Post tensioned slab design example. Post-tensioning is a technique for reinforcing concrete.

Post tensioned slab design example DESIGN EXAMPLE. The book combines history with academic notes for use at the university level, presenting design examples from actual jobs with applications and detailing for the practicing engineer. More information on post-tensioning, including example case studies, can be found at the Post-tensioning Association (PTA) website at www. The anchorage zoneis th e area in front of the prestress blockout where stress concentrations occur from post-tensioning. B. on the slab. Figure 1. e. The tensile face indicates what portion of the beam requires reinforcing for strength. Post-tensioning is a technique for reinforcing concrete. Black Canyon Highway Suite 103 Phoenix, Arizona 85021 Telephone: (602) 870-7540 Fax: (602) 870-7541 Website: www. • Select Structure/Slabs-steel decks Insert a This seminar provides attendees with an understanding of post-tensioning systems and design of post-tensioned slabs-on-ground. Post-tensioned Concrete Floors Post-Tensioned Transfer Slab in Vertically Irregular Building Jang Keun Yoon, P. Post-tension concrete allows architects more creative freedom to make curved and Post-tensioned slabs are ideal in regions with expansive soils or high water tables because they are resistant Examples of how post-tension concrete is used in slab-on-grade foundations include single-family homes the steel in a flat slab. 3R, “Recommendations for Concrete Members Prestressed with Unbonded Post-tensioned slabs are common construction for commercial and high rise construction. Structural Design of Column-Supported Concrete Floors. A good source for more information is Design and Construction of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground (Post-Tensioning Institute, Phoenix, Ariz. It presents guidelines for soil investigation, design, It includes three complete design examples and information on the design of industrial floors on stable soils. (560 mm) deep. Unlike traditional reinforced concrete slabs, which rely solely on the strength of the concrete and embedded steel reinforcement bars, post-tensioned slabs incorporate high-strength steel tendons that are tensioned Post-tensioned slabs can be designed to be crack free and therefore waterproof slabs are possible. More information on post-tensioning, including example case studies, can be found at the Post design and construction guidance. The advantages are many, when compared to non post-tensioned systems, and include thinner slabs, lighter structures, lower floor-to-floor heights, less mild reinforcing steel, and less short and long term deflections. Analysis &amp; design of slab having post-tensioning system can be done manually as well as using software&#39;s like ETABS, SAFE, ADAPT, etc. over conventional building methods. com/web-seminar-recordings/hand-calculations-of-a-two-way-post-tensioned-s Post-Tensioned Transfer Slab in Vertically Irregular Building Jang Keun Yoon, P. A. Post-Tensioning for Two-Way Flat Plate Construction Figure 2: Tributary slab widths for equivalent frames (Aalami, B. Chapters 2-8 are the notes Dirk Bondy uses to teach Design of Prestressed Concrete REINFORCED-CONCRETE (RC) AND POST-TENSIONED (PT) FLAT SLAB DESIGN IN STAAD. SETO, London, 1999. WWW. 2. Your drawings show enough tendons in the slab to create 200 for the entire slab, including the part of the slab within the ACI effective width, which is fictitious for a PT beam anyway. Compressive strength when post-tensioned (typically after 24-hours) Mild reinforcing steel fy = 4,000 ksc f’ci = 210 ksc N STEP 3 : Determine the preliminary slab thickness h Post-tensioning steel = unbondedtendons, ½”-diameter, 7-wire strands A = 0. 6—Industrial slabs with post-tensioned reinforcement for structural support 9. 987 cm 2, f pu = 270 ksi= 19,000 ksc Post-Tensioning Tendon Type Prestress Loss-PSI Slabs Beams & Joints Stress Relieved 270K Strand 30,000 35,000 Low Relaxation 270K Strand 15,000 20,000 Bars 20,000 25,000 The diagram on this slide illustrates the impact of friction and wedge set (i. 19 Mar 2020 P46. A 5-inch post-tensioned slab can handle up to 5,000 pounds, and a typi-cal 9-inch-thick slab will bear a concen-trated 9,000-pound load. post-tension ing. post tensioning. References 49 Contents design more post-tensioned structures. However, the design of irregular post-tensioned floors is quite challenging due to the difficulty of segmenting the floor into one-directional elements. 14 | CQ | SPRING 2020. For example, post-tension slabs make it possible to use longer spans between supports. Hyperstatic Moments from Post-Tensioning; Computation and Verification. Third Edition. 4). Part Three is an example-intensive course, with key concepts introduced http://skghoshassociates. PT Structures – Specialized structural engineering for post-tensioned The leading informational site on the post-tensioning construction method, sponsored by the Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI) – a nonprofit organization for the advancement of post-tensioned, prestressed concrete design and construction. Let’s discuss a little bit about the strain compatibility method. 1: Anchorages provide for the safe introduction of The design of the post-tensioned bridge beam discussed in this article is in accordance with BS 8110 part 1. . 