Wd discovery login. dmg 설치를 더블클릭합니다.
Wd discovery login See other posts re Share Link creation etc over the last 18 hours. I did add this on the end of another post but it was from January and wasn’t sure if people would see it. Steps for Windows Quit WD Discovery Turn on show hidden files and folder. To factory reset and delete all the content, users, and the owner of the device use the Reset button on the My Cloud Home device. When an app is “unverified,” it has not fully completed the OAuth app verification. View the Use of Third-Party Software or Websites disclaimer. I talked with Oh come on. Please help. smb://guest:guest@MYCLOUD-XXXXXX/Public * Finally i found the way to log in with credentials, it’s simple but not intuitive at all: 1- Select the folder 2- Click the Icon, then the credentials windows apears, introduce credentials, simply as name, password, avoid to introduce WD Discovery 將自動更新並重新啟動 更新 WD Discovery 之前或之後可能需要重新啟動才能完成該過程。選擇更新過程後出現的提示 現在重啟Restart Now 沒有網路連接更新 重要: 要在沒有網路連接或網路訪問受限的環境 Security Checkup Security Checkup might show your app as risky and unverified. WD Discovery for MCH desktop support ended in June, 2023 but you don’t need it for local. May I There is a new way to log into My Cloud Home, My Cloud OS 5, and WD Cloud devices using Western Digital Account. After first instalation was all good, but after update WD Discovery to version 2. Also, My WD Discovery is showing “Login Service Not Available” when trying to login to my account/device through there. Shared with My Cloud By clicking the "Sign In" button, you agree to Western Digital's Privacy Statement and Terms of Use. In the first few months, the WD Discovery app would always be signed in but over the last month or so I have to log in each time I need to access my drive. 5. Thanks, Joe We use cookies and web tracking technologies on this site for various purposes, including to enhance site performance, personalize your experience, and deliver interest-based ads. I can access the Public network share and my Plex server is working fine. Receive free 2-day shipping (UPS) on purchases $100 or more Scarica e installa la versione completa di WD Discovery per gestire unità esterne come My Passport, My Book, WD Elements e altre. I can access the My Cloud Home via Windows Explorer from all PC’s (only the Public Folder). Is there anyway I can set it to automatically login as well? There is not any way to auto login on computer startup. Version: 5. I installed it in windows 10 . WARNUNG! Bitte verbinden Sie den Computer mit einer „uneingeschränkten“ Internetverbindung, um die Funktionen von WD Discovery und der My Cloud Home Desktop-App nutzen zu können. Buenas. I’m confirmed that my credential is correct. It is VERY WD Discovery bietet Zugriff auf andere Funktionen und zukünftige Updates. Still can access the drive through the website, so drive works. Western Digital Support cannot help with third-party software or hardware. every time I tried to log in with his laptop it keeps Installed WD Discovery at my PC, but I can’t login. Pour une liste des disques WD pris en charge par WD Backup, veuillez vous référer à Réponse ID 8163 Liste des disques pris en charge disques par WD Backup Hola! Actualmente tengo un My Cloud Home de 2tb y he instalado la aplicación de Windows WD Discovery y ahora tengo un problema y es que la aplicación me gestiona a parte del My Cloud Home, los dispositivos usb y al navegar por el explorador de archivos por el usb ahora se ralentiza, incluso se queda pillado la cuestión es que si desinstalo WD Discovery Konto wegen verdächtigem Login-Verhalten anstelle von konsekutiven Login-Versuchen gesperrt Die E-Mail zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts, zum Vergessen des Passworts, zum Entsperren des Kontos oder zur Einladung wurde möglicherweise in einen anderen Ordner oder an einen anderen Ort weitergeleitet und gefiltert. com page. I’ve tried WiFi and LAN cable, reset the cloud home, but still the same. Thema Antwort ID Titel Information 17596 Ansammlung der WD Discovery Protokolldateien Information 18199 Ansammeln und I am able to login to my dashboard just fine, but when I go into the Smartware and select My Cloud, it asks me for a user name and password and never did before. But I have 64 bit system. Пакет установит WD Discovery, WD Drive Utilities, Universal Firmware Updater и Find detailed answers to your support questions for your Western Digital products. None of the user names and passwords I have tried will let me in. Not sure since when when i sign in the WD Discovery, i get the message saying “My Cloud is having trouble connecting to the server. 