Pinal county family court forms Mailing Address: PO Box 2730, Florence, AZ 85132 Superior Court of Pinal County P. This brief guide provides some very basic information to help you understand the proceedings. Offices & Departments. ) [ ] The value of this case exceeds $10,000 dollars. Pinal County also contracts with private attorneys to provide services to the accused who cannot afford to hire an attorney. Mailing Address: PO Box 2730, Florence, AZ 85132 Listed online are the Pinal County Policies and Procedures along with the Merit Rules governing our workplace. 28. 45 Bereavement Leave (PDF) 7. Board of Supervisors. For 11 to 25 exhibits – allow six (6) working/court/business days prior to court date/use of exhibits. Division of community property and allocation of debts. Page 2 of 3 DO_DWC_COSCPinal_02. Petition to Establish Legal Pinal County Family Court Forms – If you require county court forms, there are numerous possibilities. To change your name in the state of Pinal County, you must fill up name change form PS-12. Your case will be reviewed to ensure it meets all requirements and you will be contacted by Conciliation Court to schedule a Default Hearing. 30. The court will require the original form. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us. Mail a copy to the other party (and to their attorney, if applicable). Find a Lawyer; Ask a Lawyer ; Research the Law; Justia › Forms › Arizona › Local County › Pinal › Superior Court › Affidavit Of Succession For Transfer Of Real Property Title Family Law Forms; Landlord Tenant Forms; Power of Attorney CONTACT US Superior Court of Pinal County. [ ] Fees for service of process by a sheriff, marshal Pinal County Adult Probation is committed to serving the community by working with clients placed on probation in Pinal County. DONE IN OPEN COURT THIS day of 20 Pinal County Justice Courts, Arizona . Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us Arizona Revised Statutes and the Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure list additional procedures and requirements. Effective September 8, 1992 and pursuant to Superior Court (Pinal County), Administrative Order No. You are encouraged to visit a Law Library for general guidance. Pinal County Family court accepts name change petitions for almost any legitimate reason. 15 Use only most current version INSTRUCTIONS . 18 Use only most current version PROCEDURES How to File a Response with the Court for Dissolution of a Non-Covenant Marriage (Divorce) – With Minor Children STEP 1: Complete the forms – TYPE OR PRINT IN BLACK INK DO NOT INCLUDE your address if you are filing a “Request for Protected Address” Pinal County currently has a public defender office that has a number of attorneys on staff. In reviewing the decision of the justice of the peace or hearing officer, the Superior Court judge will review the audio or transcript of the hearing. A subpoena duces tecum is a legal order requiring: 1. COVID-19, Flu Find out how to defer court fees. 40 Family Medical Leave (PDF) 7. Jury Department / Login. In a divorce or paternity case, you may be referred to an Expedited Differentiated Case Management The Respondent must file 3 documents and mail a copy to the other party: Response, Parenting Plan, and Parent's Worksheet. Phone: 520-866-5466 Email: Seth Holmes Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm, closed on Holidays Family Court - Consent Decree You may use the Ecourt system to prepare these forms or you can find them on the Pinal County Clerk of the Superior Court Court Forms page. This Family Services of Conciliation Court/Law Library Resource Center Resources and programs related to Conciliation. Child support. For more information, court customers may contact the public defender’s office at 520-866-7199. Subscribed and sworn or affirmed and acknowledged before me this date: . How to fill out pre trial statement pinal county form How to fill out AZ DRPTS16f. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us Free Arizona Legal Forms - Court Forms & Government Forms 119 Forms found in Arizona — Superior Court — Pinal — Local County — Page 1 of 3. As stated in the Decree of Dissolution signed on If child support or spousal support is ordered through a divorce, custody or paternity case and is not being enforced by the DES Division of Child Support Services, your case is a Non IV-D case. There is a fee to file for annulment. AZ 85132 Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us Superior Court of Pinal County P. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 Superior Court of Pinal County P. Court Interpreters. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us Page 1 of 2 DO_RWC_COSCPinal_02. Learn about the various courts of Pinal County. 