00 in Deck overhang 2. Advantages of Post Tension Slabs. The design of post-tensioned flat slab can be done by using load balancing and equivalent frame method. Ribbed Slabs There are two basic types of post-tensioned residential slabs. Optimization techniques are used to compute the necessary number of strands. dT Slab-on-Ground Design Manual BY KENNETH B. While simple and intuitive, it requires the computation of hyperstatic (secondary) moments – a somewhat unfamiliar concept for many engineers. Technical R&D Institute Thomas Kang, Ph. The prestressing force applied to the concrete helps to increase its resistance to both tensile and compressive The research investigates material selection, reinforcement location, post-tensioning tendons, design procedures, construction issues, and design examples. 4—Applicable design procedures 9. When Herein describes in detail the various aspects of the post-tensioned concrete design procedure with the American code ACI 318-08 [ACI 2008]. 10- Step Design of Post-Tensioned Floors Dr Bijan O Aalami Professor Emeritus, San Francisco State University Principal, ADAPT Corporation; bijan@PT-structures. When a structure is post-tensioned, there is a great deal of flexibility in how the prestress is delivered since the tendon profiles may be easily changed to match the applied loading and the support circumstances. Tendon Optimization Workflow: Optimizes post tensioned concrete slabs using intelligent search algorithms to compare thousands of design alternatives, allowing engineers to easily review and compare many different solutions side by side and select the best design alternative. The height of balls is 110 mm, clear spacing between one ball to another is 30 mm. These bridges are designed at service load limits. Post-Tensioned Two-Way Slab w/Beams and Pour Strip Typical level residential post-tensioned two-way slab with integrated beams for a multistory structure. and Bommer, A. Cast-in-place concrete is placed in full-depth joints that are 6. 1-08: Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground; PTI DC10. VSL International LTD; 1985. e we analyzed the post tensioned box girder bridges of single cell and four cell type for both IRC and AASHTO loading using the software for the specific design, to know its structural behavior and CCL Post-Tensioned Slabs can bring unique freedom . N E B T Pos t-Tensioned Design Gu idelines For example, say the slab is designed to have P/A=200. 153 in 2 = 0. However, post-tensioned slabs require more skilled labor and specialized equipment during Two-Way Slab Systems Two-way post-tensioned slab systems have been widely used in building construction for many decades. “Guide for Design of Post-Tensioned Buildings,” and ACI 423. My main question is whether or not a post-tensioned transfer beam parallel to the direction of slab post-tensioning tendons should be designed as a T-Beam (using slab as flange) or Rectangular beam. Learn During Lockdown, Use Code 'LEARN30' to Get This example illustrates the design of a two span cast-in-place post-tensioned concrete box girder bridge. The thickness of the slab is We designed a post-tensioned concrete cantilever with a 6. Overview. The traditional practice for the design of these slabs is to use a separate analytical model for each floor independent of the complete building model. However, longitudinal joints are detailed differ-ently and transverse post-tensioning is significantly higher. Part Three also covers related topics such as punching shear for two-way slabs and moment transfer at the column. Part Three is an example-intensive course, with key concepts introduced along the way. For conventionally reinforced floor systems (RC), the computer program Floor Pro can model, analyze and design a voided slab with authenticity. post-tensioning. 3. 0 m span will cost approximately 20% more than a post-tensioned 7. Two-Way Slab Systems Two-way post-tensioned slab systems have been widely used in building construction for many decades. i. 1-08: Design of PT Slabs-on-Ground This manual provides recommendations for economical post-tensioned slab-on-ground foundations. Biggest Single U. Post-Tensioning Institute’s “Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground”, (PTI Design Procedure) 3rd Edition [13]. Various notations used in this chapter are In post-tensioned slabs, deflection, which is usually the controlling design consideration for concrete floors is controlled better. Design service live load is 50 pounds per square POST TENSION SLAB DESIGN [AUGUST 2014] [HISTORY] [ADVANTAGES OF POST-TENSIONED BUILDINGS] For example, a post-tensioned 10. pdf), Text File (. PTI is recognized as the world-wide authority on post-tensioning and is dedicated to expanding Post-tensioned (PT) slabs offer the thinnest slab type and long spans can also be achieved. Use the parabolic shape. org). Accurate friction loss estimation is necessary for safe and economic design. It is needless to mention that designing these slabs optimally would add more advantages Post-tensioning is the primary method of prestressing, where the tendons are stressed after the masonry has been placed. Furnishing all post-tensioning materials Two-way post-tensioned slabs have been an extremely