618 (01/21/2025) Import Failure Fix Important security update and fixes Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements. Learn how to increase the log levels on WD Discovery to get more detailed information. Einführung Das Dashboard auf einem My Cloud-Gerät ermöglicht einem Benutzer den Eine vollständige Liste der für WD Discovery erforderlichen Internetressourcen finden Sie unter Antwort-ID 3795: WD Discovery: Meldung „Keine Internetverbindung“. I can’t access my MCH anymore. I don’t know what it is asking for 🙁 Steps to Resolve WD Discovery OneDrive Third-Party App Login Message "Microsoft account doesn't exist" Information and details about by the Microsoft account doesn't exist appears when using OneDrive with WD Discovery and how to fix it. The dialog box says: User Account Control Do you want to allow this app to WD Discovery application has been working until the last Windows 10 update (I think) and the app logout. This article explains how to use install and use WD Security and WD Drive Utilities features. Ensure the internet is used for access to other WD apps and software. Answer ID 22060: WD Discovery: Cloud Apps Do Not Import All Files and Folders Answer ID 22055: WD Discovery: Cloud Apps Login Screen Different or Blurred Answer ID 18530: WD Discovery: 3rd Party App Google Drive Cannot Create a Google Account ID risposta 1502: Applicazioni WD, SO, Sistemi File e Lingue Supportate dal WD Discovery ID risposta 9003: WD Discovery: app di terze parti importa contenuti da Cloud Storage o account di social media ID risposta 17854: Come disinstallare e rimuovere WD I have been using this wd my home cloud over a year now with my laptop. Now there are just the new WD Discovery and 我在中国,我的Mac端的WD discovery 也不能用,一样的问题。 Related topics Topic Replies Views Activity Unable to connect locally (WD Discovery, login service unavailable) My Cloud Home Single Bay 22 9608 Finden Sie detaillierte Antworten auf Ihre Supportfragen für Ihr Western Digital-, SanDisk-, WD_BLACK- oder WD-Speicherprodukt. User has the ability to opt in or opt out of that option. I can I cannot log in to WD Discovery and use the device on my mac after the latest program update. So connection should not para enrutadores de terceros. Click Gear icon. Need more help? Microsoft Article 14201: Show hidden files How could I connect to my Home Duo using WD Discovery desktop interface? I bought a new MBP, installed WD Discovery, entered Email and Password, but the message of “Login Service Unavailable” pops all the time Checked with Customer Service, no better. I have a Win 10 64 bit. My only need was to move files between the top level folders without having datas pass through my computer (some of them are public, some other aren’t). I have Windows 10 64bit. ” it happens on both my Mac and PC, however my phone can access the drive through My Cloud with no problem. can access all files, create new folder Learn how to increase the log levels on WD Discovery to get more detailed information. The problem is that the software keep saying “password error” while I’m 100% sure the password is correct Hello, I just purchased a My Cloud Home. 508. WD Discovery consente di accedere ad altre funzionalità e aggiornamenti futuri. Asegúrate de que se utiliza Internet para acceder a otras aplicaciones y software de WD. WD-Support Downloads Knowledge Base Produktregistrierung Garantieservices Answer ID 5497: Steps to Collect WD Discovery Logs on Windows and macOS Answer ID 24068: Steps to Increase Levels and Collect WD Discovery Software Log Answer ID 28897: Steps to Fix WD Discovery Windows 10 and 11 IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR 5. Laptop upgraded to Win 11, Desktop running Windows 10 and a new Desktop PC Running Windows 11. However the other user gets a dialog box very soon after login (whether or not using a different sign-in to WD: I’ve tried both). When I click on the ‘sign in’ button and enter the email and password, all I get is a little spinning circle and thats it. But the problem is when i try to login to service always says “wrong email or password” I don’t put wrong credentials because i can login from the website . Forgot Password? Not a member? Enter your account email address to receive an email Now you can login in WD Discovery again and you can access to MyCloud Home device as an external unit, as always. Version: 4. Paragon driver offerings for Windows and MAC clients. it said “Login service unavailable” but i have no problem to login on my phone and the web. Details Answer ID 22055 Published 08/20/2018 03:07 AM Updated 01/14/2025 08:36 AM Related Answers External Drives Not Listed When Importing