18 Sensitive Data Form 8. Get started now! How to edit AFDC: customize forms online. This packet contains court forms and instructions about how to respond to a “Petition for 2 Representing Yourself in Family Court 2 3 Procedures: How to File a Response with the Court 1 4 “Response to Petition for Dissolution of Marriage without For more information, you should go to the Pinal County Superior Court website (www The document provides instructions and forms for filing a Petition for Emergency Legal Decision-Making in Pinal County, Arizona. ) Superior Court of Pinal County P. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us Pinal County Adult Probation is committed to serving the community by working with clients placed on probation in Pinal County. If your county is listed, the link provided will send you to the accepted legal decision making and parenting plans (custody) for your location. Family Advocacy Centers. 12 Use only most current version 1. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us Superior Court Law Library 971 Jason Lopez Circle, Bldg. Conciliation Court in Pinal County . Mailing Address: PO Box 2730, Florence, AZ 85132 Physical Address: 971 North Jason Lopez Circle Building A, Florence, AZ 85132. (Click the Family Court, then Divorce with Children. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA PINAL COUNTY CASE NUMBER: Name of Petitioner ORDER TO DISMISS Name of Respondent HONORABLE: This matter having come before the Court on Stipulation of the parties, and good cause shown, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED this matter is dismissed without prejudice. No need to install software, just go to DocHub, and sign up instantly and for free. Download the following forms and fill them out entirely: Petition for Dissolution without Minor Children (Form must be signed in front of Notary Public) Sensitive Data Sheet (PDF) Family Pinal County Family Court Forms – If you require county court forms, there are numerous possibilities. Certification for Serious Injury Illness of a Current Service Member--For Military Family Leave - WH 385 (PDF) Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. If your county is not listed, contact your superior court location to see if they accept forms from another county. Juvenile Court Services Casa Grande Justice Court Copper Corridor Justice Court Pioneer Justice Court A motion can be filed by either party and is a request asking the court to take a specific action or to issue a ruling or order. (NOTARY PUBLIC) Title: Microsoft Word - Acceptance of Service Author: rstandlee Created Date: 3/28/2012 8:54:25 AM In this section, you'll find downloadable forms such as victim impact statements, surveys, and other valuable documents. Defendant(s) Attorney Name / Address /Phone: Plaintiff: Defendant: A. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us AZCourtHelp offers information about the court system, links to self-help resources by topic, form assistance by topic, a court finder, answers to frequently asked questions, a glossary of legal terms, information about protective orders and eviction, links to court calendars and sources of case records, notifications of upcoming legal talks and clinics, a live chat with a law librarian, Superior Court of Pinal County P. Pinal County Clerk of the Court Superior Court of Pinal County P. Mailing Address: PO Box 2730, Florence, AZ 85132 Family Law. A 2nd Floor Florence, AZ 85132 . Family Court Cover Sheet Form. Phone: 520-866-5400 Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. Guardianship of an Adult is obtained when a person wishing to be the Guardian of an Adult files a Petition for Guardianship with the court and the Judge rules to appoint the Guardian. 7 . Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us This packet can be obtained at the Clerk of Superior Court's forms page. You may wish to have a copy and you will need a copy for each party. Pinal County 31 N Pinal Street Florence, AZ 85132. Get pinal county family court forms eSigned straight from your mobile device following these 6 steps: Superior Court of Pinal County P. Juvenile Court Services PINAL COUNTY . b. DR11f ; Summons . In the fall of 2024, the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS) mailed letters to parents who once had an open dependecy and/or severance case. Listing of Pinal County elected and appointed officials and organization chart. R. REQUEST FOR CONTINUANCE . They are divided by county and state. Click here to access our fee schedule. 18 Use only most current version PROCEDURES How to File a Response with the Court for Dissolution of a Non-Covenant Marriage (Divorce) – without Minor Children STEP 1: Complete the forms – TYPE OR PRINT IN BLACK INK DO NOT INCLUDE your address if you are filing a “Request for Protected Address” Superior Court of Pinal County P. Physical Address: 971 North Jason Lopez Circle Building A, Florence, AZ 85132. d. The forms must be filled out in their entirety and with accuracy. Conciliation Court in Pinal County Superior Court of Pinal County P. 92-15, the Superior Court requires that a "Cover Sheet", which categorizes the cause of action, accompany any new action filed with the Superior Court in Pinal County. 