popular floor-framing system in American building construction. For example, the optimization search does a good job of adjusting profile elevations to balance the moments at column joints, which PDF | Post-tensioned (PT) flat slabs are a commonly used construction system in multi-story buildings worldwide. The Top slab thickness 8. skghoshassociates. Modelling a Steel Mill Slab Design Problem. The structure is an 8 in. co. 2—Vehicle wheel loading A3. Engineers who do not routinely design post-tensioning tend to pass the design to those specialized in the field. It also provides structurally more efficient slab which is more promising in all matters. SE1005PDH. 33 ft Minimum Requirements The minimum span to depth ratio for a single span bridge should be taken as Download 'High tension: An introduction to specifying post-tensioned slabs', an article extracted from Concrete Quarterly, spring 2020. Design strips work as continuous beams by banded all tendons at the column. However, construction concerns arise as structures built in the industry’s formative Post-Tensioning Expertise and Design November 5, 2015 TN220_waffle_slabs_110415 POST-TENSIONED WAFFLE/JOIST SLAB CONSTRICTION1 Bijan O Aalami2 Where concrete is relatively expensive, spans are generous, and it is not critical to use a thin slab, post-tensioned waffle slab construction is likely to be the economical alternative. The main goal is to create a floor with minimal support columns, providing open living spaces. slab decks are usually constructed with cast in situ concrete with permanent void formers or it can be precast prestressed concrete box beams post tensioned transversely to ensure continuity in the transverse direction. The major benefits of post tension concrete slabs include their increased safety, design versatility and cost effectiveness. 1-Notation 8. The post-tensioning supplier and installer shall furnish all labor, materials, services and equipment required to produce a complete post-tensioned structural system. It is needless to mention that The Medical Office Building Malvern, PA 17 Brendon Burley Structural Option Post-Tensioned Two-Way Slab Figure 2-3 Details of the two-way slab: Interior (left), Exterior (right) Deflection Analysis The final consideration in the design of the two-way slabs is deflection. In the United States alone, it is estimated that there are 2. 20 klf superimposed dead load (10psf*20ft) w sw = 2. Stronger, more into the building structure at early design stage. For the slab to function properly and resist subgrade movement, it must be well designed and constructed. txt) or read online for free. In addition, A post-tensioned concrete slAb cAntilevering 6. You can discover post-tension design flows and tips with demonstrated examples. The shape and number of the bonded strands were determined to balance the dead Florida Post-Tensioned Segmental Bridges 10/8/2004 FINAL REPORT Volume 10 A – Load Rating Post-Tensioned Chapter 1 Concrete Segmental Bridges 1 of 2 Chapter 1 – Introduction Load rating post-tensioned concrete segmental bridges has historically presented difficulties for Owners and Engineers. 2 %âãÏÓ 30 0 obj /Linearized 1 /O 32 /H [ 1042 317 ] /L 322525 /E 113907 /N 5 /T 321807 >> endobj xref 30 32 0000000016 00000 n 0000000987 00000 n 0000001359 00000 n 0000001513 00000 n 0000001790 00000 n 0000001849 00000 n 0000002029 00000 n 0000002879 00000 n Hi, I am new to this subject, but am designing a 125*100 foot rectangular foundation on expansive soil (with post-tensioned slab on ground with ribs in Houston, TX. "Design of post-tensioned slabs and foundations," FIP Recommendations 1998. When planning for point loads, a safe rule of thumb is to figure on 1,000 pounds per inch of slab thick-ness. Do I have to do the design 570 pages of concepts and design examples in color. qxp 10/17/05 2:44 PM Page 3 the Design of Post-Tensioned Floors BY BIJAN O. 1 Description, properties and loads A. 2—Definitions 9. 1 Typical Voided Slab Bridge If the voids are in excess of 60%,their behavior becomes The Medical Office Building Malvern, PA 17 Brendon Burley Structural Option Post-Tensioned Two-Way Slab Figure 2-3 Details of the two-way slab: Interior (left), Exterior (right) Deflection Analysis The final consideration in the design of the two-way slabs is deflection. Post-Tensioned Slab has an advantage over others as it makes a very efficient base for floor design with thin slabs and columnless spaces in larger spans. We therefore apologize for the odd lapse into commercialism. Design of Post-Tensioned Concrete Floor 1- Breakdown two ways of floor into design strips in one direction and one-way slabs in othe r direction. EN. 1-08 gives several design examples for Extreme dry, Extreme Suction profile and wet climate. uk. The design engineer is responsible for the design of the general zoneand oversight of the local zone design by the Contractor via ings, post-tensioned slabs are strong enough to carry moderate loads directly. 0 m) floor height. By using ETABS Software, a post-tensioned slab is designed and calculated. SNP-POST. 360R-63 A3. Alan Frisch, Ian Miguel, Toby Walsh AI Group University of York. How Post-Tensioning Works. 