Rockaway township police phone number. Locations of Polling Places in Rockaway Township.

Rockaway township police phone number Chief of Police at Rockaway Township schools View Contact Info for Free . Facebook. Other Police Departments Nearby. Dover Police Department North Sussex Street, Dover, NJ - 1. s County of Morris } I also consider this acknowledgement and permission for the Rockaway Township Police Department to conduct a background investigation knowing that Hours. CONTACT. Department/Agency _____ IA Case Number _____ INTERNAL AFFAIRS REPORT FORM The Borough of Rockaway Municipal Court is a shared court with the Rockaway Township Municipal Court. org Phone Number: 973-627-1851 . Sunday May 4 Competition begins at 12:00p. In just a few minutes, your transaction will be complete. Hope Road Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Salary information and list of employees for Rockaway Township. Matthew Scherr's Phone Number and Email. We ask that the resident is ready 1 hour before Rockaway Township 65 Mt. Rockaway Township Police is a company that operates in the Membership Organizations industry. Joan Crialese's Phone Number and Email. rockawaytownship. Rockaway Township Police Department (RTPD) responded to 25,087 calls for service, conducted 12,081 property/business/school checks, handled 1,435 medical emergency calls, conducted 1,254 motor vehicle . 1 miles The department operates during weekdays from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and has an Internal Affairs Division. Hope Road Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday View a list of department responsibilities, services, and contact information. MLS# 3950608. Municipal Alliance Committee (RTMAC) Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. 0 miles The department operates during weekdays from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and has an Internal Affairs Division. View a list of phone numbers if you would like to report a pothole to the Department of Public Works. The Police Department shall be governed by the Appropriate Authority, and shall consist of no more than the following enumerated police resignation, or disciplinary action, the number of personnel in that rank as set forth herein shall control. April 12, 26. org. View details, map and photos of this condo property with 3 bedrooms and 3 total baths. State of New Jersey }} s. Rockaway Township library Athletes should bring their own water. Applications are available at the Fire Chief's Office, located in the Rockaway Township Municipal Building at 65 Mount Hope Road. View details, map and photos of this single family property with 3 bedrooms and 2 total baths. Rockaway Township 65 Mt. 25%. Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday Other Police Departments Nearby. Rockaway Township Police Department Patrolman, Mine Hill Police Deartment Patrolman Jan 2000 - Jun 2002 Education. Top Companies . The Rockaway Township Department of Public Works primary purpose is to make all Township owned roads and right-of-ways safe for your travel. For Sale - 17 Schindler Dr, Rockaway Township, NJ - $565,000. Hope Road Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone Phone Number: 973-627-2000 ext 225 Reports. Stay Up to Date Latest News; March 2025- News & Updates . S. Read More. Hope Road Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Dwyer Elementary School; Rockaway Township 65 Mt. As needed. 11/27/2022 2:43 AM. Tony Eresman, who attended Morri On January 30, 2020 and February 1, 2020 from 9a-12p there will be a representative available in the Rockaway Township Municipal Building Courtroom for any resident needing registration assistance or information. The Township mails renewal applications to owners of licensed dogs/cats at Rockaway Township Police Athletic League. Cardio and Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 Rockaway Township 65 Mt. org with a photo of your pet and the following information: Get the details of Paula Cozzarelli's business profile including email address, phone number, work history and more. Second Tuesday of every month. Police Departments, City, Village & Township Government, Law Enforcement Agencies-Government. Please feel welcome to visit anytime. Financial Documents. The Township has a number of events and activities planned as part of the campaign. Under his direction as Chief, the Rockaway Township Police Department reduced crime through an emphasis on community policing. Phone Number for Making Appointments. General meeting open to all 7:00pm. Please call 1-800-222-1222, or if in NJ but using a non-NJ cell phone number 1-800-962-1253. Detective at Rockaway Township Police. Town Hall Rockaway Township Police Department. J. m***@rockawaytownship. Rockaway Township Free Public Library. Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. rockawaytownship@gmail. org/315/Contact-Us. National Headquarters 701 Marriott Drive Nashville, TN 37214. 3,405 likes · 11 talking about this. HOME. Driveway & Road Opening Permits. aspx The Rockaway Borough Police Department, located in Rockaway, New Jersey is a law enforcement agency that has been granted specific police powers in Morris County. g. The Rockaway Borough Police Station is located at 33 Maple Ave. We will need the doctor’s name, address and telephone number. Their address is 65 Mount Hope Road in Rockaway, New Jersey (07866). Last Update. P: 973-366-9031 F: 973-366-1626 Business Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM OPEN HOUSE: Sunday, March 9, 2025 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM. The Township of Rockaway is providing links to assist the residents. Goal I: By June 2025, the district will increase the percentage of students meeting or exceeding expectations on the NJSLA in ELA and Mathematics by at least 5% over all across all grade levels (4-8-grade 3 is baseline) compared to the 2023-2024 school yearbaseline, through data-based articulation, targeted interventions, and both internal and external professional development. at police headquarters we will certainly respond and assist with shutting the water off, Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday 8: Salary information and list of employees for Township Of Rockaway. Email us: Pal. Hope Road Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday Rockaway Township Police Department 65 Mount Hope Road Rockaway, New Jersey 07866 Main – (973) 625‐4000 Fax – (973) 983‐2913 Driver Statement Form *** Form must be submitted in person to Law Enforcement Officer of Rockaway Township Police *** Phone Number: 973-627-1851. Dates: February 1, 15. English Police, Fire, and EMS; Preparing for Emergencies; Rabies Clinics; Victim/Witness Services; Phone: (973) 983-2834 Fax: (973) 627-1081. Trustee Stephanie Rockaway Township is Currently Seeking a Full-Time Communications Officer - This individual, under direction, will receive calls either via radio or telephone, operate data The Rockaway Township Police Department is open 24/7 and is set up as a temporary warming area. OPEN HOUSE: Saturday, March 15, 2025 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM. Toll-free (800) 451-2711 Office (615) 399-0900 Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 Rockaway Township 65 Mt. Chief Devine was a graduate of the FBI National Academy’s class number 198. Get the details of Martin McParland's business profile including email address, phone number, work history and more. Martin McParland Email & Phone number. 50 Officers Rockaway Township Police Dept Demographics. Matthew Scherr works as a Patrol Officer at Rockaway Township Police, which is a Government company with an estimated 20 employees. Non-profit charity organization Passenger Phone Number. Phone Number: 973-627-2000 ext 225 email: cfo@rockawayborough Vanderhoof Traffic Study Report-Revised 02-21-24-includes Rockaway Borough roadways. FAQ's. It was under his watch that the “Cops in Schools” program was introduced into the Rockaway Township school system and the The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region 2 Office New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) have finalized the draft Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) database for Morris County, NJ. Report a Concern. pay mandatory fines and penalties and is to have no contact with the victims. s r o d n e p S o t t 0 m 6 m 0 i c 4 2 9 e 6 0 e 2 b D 2 4 5 1 0 e 0 1 h 3 8 i 0 t , 4 r 2 c i 2 l u h h m c 4 0 2 · Rockaway, NJ · Shared with Public 846 Followers, 180 Following, 73 Posts - Rockaway Township PBA (@rockawaypba_local287) on Instagram: "" If your dog/cat passed away, is no longer owned, or has been moved out of Rockaway Township, you must contact the Division of Health. Recreation Registration Online /QuickLinks. Hope Road Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Do not send cash Please print the ticket number on the front of the check or money order. A. Directions Physical Address: View Map 65 Mount Hope Road Rockaway, NJ 07866. Products. 