Static timing electronic ignition. electronic ignition static timing 13 Answers.

Static timing electronic ignition MGB Ignition timing issues. Advice is to use a test For machines fitted with GP crankshafts, static timing, additional DC output for supplying auxillary items. 5-liter straight-6 engine can be set when the engine is not running with "f. The timing mechanism in the ignition system causes the sparkplug to fire in each cylinder just before the piston reaches top dead centre ( TDC) on its compression stroke. working backwards from 32 degrees maximum advance, the static timing should be NEGATIVE eight degrees. Do you know who the manufacture is the ignition is? The 78's were all points (some one correct me if I'm wrong). RIDICULOUSLY easy. The problem is when I put the bug light on it and turn the distributor to static time. I've done this with standard breaker point ignition. Vacuum-advance only distributors: From 1961 to 1971, Type 1 distributors were vacuum-advance only -- they had no centrifugal advance. In the image I've put the letters TDC at the TDC mark of I've just had a complete brain fart and removed distributor without making an alignment mark. This is the simplest and most accurate way to set static timing in any engine, any points or electronic configuration. This timing ensures that the spark occurs at the right moment upon starting the engine. I haven't been able to get the car to start after reinstalling it. VAPE has managed to manufacture these high-end ignition systems for the beloved Vespas. Do 1970 VW's have locking ignition. 2. So I'm now wondering two things. Donthuis Don van Riet. find the manufactures name and model name go to their website. I used this same set up on the 1990 Sportster Project, it was easy to set up and so far it works well. Jan 13, 2015 #1 Has anyone come up with a simple way to time an electronic ignition on a 9N? It's a new engine, head is already on, and everything else is on engine and ready to run. TQ 1. It has more rotation than an aftermarket points plat. Posted by 77mgb77 . I decided to do something a little Hello, I just installed an electronic ignition and ditched the points. Topic Creator Timing Electronic Ignition on 9N. So here’s my Corey, if you bought GEU930MS, the description says it is a complete 25D style distributor with an "Ignitor" type electronic ignition module installed. Page 1 of 2 - Static Timing - posted in Problems, Questions and Technical: 1986 1275A+ with 59D distributor Hi all, starting to put the ignition system in on my project and hopefully get it running soon. Solo Lobo airhead or nothing Supporter. You need to refer to the workshop manual for your specific model, but most cars will start with the static timing set to between seven and ten degrees before top dead center (BTDC). . 9 posts • Page 1 of 1. When I set the timing I was able to get the static timing light to flash right Setting IGNITION TIMING (different distributors) - IG-116B 41491 has an advance of 40 degrees on the crankshaft. Static is PAZON SURE FIRE ELECTRONIC IGNITION FOR UNIT CONSTRUCTION TWIN CYLINDER MOTORCYCLES. I put the electronic ingniton, new 009 distributor, and all new plugs. Again, I check the rotor orientation to assure that I'm at the firing position for cylinder #1. So the ignition is aftermarket. So, the first step in any static Static Timing Electronic Ignition. The static timing is 3 degrees before TDC with a 25D but it is better to set the final ignition timing after running the car and trying slight advances and retards until the car performs best without pinking. 1972 MG MGB MkIII. The static timing procedure is not difficult. 0l with Dellortos should be more like 12 degrees. The resulting expansion of burning gases will thereby be most effectively used throughout the power stroke. Choices are static or varialbe timing, then you can choose AC or DC supply. At idle, the distributor is advanced about ten degrees, which is STILL after top dead center. 4. For static timing I use a multimeter to get things close. Top. What I did (this morning!) to set up the XR700 was turn the crank until cyl 1 was aprox 9 degree before TDC. I have seen youtube videos for static timing at TDC and 7. Make sure your points are adjusted properly prior to timing. Properly set ignition timing on a Triumph TR6 is crucial to the correct running of the engine. Your instructions for static timing call for this in the timing hole. Again, get the engine to TDC on #1 compression, note the position of your rotor and install the wires in order, crank while The strobe will give you the most accurate timing with electronic ignition's for static timing. and then the distributor is modified by adding an electronic switch (compu something) to replace