4F Cantilevered Transfer Slab _ ULS Design-15000-10000-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 0 10 20 Moment Moment_WoodArmer-6000-4000-2000 0 2000 4000 6000 0 10 20 30 Moment Moment_WoodArmer Post-Tension Analysis (Shear strength) Using the shear design method found in the PCI Design Handbook Precast and Prestressed Concrete 6th Edition, the shear values were calculated at 3 ft, 8 ft, 12 ft and 18 ft from the support. The design of post-tensioned elements is a highly iterative Two-way plate must be designed as class U (ACI 318 Section 18. Ahuja ABSTRACT Design related information to Post Tension (PT) flat slab is sketchy in the current Indian codes of practice. Commercial Spaces Design Examples 34 5. Chapter 1 tells the history of post-tensioned concrete as only Ken Bondy can tell it. Since the tensioned concrete is weaker than the untensioned concrete, there is a very high risk of bursting This report presents an overview of post-tensioned slabs, including their design, installation, and benefits. to the sizing and rates that will be required for typical flat slabs – a guide that has been agreed by specialist designers. 2—Design example: Equivalent tensile stress design A 2 2Area 2 A' c 2 2 Post-Tensioned Concrete Design Table 1-1 List of Symbols Used in the ACI 318-08 Code cp Area enclosed by the outside perimeter of the section, in A g Gross area of concrete, in A 2 l Total area of longitudinal reinforcement to resist torsion, in A o Area enclosed by the shear flow path, sq-in A oh Area enclosed by the centerline of the outermost closed %PDF-1. Chapter 8-Design of post-tensioned slabs on grade, pg. S. PRO AND RAM CONCEPT This drawing illustrates the bridge geometry for the design example. It then provides details on prestressed concrete The following temperature change example illustrates the impact of temperature load on post-tensioned members. We then provide a set of recommendations, derived Post-tensioned (PT) concrete floors are now widely used in the UK, particularly for high-rise buildings. dT = 50 deg F Deflection. org May 2008. Post-tensioned flat slabs in a nutshell Post-tensioned flat slabs are slabs made of post-tensioned concrete. 72 kPa A limit state design philosophy with ap-propriate factors of safety for cracking and ultimate loads is presented. The design of post-tensioned slabs is well established and documented in reinforced concrete structures design codes like ACI 318-11 [6]. This approach is more precise than the well known grillage model and it does not complicate the construction of the mesh excessively, as other models do. 3-06: Design and Construction of Post-Tensioned Sport Post Tensioned Slab Design Examples. Post-tensioned slabs have tendons tensioned after the concrete sets, allowing for thinner slabs that deflect and crack less than reinforced concrete slabs under load. It was actually the widespread use of the “post-tensioned” slab-on-ground which Appendix 3—Design examples using Corps of Engineers’ charts, p. There are very brief sections on compressible soils eXAMPle ProbleM Known: 5 Inch Slab P O = 900 plf M O = 6422 in-lb/ft based on 28,200 lb per tendon at 4. 1. The design was done for a bonded PT banded-distributed system with accordance Two-way post-tensioned slabs have been an extremely popular floor-framing system in American building construction. The stru c t u r e has one-way post-tensioned slabs and post-tensioned beams and gird e r s. It then provides details on prestressed concrete This article contains practical information on the design and dimensioning of prestressed concrete solid flat slabs using unbonded post-tensioned tendons, in accordance with the European standard Post-tensioning is the most significant development in the concrete construction industry since steel reinforcement was first employed in the mid-1800s. 4 %Çì ¢ 5 0 obj > stream xœ½TÁN 1 ½ÏWä˜A%$Ží$Ƕ ªª‡ #õ€z@tY X ,ü íÙ™ÌÀ. In this article, we are discussing the ULS design (ULS bending moment capacity estimation) of a post-tensioned bridge beam using the strain compatibility method. Figure 9: Applied load bending moments in a solid flat Abstract. 7-Design for slabs on compressible soil 8. 360R-36 9. Class ULS+SLS was prepared with the following content. The following example illustrates the design methods presented in ACI 318-05 and IBC 2003. anchor eccentricity. For the application of design procedure an office building is considered as a case study. (203 mm) post-tensioned flat plate supported by reinforced concrete columns and 14 in. The book is a valuable resource for those engaged in post-tensioning design. Advantages of Post-Tensioning in Building Structures. 50 m free span supported by columns for a villa near Pécs. 7—Residential slabs with post-tensioned reinforcement for Modelling a Steel Mill Slab Design Problem. 5 ft on center with a 1 in. 1—Introduction A3. -thick cast-in-place concrete composite deck slab Post-tensioned tie or threaded rod Composite superstructure system with shear keys and transverse post The resultant cable layout of post-tensioned slabs is then characterized usually by distinct strips of banded cables in one direction and distributed cables in the perpendicular direction. It is critical that all structural engineers understand post tensioned entire spectrum of modeling, analysis and design of a floor system constructed with voided slabs. 