Rp610. FS300 thermometer pdf manual download. 075. Turn on the infrared thermometer. > Thermofinder méFí teplotu bezdotekové, proto je bezpeöný pro métení télesné teploty. Auto Shut Off . Power: DC3V (AAA 1. 집에 체온계가 없어서 삼성카드 포인트몰에서 주문한 비접촉 적외선 체온계 써모파인더!!. 065. Aim towards the temple/behind ear lobe after on-ing FS-300 Read the instruction manual to familiarize yourself with HuBDIC FS-300. Page 1. Sale Sold out Taxes included. Estimasi Harga Hubdic Fs 300 Termurah di Indonesia. Aim towards the temple/behind ear lobe about 2-3cm away. The document outlines the terms and conditions for a home loan agreement between a lender and borrower. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. It takes less than 2 seconds to read the value. HuBDIC FS-700 (ThermoFinder S) je lékařský infračervený digitální bezdotykový teploměr, který je určen pro měření přesné teploty bez kontaktu s pokožkou u dospělých a dětí. 90 EUR Regular price €59. Čtěte pozorně příbalový leták/návod k Promo Thermometer Digital Non-Contact Infrared HUBDIC FS-300 di Tokopedia ∙ Promo Pengguna Baru ∙ Cicilan 0% ∙ Kurir Instan. Check the temperature on the LCD screen. KEMENKES RI AKL 20901413102. Ver. 02 ≈ ¥ 199 《 MLC " Double headed Dragon solid state USB drive tpye-c3. Lifecare collection View all Sale. 紅外線體溫計 主要功能 非接觸式紅外線電子體溫計 可量度體溫、物件表面溫度 量度時不用接觸皮膚,安全衛生 32個記憶儲存 智能慳電功能 單位切換:°C/ °F 具有LCD燈及數碼LCD顯示屏 一年保養 產品優點 體溫計獲CE認証 槍型 HuBDIC Infrared Forehead Thermometer FS-300 Quick Non-contact temperature detection No probe filters - No risk of virus transmission Versatility for General-use Measurements Pocket Size Made in Korea BODY/ FOREHEAD Related products. เป็นอุปกรณ์ใช้วัดอุณหภูมิร่างกายแบบไม่สัมผัส User Manual FS300 Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer FS300 is included as a medical device on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG No. Estimasi Harga Termurah & Termahal Hubdic Fs 300 di Pasaran Indonesia. 00 Select options This product has multiple variants. MANUAL-HUBDIC-FS300. AlwAyS ReAd The lAbel ANd uSeR Guide, uSe oNly AS diRecTed. 5'F) What's in the box: Docking Station, Non-Contact Thermometer, Instruction/User manual, 2x AAA battery - Buy HuBDIC 2 world shipping. 3ºC (34 ~35. 2 - 108. Food Molding Machine. 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Read the instruction manual to familiarize yourself with HuBDIC FS-300. 5ºF) Accuracy: ±0. Teploměr dokáže změřit teplotu bez nežádoucího buzení. Tento bezdotykový teploměr má optický i akustický alarm, který se aktivuje při horečce. Měřicí rozsah 15 - 60°C (okolní teplota) a 34 - 42,5°C (teplota těla). Website +82-31-442-4499. Beli Produk Peralatan Medis Hanya di Alat Medis Jakarta, Cilandak Timur, Kota Jakarta Selatan - Blibli. Diskon Rp20RB. (香港行貨保養)紅外線體溫計主要功能非接觸式紅外線電子體溫計可量度體溫、物件表面溫度量度時不用接觸皮膚,安全衛生32個記憶儲存智能慳電功能單位切換:°C/ °F具有LCD燈及數碼LCD顯示屏一年保養 產品優點體溫計獲CE認証槍型設計易於操作快速量度前額及耳後體溫適合小童及嬰兒使用全體溫計 365일 언제나 휴비딕! 국민 체온계,혈압계,콧물흡입기,안마기까지 아이부터 성인까지 보다 쉽고 편리하게 생활 건강관리를 하는 세상, 휴비딕 Harga TERLENGKAP THERMOMETER NON CONTACT HUBDIC FS 300 KODE 632. Elemen Plat Kawat Pemanas Mesin Press Hand Sealer FS-300 3mm x 30cm. txt) or read online for free. Zdravotnický prostředek. 0~42. 800. HuBDIC Non-contact Infrared Thermometer Model FS-300 quantity. HuBDic-ThermoScan FS-300 can measure temperature on the front. V Battery 2 EA) Measurable Number: More than 5,000 times. 5º The medical care technology of HuBDIC™ and the fragrance of MANE™ are now combined for another level of aromatherapy showering experience. Bisa COD. , Ltd. Beige Pink Blue White Portable Toothbrush UV Sanitizer. -Brand : HuBDIC -Health Sciences Authority (HSA) registered -Stores up to 32 recorded temperatures -°-C/°F conversion -A large backlit LCD display -No probe filter, no contact, no risk of virus transmission -Body temperature: 34. HUBDIC Termometer Digital Inframerah FS-300. Rp591. 