2. Crime Victim Compensation Program Crime Victim Compensation Application (PDF) Superior Court of Pinal County P. Court Forms ; Justice Courts ; Home; Quick Links; Adult Probation - Additional Resources Family Court - Child Support & Enforcement . After submitting the form, if you are not contacted within five business days, please call 520-866-7387 or 520-866-7349. September 2, 2021 Page 1 AOCCV10F-092921 The Superior Court in County has the legal authority to hear and decide this case because: (Check all boxes that are true. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us Make a statement to the court at any proceeding in which the court considers the release of the defendant, a change of plea or the sentencing ARS 13-4407 & 8-387 (notice of terms and conditions of release), 13-4428 & 8-407 (Victim’s discretion; form of statement) & 13-4426. Skip to Main Content. Find a Lawyer; Ask a Lawyer ; Research the Law; Justia › Forms › Arizona › Local County › Pinal › Superior Court › Application And Affidavit For Default And Entry Of Default Family Law Forms; Landlord Tenant Forms; Power of Attorney Pinal Superior Court location information. 4. It outlines the process for submitting emergency documents, including filing fees, required paperwork, SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA PINAL COUNTY CASE NUMBER: (Name of Petitioner) ACCEPTANCE OF SERVICE COUNTY OF PINAL )ss. Mailing Address: PO Box 2730, Florence, AZ 85132 Family Court Cover Sheet. Please complete both forms in black ink only. Medical Forensic Services. The Judge will decide these issues based on the evidence presented during the trial. Log In Sign Up. Complete the AFDC, indicate the most significant details, and effortlessly make any other essential changes to its content. The Justice Courts address minor cases, perform marriages, grant licenses, and more. • Sign the motion form. After submitting the form, if you are not Family Court Request for Default Your case will be reviewed to ensure it meets all requirements and you will be contacted by Conciliation Court to schedule a Default Physical Address: 971 North Jason Lopez Circle Building A, Florence, AZ 85132. Pinal County Guardianship Forms are legal documents that are used in Pinal County, Arizona, to establish guardianships for individuals who are unable to care for themselves. Case Number: Name / Address /Phone. Edit, sign, and share pinal county guardianship forms online. The Pinal County local number is 520-251-5900. When a motion is filed, the opposing party may be given an opportunity (10 business days) to respond or object prior to the judge’s PINAL COUNTY INSTRUCTIONS AND FORMS Provided as a Public Service by REBECCA PADILLA Clerk of the Superior Court. Juvenile Court Services Arizona Revised Statutes and the Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure list additional procedures and requirements. Make a Physical Address: 971 North Jason Lopez Circle Building A, Florence, AZ 85132. S. Child Support Calculator ; Foster Care Review Board (FCRB) Jury Service Completing the Forms If you have trouble completing the forms located on this website, you may wish to consult with an attorney. Once forms are completed, date and sign the form. 95 Strategic Planning and Performance Measurement (PDF) 7. The production or documents, records or objects, or 2. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us Superior Court of Pinal County P. Glossary of Terms Superior Court of Pinal County P. Box 1748 971 N Jason Lopez Circle, Building Arizona Revised Statutes and the Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure list additional procedures and requirements. Gather all necessary personal and financial information. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. O. § 22-515. Development Services. Pinal County Name Change Forms. 18 Use only most current version Parenting time (what time each parent will spend with the children). Pinal County Justice Courts, State of Arizona . Specifically, Rule request the fee(s) be deferred or waived. Request for Court Records. 5. Judges. - Justia Forms. REQUEST FOR A PROTECTED ADDRESS. 