5-Data needed for design of reinforced slabs 8. Bending moment surfaces for different arrange-ments of tendons. The design of the post-tensioned bridge beam discussed in this article is in accordance with BS 8110 part 1. 8-Maximum spacing of post-tensioning tendons in normal weight concrete This BDM addresses the anchorage zone design of a post-tensioned concrete box girder bridge. The slabs are assumed to have a precompression value of 175 psi (1. 2 10. , P. 2 MPa). example of the calculations for PDF-1. The first example is for a mild-reinforced concrete slab (R/C), and the second example deals with a post-tensioned structure (P/T). 6-Design for slabs on expansive soils 8. With regards to safety, post tension slabs offer a number of advantages. Podium Slab Design Example P17. Different analytical techniques are recommended by design codes [3,4,5] for post-tensioned flat slabs including finite element method and equivalent frame analysis method, which is similar to that used for RC flat FPA-SC-14-0 Comments on the Post-Tensioning Institute's "Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground" 3rd Edition 28 Jun 06 Issued for Website Publication Foundation Performance Association - Structural Committee Page 2 of 48 PREFACE This document was written by the Structural Committee and has been peer reviewed by the Post-tensioned concrete bridges with voided slab decks can be modelled in a more precise way using three-dimensional finite element meshes with orthotropic material. Fig. The Caltrans -PCMAC design example [2] used the program ‘ADAPT’ [3] and Imbsen’s BDS [4] for the final prestress design, shear and ultimate moment check. Post tensioning is one of methods of prestressing concrete. 3). Summary of Addendum No. Using post-tension (PT) slabs as the floor system has become one of the common trends in concrete high-rise buildings (HRBs) construction. 1 Multistrand Slab System 34 5. 1—Design example: Post-tensioning to minimize cracking A4. Note that the coefficients of thermal expansion for concrete and steel are similar, and for design purposes, they can be considered to be the same. In general, for spans in excess of 8. 19 Mar 2020 B1: Precast, Prestressed, Spliced and In this course, I will start with an overview of prestressed concrete slab concepts by looking at: - Difference between Pre tensioning and Post-tensioning - Code requirements for prestressed concrete slab design - terminology of prestressed concrete slab design including Tendon, strands and tendon profile - Structural framing of PT Systems Two design examples, one small and one real size flat slab buildings are considered to demonstrate the application of the developed algorithms and compare their performance. For post-tensioned floors, however, at this time the modeling and design involves a degree of approximation. Post-tensioning offers numerous advantages, facilitating the construction of varied building types: ‍ ‍Structural Efficiency: Post-tensioned concrete slabs are thinner than traditionally Voided Post-Tensioned Slab Design Flat plate voided biaxial slab systems or bubble deck was first used in reinforced concrete slabs. The PTI Design Procedure is used to design a slab-on grade foundation that will respond elastically to forces the foundation is exposed to including those that are the consequence of soil pressure and soil deformation. 19 Mar 2020 P44. Sustained Load Deflection. Sw¥] ól??{ò`¼ `¼~GãrÕ œ&³\7 ”âJa3þ¯ ÌÞ× Slab-on-Ground Design by Using the PTI Ken Bondy Method. It includes a design example of an irregular floor system. Thus, this article explores the design of posttensioned flat slab and demonstrate the design procedure using a worked example based on Eurocode 2. and an array of customizable installation techniques to best suit the slab or beam’s design and use. com 301 Mission Street San Francisco, California High Seismic FIGURE 1-2 VIEW OF POST-TENSIONED WAFFLE SLAB CONSTRUCTION Interior span with PT tendons in each stem FIGURE 1-3 VIEW OF POST-TENSIONED WAFFLE SLAB CONSTRUCTION model for an authentic analysis and design. The bridge has a 160 Top slab thickness 8. 5 billion ft2 of two-way post-tensioned slabs with unbonded tendons in service. Now provide P/A for the rectangular part of the beam. The vast majority of post-tensioning tendons used in these slabs have been unbonded. 2 Revisions 1. This TEK focuses on the design of concrete masonry walls constructed with vertical post-tensioned tendons. Friction & Wedge for the purposes of developing design cri-teria or extending the Criteria for Selection and Design of Residential Slabs-on-Ground, BRAB Report #33. [13] Reddy JN So through this project, we are analyzed the structural behavior of post tensioned box girder bridge using the recently developed software called &quot;CSI Bridge&quot; version 2015. As a result, thinner slab systems are possible, w Post-tensioning is a technique for reinforcing concrete. 63 ft Advantages of Post Tension Slab 1. After grouting, post-tensioning is applied through several ducts Post-Tensioning Design; a simple serviceable and safe option. There are two general approaches available for the design of post-ten-sioned anchorage zone reinforcement. The effect of this practice on analysis of PT slabs is investigated in the current A. It outlines the notations, design load combinations, serviceability requirements, and design procedures for beams, slabs, flexure, shear, torsion, and punching shear. The present methodology is based on computing an innovative influence matrix that contains the effect of The vast majority of the PTI Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground, third edition, is written for expansive soils. Design a simply-supported exterior wall 12 ft (3. 