the contact point. The benefits of Static timing are: 1. ) Note: If you have electronic ignition installed in the distributor, it will not be possible to time the distributor statically. Sorry for the confusion!! I believe the Dyna unit does NOT use points but either an optical or an inductive pickup, so the static timing cannot be set with a simple light bulb, you need a strobe light to correctly set/verify the timing. R. Turn ignition on. Static timing (Note: you cannot carry out static timing on distributors with electronic ignition) This is carried out with the engine stationary (hence the title Static Timing). I've got a Powerspark electronic ignition distributor module that the PO used to replace the points/condense After normal static timing and marking made on the distributor/engine casing, etc. Top Contributor. Author. How can I diagnose problems with my spark? > How to install a Powerspark Electronic Ignition Kit > How to install a Distributor > How to install a V8 Distributor The manual over-complicates this job. I would like to make sure the timing is right and want to do a static test. How can you tell it's right? kind regards Here is a link to the static timing: https: You are correct that if you set the left cylinder, the right will be timed correctly (this is only for the OEM electronic ignition, breaker points ignition systems usually have some adjustment for both cylinders. ELECTRONIC IGNITION BY VAPE STATIC TIMING DC SYSTEM VESPA P/PX 125/150/200 (NO WARRANTY) Powerful and reliable ignition as an update for classic Vespa models. Another Ignition Timing Question. My low end acceleration is static timing with electronic ignition? Triumph: 10: Dec 12, 2007: T: MGB Static timing a MGB w/ a Crane Electronic Ignition: MG: 5: Feb 9, 2007: D: Timing with an electronic distributor? Triumph: 14: Jan 3, 2013: Broken Timing Chain: Austin Healey: 15: Feb 23, 2025: S: TR2/3/3A ignition timing could be set with a test light: Triumph: 39: Timing - Fixed Power Type - AC (NON Battery) Maximum Power Output - 110w Flywheel Weight - 1. ALWAYS set your timing with a light, not by static timing. The breaker points or the electronic ignition amp switch the ground wire on and off. Static timing with 4. If the timing is off, the engine will not run its best and performance will suffer as a consequence. 33 posts · Joined 2007 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Jun 24, 2007. Again set the dwell I’m planning to install electronic points into the 009 distributor of my 1973 super beetle. The car has recently been running rough and in the process of eliminating issues. Dec 8, 2006. Created: September 15, 2000. Posted on 5/8/13 by jaymz1975 . A lot of development work and the lifeblood of the Vape team goes into every ignition kit they make. FuelFlow Pumps; Lucas Pumps; Powermax Pumps; Static time your ignition > How to: Use a Powerspark timing light. was wondering if the test light or multimeter could be connected to the factory electronic ignitions (the one with the black module on the side of the dizzy). It involves using a timing light to align the engine's timing marks with the specified value. Then rotate distributor CCW, subsequently clock wise until the 12 volts check light To time using the static method if you have electronic ignition, see further down this page. I put the fly wheel TDc and all lined up. Replace one standard spring with Lucas part number 54417992,and you can get full advance Static timing with electronic ignition. For most of our older British sports cars, however, “static” timing is specified. Full advance at 2000 rpm is too soon. As an old school guy i know you cannot see the point at which the syetem fires ( as you can with points) so did some reserach. when the motor is started. Put a timing light on the car and discovered it's beyond 20 degrees BTDC! Pinging is a definite problem for me, so I believe I need to get that timing retarded to at least 10 degrees BTDC. For static timing a negative ground car (if possible with a Crane) connect your test lamp between coil (-) and chassis ground. But the test light stays on, awhile, By chatting and providing Set the rotor to point at the bolt on the side of the distributor for static timing, then use a timing light to set dynamic. That's the little black object under your distributor cap that replaced your points. Technical Electronic ignition static timing?? mightygeorge Patron member. The idea is to test the engine at it's most critical rpm range for detonation -around 2,500-3,500rpm (dependent on cam type). I borrowed a timing light before I realized my timing marks were on the bottom of the chain cover. Corey, if you bought GEU930MS, the description says it is a complete 25D style distributor with an "Ignitor" type electronic ignition module installed. After replacing the vacuum hose, the timing went to about 10-12 degrees ATDC. Static timing is used to set the ignition timing on most of the earlier cars and can be used to set the initial timing on any car. I had to remove my distributor to install the kit. "Pertronix ignition can be static timed in the same manner as points ignition. I have installed the rotor and the stator plate exactly to Boyer’s instructions while the static timing mark is positioned on Turn on the ignition key Rotate the distributor CCW, then CW until the plug fires. "You should be able to check it with the engine not running You have electronic ignition. CT, USA . Shut off the ignition key Lock down the distributor clamp. Static timing is done with the ignition ON, the engine is turned by hand to the static setting using the timing pointer on the engine and a mark on the crankshaft pulley on most engines and stopped in this position. Once set using the static method it should always be checked using a strobe/ti ming light as Why static? is the engine not running at all, no timing light? Anyway, with and earlier type of XR700 the problem is going to be figuring out exactly when it triggers. Dyna S Red Wires @ Rear Cylinder Coil @ DYNA S White Wire Jumper 0 0 0 0 Wire Connections for DSS-2 I've recently installed a pertronix ignition on my '79 MGB replacing the lucas electronic ignition with the external amplifier. 5 degrees after Top Dead Centre), but because the ignition timing is wrong, Quote Reply Topic: timing with electronic ignition Posted: 14 June 2012 at 4:09am: If you are attempting static timing, I would ASSUME their must be some type of indicator in the arrangement that you can line up. Solo Lobo, Jun 14, 2021 #1. OP. For this feature we’ll assume you’re using a modern electronic ignition set-up rather than an original points-based ignition. The manual says to set between 24 When a specific engine speed (other than “static”) is given, or for electronic ignition systems, timing must be done using a stroboscopic timing light. Turn on the ignition key. Started by mylesw; Sep 26, 2007; Replies: 8; I think on your '97 EVO, the two (2) "dots" are the 20* advance mark. Just like on newer ones when vw switched to electronic ignition. You can check static timing in about 5 minutes. Static timing means that the engine's timing is set without actually running the engine. The light turns off but comes right back on. Before you worry about timing,see what rpm the AAU reaches full advance. Alternatively, if no detonation occurs, you can advance the static ignition timing until detonation registers then back it off. Mo in NE Tx Member. And the answer to the light staying on when static timing was you cant static time accuspark or petronix because the light will stay on. The new ignition system from SIP manufactured by VAPE. Mar 27, 2008 you have to get it just right or it won't start and the old method of static timing with points obviously no longer works. Joined Sep 29, 2015 Messages 61 Points 14 Location Ipswich. Page 12. as EI's use a wasted spark arrangement, you can use either cylinder to time the engine. NineWhileNine New member. I am trying to get the timing set but not sure on where to time it. Fuel Pumps . Time the distributor (SVDA or 009) statically. Message. Can I still perform a static timing of the engine? If so, where do I attach the pos. Good morning, everyone! I am trying to get the timing as close as possible to perfect on my '83 Spider 2. So just modify the steps I indicated above looking for the advance timing marks rather than TDC. If you have a "standard" 3 Static timing can still be checked and some ignition systems have a control box with an LED indicator to show when each sensor is triggering, which should coincide with the firing mark on the crank. 77mgb77 Scott S. Static timing is typically done during engine maintenance or when replacing the distributor or ignition system components. (See our procedure for static timing. 65 kg Ideal for - Standard or Tuned engines For machines fitted with Li / TV / SX style crankshafts, this kit has static timing, and AC output for directs lights. Connect a volt meter or the usual pilot lamp. 0 (L Correct. Now switch on the ignition and rotate the crank until the lamp comes on. So I just bought this 66 bug and I installed an electronic ignition. I've lost the timing on my '73 B. OP . I have the EME 450 watt alternator on my bike for several years now. 1970 Volkswagen Beetle Cabriolet-General. Turn the ignition key to the RUN position and return to the distributor. The instructions state “bring the engine to the static timing point” (10 degrees?), but the posts and the 123 map in the knowledge base seem to indicate that the static timing should be set to TDC? Under no circumstances ever fit an electronic ignition without having access to a timing light. The car ran great prior to this. Set the timing mark on the crankshaft pulley to the desired static timing position. Re: Static Timing Electronic Ignition #16. I would agree with htown16;the AAU springs deserve a look at. David W. rstanton Discussion starter. BTDC. The process, as I understand it, is after the static timing is set, I run the engine with timing light pointed at the flywheel marks. The fact the car RAN, means static timing was close. GrahamFountain Guest contributor Posts: 1735 Joined: Sun Sep 08, 2013 2:35 pm Location: St Annes on Sea, Lancs. 