7. Proceedings in Family Court Proceedings in Family Court follow the Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure. PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE THIS FORM WITH CASES THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN FILED. The Arizona Judicial Branch is pleased to offer Public Access to Court Case Information, a valuable online service providing a resource for information about court cases from 153 out of 180 courts in Arizona. After dating and signing the form, you will make a copy of both the motion and order to continue for your records and Superior Court of Pinal County P. Page 1 of 1 Subpoena _How to Complete_COSCPinal_09. This is a Arizona form and can be use in Pinal Local County. This SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA PINAL COUNTY Regarding the Matter of: CASE NUMBER: DO2 (Name of Petitioner / Plaintiff) NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL (Name of Respondent / Defendant) HONORABLE: Petitioner, appearing propria persona, hereby gives notice of voluntarily dismissing the above-captioned matter. 01 & 13-4426 (Sentencing). Pinal County Superior Court - Apache Junction Satellite Office 575 North Idaho Road Suite 515 Apache Junction, AZ 85119 Phone: (480) 982-2921 Phone: (480) 982-3992. Court Forms. In a divorce or paternity case, you may be referred to an Expedited Differentiated Case Management Conference, Mediation, Family Assessment, or a Settlement Conference (sometimes called an Alternative Dispute Resolution or “ADR”). The Clerk of the Superior Court has the necessary forms to ask for a CONTACT US Superior Court of Pinal County. 50 Sick Leave (PDF) PINAL COUNTY How to Get a Decree by Default with or without a Hearing (The Clerk of the Court does not carry this form, you must speak to an attorney or paralegal to draft this document for you) • The Decree of Dissolution of Marriage and the Decree of Legal Separation are available on our website in the “Family Law” section under The clerk’s office does not prepare the form. Offices & Superior Court of Pinal County P. Justice Courts. c. For 26 to 60 exhibits allow ten– (10) working/court/business days prior to court date/use of exhibits. • Write in the information requested about the petitioner, respondent and any children under the age of 18. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us Physical Address: 971 North Jason Lopez Circle Building A, Florence, AZ 85132. This is a popular alternative for people who choose to represent themselves in court but would like to have an attorney Page 3 of 3 DO_SCP _COSCPinal_04. Infectious Disease Epidemiology Surveillance. Legal advice is dependent upon the specific circumstances of each situation. Page 1 of 1 DO_ELDM_COSCPinal_02. Edit pretrial statement maricopa county family court form. This Court Forms ; Justice Courts ; Home; Form Center; Form Center. These forms are required by the Pinal County Superior Court and must be completed and filed by individuals seeking guardianship over a minor or an incapacitated adult. SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA PINAL COUNTY In the Matter of: Name of Applicant CASE NUMBER: S1100CV2 APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF NAME FOR AN ADULT HONORABLE: STATEMENTS TO THE COURT, UNDER OATH 1. Page 1 of 1 DeferralApp_COSCPinal_01. Box 1748 971 N Jason Lopez Circle, Building A Florence. INFORMATION ABOUT ME, THE APPLICANT Name on Birth Certificate or Current Legal Name: Address: Date of Birth: Place This is a Arizona form and can be use in Pinal Local County. Can't Find What You're Looking for? Get help finding the information you need. 2) Complete the forms and then make copies of the Answer form. Court order support/maintenance payments not enforced by the State please contact your local Clerk’s Office. Search Forms by: Enter Search Terms Select a Category Search. HOW TO COMPLETE THE SUBPOENA A subpoena is a legal order summoning a witness to testify or submit evidence. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311 Family & Medical Leave Forms . The information on this website is not legal advice. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us PINAL COUNTY Instructions and Forms Provided as a Public Service by REBECCA PADILLA Clerk of the Superior Court. Add and replace text, insert new objects, rearrange pages, add watermarks and page numbers, and more. Pinal County Superior Court does not carry forms for annulment; however, a party can prepare one’s own forms, or the party may seek the help of an Reset Form Arizona Superior Court, Pinal County Family Court Cover Sheet CASE NUMBERS1100DO2JudgeATLAS NUMBER(S) PETITIONERS NAME AND ADDRESS Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone Number: Email Address:. Additional Issues If Your Case Involves a Divorce: Spousal maintenance. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us weeks prior to your court hearing. Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form. HOW TO . Take full advantage of our powerful online document editor while preparing your forms. Superior Court of Pinal County P. Family Services of Conciliation Court/Law Library Resource Center Resources and programs related to Conciliation. 