1 Chapter 9—Design of post-tensioned slabs-on-ground, p. This work is based on the problem as stated in: 666 views • 39 slides Montreal and in post-tensioned slab structures and other thin web applica-tions, Significant anchorage zone cracking experienced in preliminary numerical design example. 00 in Deck overhang 3. = 25. 4 Reinforcement areas Post-tensioned ribbed slab. (170 mm) wide and 22 in. The following parameters are used to represent a typical post-tensioned floor slab: RAM | STAAD | ADINA - RAM Concept Post-Tensioned Slab Optimization manual design approach. The practice of PT flat slab design for gravity loads is basically done DC10. Unless otherwise noted, all referenced table, figure, and equation numbers are from these In PT design, it is preferable to draw moment diagrams to the tensile face of the concrete section. By strategically placing and This article offers insights into the process of designing a PT slab and the implications of post-tensioning on the overall structure. vci 0 100 The work presents the concept of such a slab and an example of analysis. For example,<br /> above supports the tendon must be led along a curve instead of<br /> From the structural point of view the most challenging task was to design a flat cantilevered slab over one of the terraces of the building (Fig. The following graph in Figure 13 was made to show the shear distribution along the post-tensioned slab. Here is an example to illustrate the question: Let’s say I have a 180 (north-south direction) foot by 540 (east-west direction) foot elevated slab. It begins with objectives to summarize experience with post-tensioning in building construction and discuss design and construction of post-tensioned flat slab structures. This course is intended to be an introductory course for structural engineers new to One-Way Slab Example Example Given: A two-way post-tensioned slab is 8" thick. , Design Fundamentals of Post-Tensioned Concrete Floors, Post-Tensioning Institute, Phoenix, AZ, 1999) Figure 3: Tendon profile of a continuous post-tensioned beam. This article provides information on how to scheme a PT slab and how the use of post-tensioning affects the rest of the structure. 3—Introduction 9. PTI-DC10. Several changes have been introduced in going from the 2 nd Edition to the 3 rd Edition of the PTI procedure for the design of slabs-on-grade on expansive soils. ; 602/870-7540, www. 3 Bridge Girder 38 5. By using tendons, compressive stresses are applied to the concrete. BONDY After a highly successful first run, Design and Construction of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground is extensively revised A crew at work on a post-tensioned slab on ground. 2 Finite element design example A. Then after the concrete has gained sufficient strength, tendons (strands of high strength steel wire) are inserted into preformed has ducts and tensioned to induce compressive stresses in the expected tensile stress regions of the member. 4 Anchorage Blister 43 6. Numerous examples from throughout the world indicate that such construction can provide an effective means of In this video, you will learn about post tensioned slab design in RAM Concept. COM Example: The elliptical plastic balls with 170 mm of diameter are used. Agenda •Design objective •Response of floor slabs to temperature effects Example Post-Tensioned Slab. Standards Bonded post-tensioned slabs can be designed with regard to the specifications on post-tensioned concrete structures that exist in almost all countries. 00 in Bottom slab thickness 6. Market for Post-Tensioning Tendons Post-Tensioned Concrete Slabs-on-Ground Author: Ken Bondy Created Date: 8/14/2002 9:17:11 PM PTI DC10. FIGURE 1: SPAN-TO-DEPTH RATIOS AND RATES FOR POST-TENSIONED FLAT SLABS. Tables 1 to 4 are examples of such design tables and are considered as a . Notations 1-1 Post-Tensioned Concrete Design Table 1-1 List of Symbols Used in the ACI 318-08 Code 1-2 Acp Area enclosed by the outside perimeter EXAMPLE –LOAD BALANCING Determine portion of total dead load balanced by prestressing w DL = 0. Residential Building Floor: Imagine designing a post-tensioned slab for a residential building. M. com/For the full recording: http://shop. 50 m. (355 mm) thick shear walls. To design the section geometry and supplementary anchorage zone reinforcement so that cracking will not Analysis &amp; design of slab having post-tensioning system can be done manually as well as using software&#39;s like ETABS, SAFE, ADAPT, etc. E. Preliminary design Slab behaviour under the action of prestressing forces and the way the slab works during exploitation will be monitored through an Post-tensioned slabs. Key design concepts, code requirements, and practical design tips will be discussed. Design for both limit states is done for longterm losses of prestressing. These are: 1. This so-called post-tensioning ensures that no or only low tensile stresses occur in the concrete, which concrete can generally only absorb to a small extent. Uniform-thickness slabs are typically about 9 StructurePoint, formerly the PCA Engineering Software Group, offers concrete design software programs updated to ACI 318-14 for concrete buildings, concrete structures and concrete tanks. 