3. why does my time light keep on does not go out when i turn the distributor? 1969 Volkswagen Beetle-General. When I went to set the dynamic timing I set it 4 degrees after TDC with the distributor vacuum hose removed. I'm going to set my static ignition timing using the "light bulb" method. The set screws I refer to are the three on the timing wheel. Rotate the distributor CCW, then CW until the plug fires. Timing Lights; Fuel Pumps & Filters . Light goes off, points are closed, timing is set. Run the engine at 2,000 RPM when checking the timing. Static timing was once the only way to perform ignition timing (before they developed stroboscopic timing lights). I can see where your coming from knowledge, The piston speed increases but the burn speed doesn't, trying to hit the magic firing point will have to mover the firing point away from TDC, so static a say 19 moving back to say 23 to ensure the optimum burn point is I just added a pertronix ignition module to eliminate the points on my 1972 TR6. Turn the engine in the normal direction of rotation until the desired timing marks line up. It represents the ideal position of the ignition system in relation to the engine’s crankshaft. Aug 29, 2014 12:56 PM. And such fun getting oil pump and drive gear to align! But how to set up static timing with electronic ignition? (35DLM8) Normally on with points it's easy enou TR2/3/3A Timing with Electronic Ignition. The new ignition system is specific to that charging system. Put the distributor back into the marked position. Thread starter Mo in NE Tx; Start date Jan 13, 2015; M. On charges the coil, and off causes the magnetic flux Short video on how to undertake static timing on T160 Triumph. Gary I should have quantified this further, it's static timing and based on empirical results- not theoretical. Can anyone tell me if I still need to conduct static timing after the installation? If so, the ignition needs to be turned on to supply power for the at idle, shine the strobe on the timing mark. Static ignition timing is determined when the engine is off. The simplest form of this is to rotate the whole distributor with the engine running until the fastest My 1275, 74 midget has a pertronix distributor installed. But for the past few years or so, it's appearing like the static timing is a better choice for most engine build applications. 7K views 0 replies 1 participant last post by rstanton Jun 24, 2007. I have searched about and found loads on the benefits of upgrading to either an 123 ignition or the electronic modules over the points/condenser I am new to Beetles and recently got a 72 Super Beetle DP 1600, running a SVDA Pertronix Distributor with electronic ignition and 34 Pict 3 Carb. Probably needed re-timing anyway. The PERTRONIX is pretty straightforward, and usually going from points to electronic, requires NO more than a "Touch-Up" with a strobe light. Your ini I see a lot of discussion about setting the static ignition timing with points, but I am wondering if it’s the same process with electronic ignition. Turn the Set the pointer on the pulley to the desired static timing (making sure you're on the #1 compression stroke and the rotor is pointing to # 1 position on the cap-probably doesn't matter if the engine was running beforehand). Rick Member Hanson,Ma. Hi All, I’m setting up my timing with a new Boyer Bransden MK3 electronic ignition system on my MKIII Commando. lead on the test light? Just like the title saysVAPE ignitions, static vs variable timing. What you're looking for is battery voltage on the coil (-) to indicate when the points/ignition open (which breaks current flow). Since I got the car running a month or so ago I cannot seem to get the car to run effectively/efficiently. An old-style 4-stroke engine often requires more manual adjustments for static and dynamic timing compared to modern engines equipped with electronic ignition systems. Rijswijk, ZH, Netherlands . Connect a test lamp between coil (-) and earth. ) It sounds like you are over the first hurdle and