5 👉 Range(Object) : 15 to 60 👉 Measurable Microsoft Word - Hubdic FS-300 Briutcare_Rehabmart. Regular price €39. Keep this user guide for future 接觸式/非接觸式:非接觸式, 探測方式:額探, 溫度單位:攝氏度,華氏度, 記憶次數:30, 比較 HUBDIC 非接觸式額溫計 (FS300 升級版) HFS-1000 價格,查看詳細規格、用家意見、相關情報及二手買賣,安心訂購產品享折扣優惠及購物保障 HuBDIC FS-300 Thermofinder - Termómetro digital infrarrojo sin contacto : Amazon. Thermometer Digital Non-Contact Infrared Hubdic FS-300. Rp884. 90 EUR Unit price / per . other → Top types Electric scooters Motor vehicle accessories & components Top brands. FS 700 hubdic非接觸紅外線體溫計 型號fs-300 數量 Add to Quote SKU: HUBD-00001 - (592958/515256) 分類: 產品分類 , 診斷及測量儀器 , 體溫計 , 品牌分類 , HuBDIC 標籤: FS-300 , HUBDIC , Thermometer , 紅外線 , 體溫計 HuBDIC 紅外線多功能體溫計 FS-300 非接觸式體溫計 夜光功能 記憶32次測溫記錄 華氏及攝氏轉換 靜音功能 低電量顯示 多功能測溫,不僅量體溫還可量室溫,水溫及奶溫 自動關機 體積輕巧 韓國製造 BODY/ FOREHEAD Temperature range:34. Produk Serupa. También advierte sobre posibles errores de medición y proporciona ระบบอินฟราเรด hubdic รุ่น fs-300. Gun type designing which makes it easier to use. Service manual(FS-300) P75356, HuBDIC, 非接觸紅外線體溫計 FS-300體溫計 奶瓶溫度計 韓國製造 原裝行貨 一年保養, 韓國品牌 體溫計獲CE認証 槍型設計易於操作 快速量度前額及耳後體溫 適合小童及嬰兒使用 全體溫計不具備玻璃及水銀,用於小童或嬰兒尤其放心 體溫計備自動關機功能,可助省電 準確度高:量度人體,體溫 韓國hubdic非接觸紅外線體溫計 | 型號fs-300 紅外線 產品特點. Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer. Je to proto, že se télesná teplota odráží na محرار الكوري hubdic fs-300 بالامكان قياس درجة الحرارة عن بعد من مسافة 2 الى 3 سم يحتوي على ذاكرة يخزن 32 درجة حرارة سابقة عند اكتمال قياس درجة الحرارة يتم الوميض 3 مرات للضوء اطفاء تلقائي بعد Contents: FS-300 1 Unit, Stand, Manual, 2 AAA Alkaline Batteries. ⁣ MedicalExpo(医疗网上展览会)为您提供医用体温计产品详细信息。规格型号:FS300,公司品牌:HuBDIC。直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。寻找更多国外精选医用体温计产品和供应商采购信息,尽在MedicalExpo。 Termometro Hubdic-oricom Fs300 Guia De Usuario (español) [9od6z8n5yj2y]. pdf. Verifying Close. 0 Custom made USB drive Mac , Huawei backups whole free shipping HuBDIC is actively involved in improving its exsiting products, and in the development of new and innovative items. 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SKU: HUBD-00001 Categories: Health Measuring Instruments, Other Measuring Instruments, Uncategorized Tags: Thermometer, local-pickup-only 기타 브랜드의 [HOT딜][HUBDIC] 휴비딕 체온계 FS-300 상품의 특징, 사이즈, 리뷰, 가격 정보를 확인하세요. HuBDIC韓國紅外線免接觸式額探 FS-300. docx Created Date: 4/10/2020 5:07:13 PM 👉 Hubdic Digital Non contact Infrared Thermometer FS-300 ****Made in Korea**** ****FDA approved**** 🔥Product specification🔥 👉 Measurement Modes : Body,Object 👉 Basic functions Switches for Celsius / Fahrenheit, Memory function, Sound controls (On,Off) 👉 Power Requriement : 3. 【Non-Contact, Accurate Thermometer】The HubiBaby non-contact forehead infrared thermometer has been carefully developed for accurate, safe and fast temperature measurement. 2~108. HuBDIC Non-contact measure, safe and hygiene. Explica cómo usar el termómetro para medir temperaturas corporales y de objetos de manera segura y precisa, incluyendo cómo encenderlo, tomar lecturas, ver mediciones guardadas y cambiar las pilas. please select the destination country and language : 제조사 a/s가 없는 경우에도 유브이넥스 자체적인 1년간 a/s 지원; 판매상품의 대부분에 대해 공인 검교정 가능(추가비용). 99 hubdic‐Global 体温計 サーモファインダーPro FS-300 を詳しく知りたいならまずはココから!取扱説明書・よくあるご質問をはじめとしたメーカー提供情報と、レビュー記事・関連サイト・商品購入サイトを一覧できます。 Beli Thermometer / Termometer Digital Infrared Non Contact HuBDIC FS-300 Terbaru Februari 2025. 90 EUR Sale price €39. HUBDIC. 非接觸式紅外線電子體溫計; 可量度體溫、物件表面溫度; 量度時不用接觸皮膚,安全衛生; 32個記憶儲存; 智能慳電功能; 單位切換:°c/ °f; 具有lcd燈及數碼lcd顯示屏; 產品優點. ,LTD. Can be done without the machine touching the body By holding the device about 2-3 centimeters away from your forehead. Add File Name: HuBDIC - FS-700 Pro Manual Ver 1. . Estimasi Harga YOYbuy has selected 57535 products related to hubdic fs300 manual Customfrom Taobao for you. 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