from Google Drive and OneDrive in WD Discovery on Learn how to increase the log levels on WD Discovery to get more detailed information. Check your internet connection and try again. Paragon NTFS+ on Mac for WD drives (My Passport and My Book) Paragon HFS+ on Windows for WD Mac용 WD Discovery 다운로드 WD_Discovery_for_Mac. Both my Android app and WD Discovery da acceso a otras características y futuras actualizaciones. Answer ID 22055: Steps to Resolve WD Discovery Social Media and Cloud App Login Screen Different or Blurry Answer ID 18530: Learn Why WD Discovery Google Drive Third-Party App Cannot Create a Google Account Answer ID 22057: Learn About WD WD Discovery – MyCloud. macOS 사용자 암호 를 입력하고 확인 을 클릭한 후 설치가 완료될 때까지 기다립니다 애플 메뉴 모음에서 WD 아이콘을 클릭하여 ID risposta 1502: Applicazioni WD, SO, Sistemi File e Lingue Supportate dal WD Discovery ID risposta 9003: WD Discovery: app di terze parti importa contenuti da Cloud Storage o account di social media ID risposta 17854: Come disinstallare e rimuovere WD WD Mac용 WD Discovery 다운로드 WD_Discovery_for_Mac. © 2025 Western Digital 嘗試在Windows作業系統上使用WD Discovery登錄My Cloud Home時會顯示以下消息。 “My Cloud無法正常啟動” WD Discovery軟體可以安裝在x86(32位)和x86_64(64位 Your Western Digital account enables you to sign in to Western Digital services. I have 3 PC’s. Depending on the sensitivity of the data being requested, verification might WD Discovery 将自动更新并重新启动 更新 WD Discovery 之前或之后可能需要重新启动才能完成该过程。选择更新过程后出现的提示 现在重启Restart Now 没有网络连接更新 重要: 要在没有网络连接或网络访问受限的环境 Hi ! I have WD My Cloud Home some 3 weeks. I dont get any errors. i login with wd discovery account and it automatically mapped itself as a drive letter “z” but I was unable to login with my friend’s laptop with the same account, I thought it is an operating issue but we both are using windows 10 pro with licenses. I made a new user and try with the new data but still the same issue . I have a my clould home duo. Using My Pour des instructions pas à pas sur la façon d'installer et de lancer WD Discovery sur Windows et Mac, veuillez vous référer à ID de réponse 10607: Téléchargement du guide de l'utilisateur du logiciel WD Discovery et instructions. It still works fine on web, on mobile, on my old laptop. The WD Discovery app is set to run on my laptop startup. But, after restarting the WD discovery app, I get the message “Login service unavailable”. 지금 설치를 클릭합니다. WD Discovery es una aplicación de WD que le permite: Administre sus dispositivos Hello everyone, I have installed WD Access as WD MyCloud software os not available anymore. What ever i do says “wrong email or password” WD Discovery Cloud Apps Login Screen Different or Blurred Solução 18243 WD Discovery OneDrive App Cannot Create a Onedrive Account Solução 18213 WD Discovery Google Drive App Cannot Create a Google Account Solução 18216 WD Discovery Social Install WD Discovery for Mac WD Drive Utilities für Mac WD Security für Mac Produkt-Firmware Produkt * Besuchen Sie die Produktseite, wenn Ihr Produkt oben nicht aufgeführt ist. I have problem to login my cloud home duo on Window 10 with WD Discovery. I can see the My Cloud Home in Network via Windows Explorer from all PC’s. 1. macOS 사용자 암호 를 입력하고 확인 을 클릭한 후 설치가 완료될 때까지 기다립니다 애플 메뉴 모음에서 WD 아이콘을 클릭하여 Silent update for WD Discovery and Desktop App. Cada vez que inicio Windows debo escribir dos veces mi contraseña de administrador para que el programa se ejecute. It was working fine yesterday, I was able to access all my files, but today I get the above noted message. Desperated. Need more help? Microsoft Article 14201: Show hidden files Start WD Discovery. 描述 嘗試在Windows作業系統上使用WD Discovery登錄My Cloud Home時會顯示以下消息。 “My Cloud無法正常啟動” WD Discovery軟體可以安裝在x86(32位)和x86_64(64位元)電腦上。 WD Discovery軟體中包含的My Cloud Home Desktop應用程式 無法安裝在x86(32位元)電腦上。 Answer ID 22055: Steps to Resolve WD Discovery Social Media and Cloud App Login Screen Different or Blurry Answer ID 18530: Learn Why WD Discovery Google Drive Third-Party App Cannot Create a Google Account Answer ID 22057: Learn About WD WD Backup, WD Drive Utilities, WD Security et WD Drive Firmware Updater disponibles dans WD Discovery NE prennent PAS en charge les périphériques USB Sandisk, G-Tech ou non WD. Desde hace poco que tengo un WD My Cloud Home, y me sorprenden varias cosas que no sé si es que algo tengo mal configurado o si esto funciona así. I think I am missing something. and This is My PC App Windows Pic. com-Login-Desktop-App Auf die öffentliche My Cloud Home-Freigabe kann auf macOS-Computern mit Samba (SMB) zugegriffen werden. Now it’s the new version of WD Discovery that cannot connect as well. Now when I try to sign in it stays trying (the Sign in button is disabled and the circle is moving) but never finishes. I have installed My Cloud Home successfully on my own username, and set up both users to access the Z: drive. com Web app. This account provides greater security and a more consistent experience when accessing Western WD Discovery - 日志位置 Windows WD Discovery 软件日志 启动 WD Discovery 然后前往 导航菜单(喇叭旁边的三个横条) 单击应用程序屏幕右下角的 退出 按钮。 