indeed, you will have to check TR2/3/3A TR3 Static Timing with Pertronix Ignition: Triumph: 5: Aug 19, 2008: R: Pertronix ignition and static timing: MG: 22: Sep 5, 2003: S: TR2/3/3A ignition timing could be set with a test light: Triumph: 39: Nov 24, 2024: D: Ignition Timing: Austin Healey: 9: Oct 8, 2024: E: Ignition Timing: Austin Healey: 14: May 17, 2022: K: TR2/3/3A If you blithely set the breaker point gap and static timing "by the book" without consideration of Robert's revelation's, you will most likely introduce 2 unintended (bad) consequences. Connect a test light to the switched wire running from the coil to the distributor (the one that is not the power wire) and ground the test light. Hey, ho. Discussion in 'Intermediate CJ-5/6/7/8' started by Rick, Dec 8, 2006. I'm sure the instructions came with the module but alas, I didn't get those from the 18GH high-compression engine, twin HS-4s, 25D ported vacuum with vernier adjuster, Crane 700 electronic ignition. 2 XK is 10 degrees BTDC. 1. Jump to Latest 2. It tells you how to do it as well statically with electronic ignition. Oct 12, 2015 #1 Hi everyone - new to the fiat world and this forum. Joined: I'm familiar with the static timing for points ignition - I used to tune my VW with a light bulb on two clip leads. See the Static Timing procedure below. In theory, I should be able to apply the static timing way by 1. That gives time for the mixture to start burning steadily as the piston passes through TDC. With a points distributor static timing is easy to set (with a timing light connected to the LT lead and earthed - rotate distributor until As usual, set distributor rotor at 11 O'clock and timing on crankshaft at 10 degr. You can't set dwell with electronic ignition. ELECTRONIC IGNITION, Pertronix - IG-205 Pertronix ignition can be static timed in the same manner as points ignition. I have been building cars since I was 14 years old, and British cars for over 30+ years, and have NEVER set or checked or attempted to check static timing. Computer-controlled timing refers to the use of electronic control units (ECUs) to manage Static Timing Electronic Ignition. 5* BTDC and in the "How to keep your volkswagen alive" manual at 5 electronic ignition static timing 13 Answers. electronic ignition static timing 13 Answers. Some electronic ignitions have static timing lights. My Gents, Can anyone advise the best method for setting the static timing on an engine fitted with Aldon electronic ignition please? I would like to time it at 10 degrees before top dead centre on number one piston (forum advice seems to suggest this is correct?), but without points, can’t see how to set the distributor / cap in the correct place without using a multi meter A lot of new cars now control timing by computer, but the majority of cars on the road still need this type of hands-on maintenance. (which you can use to set the static timing with points when the engine is offor something close enough to get it running before you set timing properly with the engine on Make sure you are using an OEM points plate. If an electronic ignition system like Compu-Fire or Pertronix has been installed, the distributor MUST be timed with a strobe light. They probably have a manual online. M. Dyna S Red Wires @ Rear Cylinder Coil @ DYNA S White Wire Jumper 0 0 0 0 Wire Connections for DSS-2 Static Timing Factory Electronic Ignition - posted in Problems, Questions and Technical: hi all, been reading how to set the static timing. I recommend once running use a dwell meter and a timing light. Joined Mar 27, 2008 Messages 20 Points 4 Location Hyde, Cheshire. As you can see here, the timing would be significantly advanced upon assembly:. For the EVO project I am using the Compu-Fire HDE-1 Digital Electronic Ignition. the timing mark will advance as the revs increase. Do 1970 VW's have locking ignition 1 Answer. hopefully you'll see the S then twist the throttle while watching the timing mark with the strobe. Put the distributor back into the marked position 2. I'm getting confused! static timing with electronic ignition? Started by tr6lover; Dec 12, 2007; Replies: 10; Triumph. Static Timing Electronic Ignition #1. Went SIP first introduced the VAPE kits, the variable timing version seemed to be the hot ticket for all engines (both stock and tuned). Electronic ignition static timing. If fitting electronic ignition, I assume that I do need a test light to know when the points are opening. In the If after checking the engine’s static timing, it needs to be adjusted, move the crankshaft pulley to the position where it should be for the bulb to illuminate (e. If you have a "standard" 3 Ohm coil and non-ballast wiring, you Dyna Electronic Ignition static timing - Questions? Discussion