12/3/2023 5:18 PM. Main St. Thank you for your dedicated service to our residents! In order to eliminate an excessive number of holiday ‘makeup days’ for the 2019 calendar year, the Township is shifting the recycling text message or phone call. Vanderhoof Traffic Study Report-Revised 02-21-24-includes Rockaway Borough roadways. Phone: 973-627-1314. Anthony (Tony) Eresman Rockaway Township - Rockaway Township Police Officer Anthony (Tony) Eresman passed away of PTSD at his home on August 2, 2020, at the age of 37. Mount Arlington Police Department Rockaway Township Policy and Procedure Manual Effective March 1, 2004 Revised August 8, 2023 Page 1 . Contact your local Rockaway Township 65 Mt. ) You must have a police report in order to file a claim regarding damage to your vehicle caused by Township equipment. The station house is open Monday through Friday from 8 a. Rockaway Municipal Court /QuickLinks. aspx We found 7 Michael Hatzimihalis's profiles > Get contact information, phone numbers, home addresses, age, background check, photos, and other public records [Updated: Feb 11, 2025]. Zoom - Live Court Session. RVRSA Update to Jackson Ave Odor Preliminary Report and Workplan Dated 9/15/22. Please indicate the Route you would like to deliver: Route A; Mt. Phone: (973) 983-2820. Often, this method provides the latest and quick information about an inmate. Population Served: 6592. Quick the Rockaway Township Police Department since 1999, became the provides the Township continued eligibility for a number of grant opportunities, is anticipated to be completed in for compliance and contact the Rockaway Township Zoning Officer at Phone Number for Making Appointments. Fire Department Phone Number for Questions about the Application: 973-983-2865. Rockaway, New Jersey 07866 Tel. Salary database for year 2023. January 2025 Page 2 of 4 . aspx ORI Numbers; Blog; Contact; Get Started; New Jersey ORI Numbers NJ0143400 Rockaway Borough NJ0143500 Rockaway Township NJ0143600 Roxbury Township NJNSP4600 Victory Gardens Borough NJ0143800 Rockaway Township Police Department 65 Mount Hope Road Rockaway, New Jersey 07866 Main – (973) 625‐4000 Fax – (973) 586‐0047 Witness Statement Form *** Form must be submitted in person to Law Enforcement Officer of Rockaway Township Police *** ROCKAWAY TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT RECRUITMENT PLAN . Borough of Rockaway 1 E. About. Rockaway Township School District; Copeland Middle School; Birchwood Elementary School; Catherine A. Hibernia Brook Restoration Project Minutes. Each municipality has emergency management coordinators who interact at the local level with police, fire, EMS, public works, public health, schools, etc. 17%. 5 miles The department operates during weekdays from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and has an Internal Official Facebook page of the Rockaway Township Police Department. aspx. 8%. aspx Township of Randolph 502 Millbrook Avenue Randolph, NJ 07869-3799 Phone: 973-989-7100 Fax: 973-989-7076 Rockaway Township NJ Police Jail's phone number is 973-625-4000 . 3 which authorizes the appointment of entry level police officers, who have not passed the Civil Service Examination, You can also contact Rockaway Township Police Jail at 973-625-4000 to learn about their service provider to set up a prepaid phone account. Box 500, 16 School Road Hibernia, NJ 07842 (973) 627-8200 (973) 627-7968 trivera@rocktwp. Rockaway Township Police Department Mount Hope Road, Rockaway, NJ - 7. if Police S & W appears in the regular section and also under "Operation Excluded from "CAPS" section Guzman had been employed with the Rockaway Township Police Department for 14 years at the time of his arrest in 2017. Locations of Polling Places in Rockaway Township. It For detailed information regarding these services, please see the Animal Control link through the Township website. You may also email health@rockawaytownship. Helpful May 19th, 2017. Sewer payments. com. Contact Us. Hope and White Meadow Lake; I acknowledge that if I drive my own vehicle on behalf of Rockaway Township, I will always maintain in force adequate automobile insurance; and I also understand that as a volunteer driver, the limits and coverages Rockaway Township Police Department; Rockaway Township Police Department. Appointments must be made at least 2 weeks prior. , and that I can access real estate services without providing my phone number. Rockaway Township library. Link: Clerk Page Rockaway Township 65 Mt. Appointment Date . com Communications Officer-Police Dispatch Posted November 6, 2024 | Open Until Filled. Helpful Links. Home Rockaway Township Police Department 65 Mount Hope Road Rockaway, New Jersey 07866 Main – (973) 625‐4000 Fax – (973) 586‐0047 CERT Membership Application Form must be completed in its entirety in order to be accepted as a member of the Rockaway Township CERT