按下 Control+Alt+Delete 进入任务管理器。 结束 Finden Sie detaillierte Antworten auf Ihre Supportfragen für Ihr Western Digital-, SanDisk-, WD_BLACK- oder WD-Speicherprodukt. Any suggestions? I cannot log in to WD Discovery and use the device on my mac after the latest program Answer ID 22055: Steps to Resolve WD Discovery Social Media and Cloud App Login Screen Different or Blurry Answer ID 18530: Learn Why WD Discovery Google Drive Third-Party App Cannot Create a Google Account Answer ID 22057: Learn About WD Найдите подробные ответы на вопросы службы поддержки для своих устройств хранения данных Western Digital, SanDisk, WD_BLACK или WD. To summarize: No TM backups anymore, no access via mobile app, no access via Mac desktop. Windows 10 Pro 2004, ver 19041. Answer ID 22055: Steps to Resolve WD Discovery Social Media and Cloud App Login Screen Different or Blurry Answer ID 18530: Learn Why WD Discovery Google Drive Third-Party App Cannot Create a Google Account Answer ID 22057: Learn About WD Find detailed answers to your support questions for your Western Digital, SanDisk, WD_BLACK, or WD storage product. The Learn how to increase the log levels on WD Discovery to get more detailed information. You can try to make your computer to remember Open WD Discovery. The drive and all the software were working just fine until today morning, suddenly there’s a message saying “login service unavailable” on 啟動 WD Discovery 然後前往 導航功能表(喇叭旁的三個橫條) 按一下應用程式螢幕右下角的 從Apple 菜單中按一下Go,按下並按住Option 鍵。 按一下Library 前往日誌 然後收集(WDEnhancedDiscovery. Remove any older version of the software from Windows or macOS first. Cómo instalar WD Discovery (Guía del usuario en línea de WD Discovery) Acceso a los datos 28762 Descargue e instale la versión completa de WD Discovery Acceso a los datos 2802 Descargue e instale WD Discovery WD Mac용 WD Discovery 다운로드 WD_Discovery_for_Mac. © 2025 Western Digital Sign in to your Western Digital support account. dmg 설치를 더블클릭합니다. Details Answer ID 13880 Published 08/20/2018 01:58 AM Updated 01/16/2025 09:44 Related Answers Install and Use WD Security and WD Drive Utilities Ensure WD Discovery is not running when getting software logs. This Login Button Doesn’t Show. Need more help? Answer ID 24068: Steps to Increase Levels and Collect WD Answer ID 22060: WD Discovery: Cloud Apps Do Not Import All Files and Folders Answer ID 22055: WD Discovery: Cloud Apps Login Screen Different or Blurred Answer ID 18530: WD Discovery: 3rd Party App Google Drive Cannot Create a Google Account I have purchased a my Cloud Home and downloaded the WD Discovery but I cant seem to get it to work. Setup, Connect, Safe Connection and Disconnection, Basic Usage, Safety Tips, Operating System Compatibility, Backup Software, Diagnostic Software, WD Discovery, WD I am trying to use the WD Smartware Pro, but it keeps asking me to “Enter Log in Credentials To connect to” I have tried my name and password for my “MY CLOUD” and even for my windows 8 computer, and Home group password. How can I solve this Problem. After I try again it just says offline. I have no access to all the files I’ve uploaded over the years, even though there’s only one local user. As I said, I use the hard drive for backing up my MacBook via Time capsule but I am continually getting I can log into MyCloud Home via Explorer, but I don’t see any files. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of Find the right software for your WD, Western Digital, SanDisk, or WD_BLACK device. Si el enrutador fue suministrado por un Internet Service Provider (ISP), comuníquese con ellos para obtener asistencia. Check the status of your warranty, product registration, and support tickets. 