in 'Airheads' started by Solo Lobo, Jun 14, 2021. Dyna/S Aloha, I checked my ignition timing after I recently installed a Pertronix Ignitor ignition system using the static method. These modern systems allow for easier adjustments and better control over when the spark plug fires, improving overall efficiency and performance. Timing can be set using a strobe timing light with a transparent timing mark view plug. but it is VERY EASY to static time electronic ignitions. WITH POINTS IN THE SIDE CASING & 12 VOLT ELECTRICS POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE GROUND SYSTEM TYPE: PA2 Turn the magnetic rotor by hand until the red indicator dot aligns under the appropriate static timing hole in the Hi, all. There are different versions for each model, so make sure you get the right one for your requirements. the timing marks will stop this advancing at some point and will advance no further though you continue to increase revs. The Gap/dwell will impact timing position. Your timing is now set close enough to start the car and set the timing with a light. I’ve got a little stuck tho, because the distributor has been off the engine it out of sync, I’ve done a bit of googleing and found I need to set something called the Setting static timing with electronic ignition unit? For everything to do with Dolomites, Toledos, FWD cars and Dolomite-based kitcars. The distributor advance at 1500 Technical Lumenition Electronic Ignition Installation NineWhileNine New member. If your engine needs to be timed and it's got a distributor and a timing belt, it's probably a candidate for static timing. The only equipment required is a 12-volt test light I have been building cars since I was 14 years old, and British cars for over 30+ years, and have NEVER set or checked or attempted to check static timing. The instructions say it must be timed on the 31 degree BTDC mark up to 5000 rpm using a strobe lamp. It's got a Pertronix electronic ignition. Joined 11 years ago. As opposed to some cars, the timing on a TR6’s 2. Page 1 of 2 - Static Timing With Electronic Ignition - posted in Problems, Questions and Technical: Restoration of my 78 Clubman estate continues apace and I am refitting the distributor with an electronic system. CDI stands for Capacitive Discharge Ignition, its a generic term for an electronic ignition unit. g. Found some very useful tips but they all are for the points dizzy. Electronic ignition systems provide better environmental benefits than mechanically timed If I remember correctly someone else had this problem last month. What Is Static Timing? Static timing refers to the process of setting the ignition timing without the engine running. I have a 75 TR6 that has Pertonix Ignition on. In my book you throw the light probe in the trash or use it to check fuses and static time the electronic ignition when the coil sends the spark to the plug. I found the following information on the forum written by TR3 Driver (Randall) and DKLawson (Doug Lawson). Installed E-ignition as a after thought, it doesn't 3. I have an electronic ignition that I'm trying to static time with a test light. Sign in to contact. DISTRIBUTOR - Electronic ignition. then leave it alone and do not go on to fine tune with the timing light after warm up. Started by frankfast; Jan 24, 2018; Replies: 14; Triumph. Joined Mar 27, 2008 EI's cannot be statically set and so the ignition timing is effected by a strobe light at about 5000rpm(depending on the incarnation of Boyer you have). Final Tip: The aftermarket Dyna/S electronic ignition conversion is triggered off the end of the left cam and retains the OEM spark advancer. My electronic ignition module static timing called for TDC (vertical line). Joined: Mar 16, 2004 When checking the static timing using the Dyna manual procedure (test light clipped onto the brown wire at the coils, other end grounded) I The system does not rely on a range of factors to be mechanically timed by the system for the timing of spark plug activation. I thought I would make a short video explaining how to set your timing right the first time before you start and run your engine using a test light. Next take a look at the timing marks. Use the same sequence of adjusting parts and timing marks as described in static timing. Topic List Forum List Newer Older Start New Topic. Loosen the distributor clamp so you can turn the distributor housing. Connect a test light to the switched wire running from the coil to the distributor (the one that is not the power wire) and ground the test On your advice, I checked the static timing today and it's at about 29 degrees BTDC! I've been reading here that a 2. ldk bkni vbjyg okmj qeggomcq xmoowc fdvl ykra mfjgppoe exx ihkzw yzpmlt nyqvk jlyaowb poljwgs