85 Pinal County Historic 1891 Courthouse Meeting Facility Use Policy (PDF) 1. Please Note: **For family units with more than 8 members add $687 for each additional member at the 150% level, $802 at the 175% level, $917 at the 200% level and $1,031 For that reason, the airSlate SignNow online application is a must-have for completing and putting your signature on pinal county sheriff forms on the move. Region courtroom paperwork will help you in showing your Superior Court of Pinal County P. Civil Court. Box 1748 971 N Jason Lopez Circle, Building A Florence, AZ 85132. Office of the Clerk of the Court Find Forms and other resources for making Court filings, Marriage Licenses, Superior Court of Pinal County P. Helpful Links. Print Form : Author: Arizona Supreme Court Created Date: Cases decided in the Pinal County Justice Court can be appealed to the Pinal County Superior Court, with the exception of Small Claims cases. Find forms from Pinal Superior Court. Region courtroom paperwork will help you in showing your circumstance whether you are dealing with eviction or repossession. 01. View a list of Family Court forms including how to start a new case for divorce, legal separation annulment, paternity, child support, or modify a court order, enforce a court order, and other frequently used forms for Family Court cases in Maricopa County. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us PINAL COUNTY FORMS Provided as a Public Service by Rebecca Padilla Clerk of the Superior Court . Quick Links. Family Court Cover Sheet 9. Pinal County Superior Court - Copper Court Forms ; Justice Courts ; Home; Quick Links; Family Court - Child Support & Enforcement . There is a Maricopa County Superior Court order for legal decisionmaking- or Family Department/Sensitive Data Sheet in cases with children - DO NOT COPY 1 ; 6 . • If you have another existing Pinal County Family Court Case in which you and the Defendant are a party to, PLEASE notify the court so that additional file is I have listed my address on the Address to be Protected form for court use. 25 certified copy of a temporary order in a family court case or a final order, judgment, or decree in all civil proceedings. These forms can also be found on the Clerk of Superior Court's Legal Decision-Making and Parenting Time Forms for the state of Arizona. If your county is not listed, use state forms. You may contact the Pinal County Clerk of the Superior Court Child Support/Spousal Support Department at 520-866-5321. Boards and Commissions. There is a fee at the clerk’s office for the issuance of a subpoena. CASE NUMBER: ( ) - ( ) - You may also obtain an answer form from the Form section of the Pinal County Justice Courts website at A family member or a friend may not represent someone in justice court unless the family Please contact your case manager at the Department of Child Support Services. Mailing Address: PO Box 2730, Florence, AZ 85132 For 10 exhibits or less allow three (3) working/court/business days prior to court date/use of – exhibit(s). 27. Pinal County Superior Court does not carry forms for annulment; however, a party can prepare one’s own forms, or the party may seek the help of an Superior Court of Pinal County P. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us Family & Medical Leave Forms . File (or mail) the original form with the court clerk and pay the applicable answer fee. Download the Application for Deferral or Waiver of Court Fees and Costs and complete the form in its entirety. Mailing Address: PO Box 2730, Florence, AZ 85132 Here you will find required postings, public notices from various departments within Pinal County. A-Z listing of all Pinal County departments and offices. P. This packet contains court forms about the filing of an affidavit to claim real property; SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA IN PINAL COUNTY AFFIDAVIT OF SUCCESSION FOR TRANSFER OF REAL ($18,000), exempt property ($7,000) or family allowance ($12,000) by intestate succession as the sole heir or heirs, or by devise under a valid last Will of the Arizona Revised Statutes and the Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure list additional procedures and requirements. The Library District provides assistance in the form of materials, current technologies, and professional services to all public libraries in Pinal County. Pinal County Superior Court does not carry forms for annulment; however, a party can prepare one’s own forms, or the party may seek the help of an SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA PINAL COUNTY Regarding the Matter of: CASE NUMBER: Name of Petitioner MOTIONS FOR QUALIFIED DOMESTIC RELATIONS ORDER AND Name of Respondent HONORABLE: Petitioner / Respondent hereby submit the Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) for signature. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us Find information on various applications and forms from the Community Development Department. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us To request a default hearing, please submit the Decree Assistance Project Form. Within just minutes, get an digital document with a legally-binding signature. 3. Mailing Address: PO Box 2730, Florence, AZ 85132 While Atticus automatically provides the latest forms, be sure to choose the correct version of Form Instructions: Affidavit Of Succession For Transfer Of Real Property (Pinal) f using any other site or resource in order to avoid having to re Proceedings in Family Court Proceedings in Family Court follow the Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure. Government. By signing in or creating an Superior Court of Pinal County P. Complete the form and then make copies. Find a Lawyer; Ask a Lawyer ; Research the Law; Justia › Forms › Arizona › Local County › Pinal › Superior Court › Certificate Of Compulsory Arbitration Family Law Forms; Landlord Tenant Forms; Power of Attorney Forms; REPRESENTING YOURSELF IN FAMILY COURT It is not easy to represent yourself in Family Court, but many people do it for financial and other reasons. Explain why you failed to appear and the legal reason why the Judgment should be set aside / vacated. The party wanting the subpoena needs to prepare the form and have it issued by the clerk’s office and make arrangements to have it served. 2 . New Case: Most court forms can be filed electronically (eFile), and some forms in this packet may Superior Court of Pinal County P. Make a statement to the court at any proceeding in which the court considers the release of the defendant, a change of plea or the sentencing ARS 13-4407 & 8-387 (notice of terms and conditions of release), 13-4428 & 8-407 (Victim’s discretion; form of statement) & 13-4426. It does not tell you everything about family law or family court, and it is no substitute for understanding The prospective guardian does not need to be a family member. Pinal County Superior Court does not carry forms for annulment; however, a party can prepare one’s own forms, or the party may seek the help of an Effective September 8, 1992 and pursuant to Superior Court (Pinal County), Administrative Order No. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us (ALL FORMS: TYPE OR PRINT IN BLACK INK) FAMILY COURT COVER SHEET • The Family Court Cover Sheet is REQUIRED to be completed and filed in Pinal County. 19. Pinal County Superior Court - Casa Grande Satellite Office 820 East Cottonwood Lane Building F1 Casa Grande, AZ 85122 Phone: (520) 866-7409. Mailing Address: PO Box 2730, Florence, AZ 85132 You may use these forms in this packet if You are the natural or adoptive parent of the minor child(ren), AND You are not legally married to the other parent, AND Paternity has already Proceedings in Family Court follow the Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure. 1. Plaintiff(s) Name / Address /Phone. Publication must been done in the county were the case originated: This method requires that a copy of the “Summons” be published in a newspaper of general circulation in Pinal County once a week for four consecutive weeks. Marriage Licenses. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us USE THE FORMS AND INSTRUCTIONS in this packet only if the following factors apply to your situation: You want to have the court appoint a guardian and/or conservator for an adult; AND The adult lives in Pinal County; AND A doctor has said or will say that the adult needs a guardian. Page 1 of 2 DO_RWC_COSCPinal_03. Also, the law may vary from state-to-state or county-to-county, so that some information in this website may not be correct for your situation. Information about when a Guardian is needed: FORMS Needed: 1) Civil Answer Form 2) Information for Filing and Defending a Civil Case INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Review the information for Filing and Defending a Civil Case. Pinal County Superior Court currently has a subpoena packet (PDF) available. For Pinal County Superior Court cases please contact the Support Department at 520-866-5321. We make completing any Pinal County Family Court Forms more straightforward. • DO NOT INCLUDE MAILING ADDRESS ON THIS FORM IF REQUESTING PINAL COUNTY HOW TO APPLY TO BE THE PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF AN ESTATE typically family members, are to receive training. INSTRUCTIONS AND FORMS . The court will require the original, you may wish to have a copy and you will need a copy for each named plaintiff. 13. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311. Pinal County Justice Courts INSTRUCTIONS for FILING and SERVING a MOTION to SET ASIDE / VACATE JUDGMENT CIVIL EVICTION ACTION / SPECIAL DETAINER SMALL CLAIMS Filing with the Court: • Complete the Motion form. Phone: 520-866-5400 Email Us This website has been prepared for general information purposes only.
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