7 m) high for a wind load of 15 psf (0. anchorage seating) losses on the effective post-tensioning force in a strand. To illustrate these concepts, let’s consider a couple of simplified examples: 1. 1 It describes in detail the design procedures currently in use, covering both the Equivalent Frame Method and the emerging Finite Element technology. Note: 1 in. 6 Classes The classes are needed for the calculation of required areas during Design ULS+SLS. F bg = 1500 psf k O Composite Slab The slab is defined in the Slabs Compositespreadsheet. The steel grade is 400W. 19 Mar 2020 P45. Post-tensioned slabs also don’t need as many control joints for shrinkage cracks. 360R-63 A4. Detailed explanation and flow charts for ACI 318 and EC2; Seismic design of post-tensioned floors; Design example of column-supported and podium floors; Design of ground-supported slabs; and more; What is NEW IN THIS BOOK compared to Bijan’s last book? The two examples in this tutorial provide step-by-step illustrations of how SAFE can be used to create, analyze, design and detail concrete slab systems. 7 in. The bridge has spans of 118 feet and 130 feet. The concrete members are cast first. With an appropriate selection of prestressing/post-tensioning solutions, a designer is able to minimize or even completely eliminate deflection. Background. Reinforced concrete structural software includes programs for column design (pcaColumn), beam design (pcaBeam), slab design (pcaSlab), wall design (pcaWall), mat design (pcaMats), precast Design of Post Tensioned and Prestressed Concrete Box Girder-Slab for a Bridge Deck in achieving long spans in bridge structures. The slab design problem An example Model A Model B A dual model A/B Results Conclusion/Future Work. l-Purpose and scope Consistent with the mission of ACI Committee 360, this report presents state-of-the-art information on the design of slabs on grade. Existing code equations and coefficients were developed in the 1950’s and first introduced in POST TENSION FLAT SLABS—EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & MISC ASPECTS IN HIGH SEISMIC ZONES IN THE INDIA ENVIRONMENT By Vipul Ahuja & Prof. It is supported by 16" x Most post-tensioned concrete buildings are designed using the load-balancing method. will be the basis for the example design of the roof level diaphragm. Learn Post-Tensioned Concrete Design Manual DESIGN OF SLABS, BEAMS AND FOUNDATIONIS REINFORCED AND POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE (Page 190-199) This chapter describes in detail the various aspects of the post-tensioned con- crete design procedure that is used by SAFE when the user selects the Euro- pean code Eurocode 2-2004 [EN 1992-1-1:2004]. 7 6. It provides an architect the freedom to work freely with his designs. Bullring multi-storey car park. The recommendations derived from these and other studies vary from extremely light to extremely heavy. 3 1. After the formwork is built and the steel tendons are added, Greater architectural design freedom – For example, you can have larger spaces without support columns and thinner slabs. 2 Monostrand Slab System 36 5. 3-Introduction 8. View. 360R-27 8. 9 8. REAL BENEFITS Post-Tensioned Slabs 2 10. All slabs, beams, and girders are p o s t - t e n s i o n e d . 2-06: Construction and Maintenance Manual for Post-Tensioned Slab-on-Ground Foundations; PTI DC10. A new program developed by LEAP software called CONSPLICE appears to have the capability to perform a complete splice girder bridge design. This is Part One of a three-part course that covers the fundamentals of post-tensioned concrete design for building structures using unbounded tendons. Our aim is to enable all those involved in the design, use and performance of concrete and masonry to realise the Post-Tensioned Concrete Design Manual DESIGN OF SLABS, BEAMS AND FOUNDATIONIS REINFORCED AND POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE (Page 190-199) This chapter describes in detail the various aspects of the post-tensioned con- crete design procedure that is used by SAFE when the user selects the Euro- pean code Eurocode 2-2004 [EN 1992-1-1:2004]. 1—Notation 9. The gross sectional properties are allowed (ACI 318 Section 18. [12] Lin TY, Burns NH. 4-Applicable design procedures 8. Greater architectural design freedom – For example, you can have larger spaces without support columns and thinner slabs. Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures. 5—Slabs post-tensioned for crack control 9. You have approximately 200 everywhere in this case. Part Three continues with the study of two-way, post-tensioned slab systems, including a complete design example using the Equivalent Frame concept. A2-Slab thickness design by WRI method A3-Design examples using COE charts A4-Slab design using post-tensioning A5-Shrinkage-compensatingconcreteexamples CHAPTER l-INTRODUCTION l. Emphasis is placed on their application in various regions, (cracks), vibrations, fire resistance class, corrosive environment, provided by pre-stressed concrete . The most critical portion of the post-tensioned concrete members is the anchorage zone. Achievement of this objective depends upon careful design, detailing and Tutorial of post-tensioned concrete slab – EN1992-1-1 Lukáš Dlouhý 7 2. 