508 Good job and WD MCH support should have troubleshooted this problem and provided support on I own a WD My Cloud Home and I use it for backing up my MacBook as well as storing back up files. By clicking "Continue", you agree to Western Digital's Privacy Statement. Raise the log levels in WD Discovery to access more detailed information. WD Discovery can see the my ‘My Cloud’ products and I can use the online app to login and see Hi, As an importer of this product I have a problem with a customer. Experience the joy of having all your content organized in one central place that’s completely under your control and accessible from anywhere. ) 如何從Mac Hello guys , I have a problem with wd discovery . Find detailed answers to your support questions for your Western Digital products. I can access all other folders using WD Information and details about by the Microsoft account doesn't exist appears when using OneDrive with WD Discovery and how to fix it. Sign in to your My Cloud, My Cloud Mirror or My Cloud NAS device. Probablemente sean permisos de Windows, los cuales no me haría mucha gracia L'opzione Log o Sign In è grigia in WD Discovery Desktop App 10390 Il computer non supporta l'accesso a My Cloud Home App Desktop 21774 WD Discovery Desktop Sign In "My Cloud Didn't Start Properly" App Desktop 12/5/2021 - 5:07 PM Hi, I am getting “403 Forbidden” when clicking on the “Sign Into My Cloud Home” from the mycloud. Entfernen Sie zunächst alle älteren Versionen der Software von Windows oder macOS. I have a PC with 2 users, me and my wife. Consulte el manual del usuario del enrutador o comuníquese con el fabricante del enrutador para obtener asistencia. I can access it through File Explorer and that is working fine, I can access it through mobile apps, is there a desktop where I can assign permissions and such, It said to go to WD and download WD Discovery, I did, It is running but My Cloud is not showing up on it, , my other external drive I bought new PC and installed WD Discovery, but it can’t login, nonstop loading there forever. Download and access additional features on your personal storage device. WD Drive Utilities features the ability to: Run drive diagnostics Manage RAID configuration (For RAID supported models) Erase and format drive Answer ID 22060: WD Discovery: Cloud Apps Do Not Import All Files and Folders Answer ID 22055: WD Discovery: Cloud Apps Login Screen Different or Blurred Answer ID 18530: WD Discovery: 3rd Party App Google Drive Cannot Create a Google Account Sign In Email Address Password Remember Me Forgot Password? Change Password This site uses cookies. The sign button is unable I try WD Discovery uninstall and again install, but without result. Thank you, but I had already found that post in the community and Experience the joy of having all your content organized in one central place that’s completely under your control and accessible from anywhere. Windows: Ordnen Sie ein WD Network Drive unter Windows 10 und 11 zu Software, Firmware und Treiber für WD-Produkte herunterladen My Cloud Home: Ende des Supports für die WD Discovery-Desktop-App So I have a 4Tb My Cloud Home. log, 等. @Green75 the missing Sign In for MCH means the Desktop App Can not sign in via wd discovery My Cloud OS 3 1 1204 December 28, 2017 cloud shows Off LINE My Cloud Home Single Bay 1 287 May 31, 2020 Wd discovery nightmare WDBVXC0030HWT-EESN My Cloud Home Single Bay 8 766 April 23 1 May 30 Home WD Discovery gives access to other features and future updates. Elimina cualquier versión anterior del software de Windows o macOS primero. - Now you can login in WD Discovery again and you can access to MyCloud Home device as an external unit, as always. Sign into the Cloud service account. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Internet für den Zugriff auf andere WD-Apps und -Software verwendet wird. Version: 5 iam facing this issue when i try to login on WD discovery on windows 10 Login Service unavailable WD Servers / Software have a fault. Even earlier today it was working without needing to login. 420 (19/10/2023) My Cloud Home Entfernung aus WD Discovery – der Zugriff auf My Cloud Home kann über Mobil- und Finden Sie detaillierte Antworten auf Ihre Supportfragen für Ihr Western Digital-, SanDisk-, WD_BLACK- oder WD-Speicherprodukt. I read some topis, and I know that is problem with 32 bit system. No login into WD Discovery on Mac My Cloud Home Single Bay 1 282 July 2, 2022 Cannot log in to WD Discovery after upgrade My Cloud Home Single Bay 1 320 April 5, 2020 Cannot Sign in WD Discovery My Cloud Home Duo 4 607 April 20 My Cloud Home 2 Antwort-ID 18273: WD Discovery: Unterstützte WD-Apps, Betriebssysteme, Dateisysteme und Sprachen Antwort-ID 11845: WD Discovery: Drittanbieter-App Inhalte aus Cloud-Speicher oder Social-Media-Konto importieren Antwort-ID 19536: Schritte zum You can delete multiple files and folders from the My Cloud Home device using the Mobile app and MyCloud. With one account, our digital storage ecosystem is at your fingertips. 332 i dont sign in to my device. *END WD Discovery gives access to other features and future updates. Ok, mobile app finally let me log in. macOS 사용자 암호 를 입력하고 확인 을 클릭한 후 설치가 완료될 때까지 기다립니다 애플 메뉴 .
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