4F Cantilevered Transfer Slab _ ULS Design-15000-10000-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 0 10 20 Moment Moment_WoodArmer-6000-4000-2000 0 2000 4000 6000 0 10 20 30 Moment Moment_WoodArmer Part Three will continue with the study of two-way, post-tensioned slab systems, including a design example using the Equivalent Frame concept. 50 in Bottom slab thickness 6. This document compares post-tensioned slabs and conventional reinforced concrete slabs. Architectural Benefits. 3—Heavy lift truck loading Appendix 4—Slab design using post-tensioning, p. 2-Definitions 8. 3 – PROJECT EXAMPLE The following figures describe several of the salient features of ADAPT-Floor Pro program for the 3rd Edition of the Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground 8601 N. Post tensioning method is very popular now days, because difficult method of construction. Design Flexibility. For a more comprehensive understanding of PT floor design, Concrete Society Technical Report 43 (TR43), titled “post-tensioned concrete floors: Design handbook,” provides detailed guidance. Post Tensioned slabs is the most commonly used solution for slabs all around Australia, especially for big developments, it is considered as the first option since it offers many benefits. Uniform-Thickness vs. 2 Analysis A. Key components of post-tensioned slab Beam and slab example Fi g u r e 3 shows a common stru c - t u r al design. Also, because post-tension slabs are thinner, they use less concrete, and that concrete is less likely to crack. 2. For unbonded post-tensioned slabs, on the other hand, only very few specifications and recommendations at Post-Tensioned Floors Design for Temperature Florian Aalami April 28, 2015. Multiple spans (m) ACI Post Tension Design - Free download as PDF File (. 5-12: Standard Requirements for Design and Analysis of Shallow Post-Tensioned Concrete Foundations on Expansive Soils; PTI DC10. Designing Post Tensioned Concrete Slabs with Manual Tendons. D. John Wiley&Sons; 1981. Post-Tensioned Bridges. 06 klf self weight including tributary width of slab Load Balancing > Service Stresses > Design Moment Strength This example illustrates the design of a single span cast-Cast-in-place post-tensioned concrete box girder bridge. Large-span bridge girders are segmentally built using post-tensioning as well. 0 m span. 3 Reduction in building height. We first answer the questions pre v i o u s - ly listed. Each level will have a 10 ft (3. In addition to precast beams, concrete slabs on abutments, box culverts, box girders, suspension bridges are also constructed to accommodate passengers or vehicular movements. Thickness is 200mm and reinforcement is composed of 20M reinforcing bars spaced 300mm apart in both directions. Bursting Stresses Anchorage zone distress is signalled by the sudden formation of Thickness of PT flat slabs is chosen as span/40 to 50 with span/45 as most commonly used value for two-way flat slabs and span/40 for one way slabs []. AALAMI AND JENNIFER D. and design criteria similar to those used in the United States. Figures 1 and 2 provide engineers with a guide . Friction losses in post -tensioned concrete structures can account for more than 50 % of the losses developed during prestressing operations. PRE‐TENSIONING Post‐Tensioning Force Transfer by Steel-Concrete bond Force Transfer at end anchor Strain Compatibility and Force Equilibrium: Steel held at length longer than it “wants” to be: Tension Concrete compressed shorter than it “wants” to be: Compression In this paper, an efficient methodology that could be implemented within any analysis software is developed to automate the design process of post-tensioned slabs. 4 mm; 1 ft = 0. 5 4. This seminar is intended for individuals involved in the design of post-tensioned slabs-on-ground or anyone interested in post column intersections and at the edge of slab, so he/she should be responsible for all reinforcement details in these areas. Post-tensioning provides a means to . 3 Results from analysis A. 1). This document describes the design of post-tensioned concrete according to ACI 318-08. The work shall include the following items: 1. JURGENS his article presents a set of guidelines intended to T assist designers in routine post-tensioning design, beginning with a discussion of the initial decisions that must be made to design post-tensioned floor members. TN220_waffle_slab_design_042420 POST-TENSIONED WAFFLE/JOIST SLAB CONSTRICTION1 Where concrete is relatively expensive, spans are generous, and it is not critical to select the smallest floor thickness, a post-tensioned waffle slab construction is likely to be the economical alternative. Members such as slabs and beams are easily post-tensioned on site. 305 m composite deck slab Composite superstructure system with shear keys 5-in. 0 metres, savings in excess of $10 per square metre should be — In the present study main focus on economic analysis between conventional and post tensioning slab. fnuy wsxr vjcsljw lft vxshzww huhqluh mxutm fqsdji laspzi hnm dedgl chjw nqr zrryhgs fbkkxf