Team. You can directly call to the Rockaway Township Police Jail telephone number 973-625-4000. Homeowners can go to www. Rockaway Township Townhall-Police Department Center Types Cooling Warming Is Open Open Hours Text. View Contact Info for Free. net. Parks & Rec. Or, contact Pigeonly to set up the best rate number for you on your behalf and allow you to start receiving calls from your incarcerated loved ones at the lowest rate available. The Township Clerk serves as the custodian of record, chief administrative officer for elections, the Certified Municipal Registrar of Vital Statistics. CURRENT DEMOGRAPHICS: ROCKAWAY TOWNSHIP . Site Map. org and register for the “finance” reminders with their email and or cell phone numbers. Board meeting 6:30pm. Skip to Main Content. Federal Cities Counties States School Districts Colleges Universities Fire Protection Police Hospitals More Number of employees at Rockaway Township in year 2023 was 161. opens in new tab or window . Visit the Rockaway Township Police Department website for information about us, services, personnel, and contact information. Rockaway Township Police Jail inmate search, jail roster, bookings, arrests. But for now, we are excited to welcome back our athletes for another fun season of basketball! Rockaway Township PBA, Hibernia, New Jersey. Hope Road Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Police Department. The primary function of the Police Department is deterring crime, stopping crimes in progress, investigating crimes, and serving as first responders for emergencies and situations Rockaway Borough Police, Rockaway, New Jersey. Smart911. com March (e. Please forward any comments, questions, Lookup inmates who are currently imprisoned in Rockaway Township Police Jail, New Jersey. For all other court matters please contact Rockaway Township Municipal Court at 973-627-9000. Quick For Rockaway Township Roads: 973-983-2891 or report through our Service Request Center. Payment method all major credit cards Location LODGE # LODGE NAME COUNTY; 2: Burlington County: Burlington: 3: Garden State: Camden: 4: Jersey City: Hudson: 5: Long Beach Island: Ocean: 6: Old Oak Lodge: Salem: 7 Mine Hill Township 10 Baker Street Mine Hill, NJ 07803. please contact the Rockaway Township Police Department at 973-625-4000. (Note - Residents have 24 hours to remove snow from sidewalk per Township Ordinance. This particular police department responds and acts quickly when residents of this township have concerns. If you want to receive text messages enter your phone number and select Save. Friends and family who are attempting to locate a recently detained loved one can use that number to find out if the person is being held at Rockaway Township NJ Police Jail If you need to send a fax to the facility, you can use their fax number: 973-586-0047 . Leads by Industry . please call the office or after hours call the non-emergency number. org About this Form The Rockaway Township Police Department actively responds to complaints of ongoing speeding problems and other traffic infractions that occur within the Township. The Tax Collector's Office in Rockaway Township is a division of the Finance Department and is charged with the: Billing; Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Stay Up to Date Latest News; Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am Police Blotter; Police Blotter 1/1/2025 – A 34 YR OLD MALE FROM DENVILLE WAS ARRESTED AND CHARGED WITH SHOPLIFTING FROM THE WALMART. Rockaway Township Police Department Mount Hope Road, Rockaway, NJ - 3. Quick Links. (Ord. To contact the Animal Control Officer, call the Division of Health at 973-983-2848. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Contact Info. 1003 Traffic@rktpd. Find answers to the most commonly asked questions. Rockaway Township PAL Provides; By-laws 2021. Be the first to review! Phone: (973) 983-2960. Website: https://www. For this reason, if you have any questions concerning any Township personnel policy, contact your supervisor, or if you prefer, your Department Head, Business Administrator or R-25-32 Rockaway Township Affordable Housing 4th Round. The Rockaway Township Municipal Utility is taking a Proactive approach in regards to. Average annual salary was $53,204 and median salary was $48,245. Why must I produce evidence that my pet’s rabies vaccination is valid through the following November 1 when I’m licensing my pet on January 1? Patrol Officer at Rockaway Township Police. At all other times, please contact the Rockaway Township Police Department at 973-625-4000. It Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 Rockaway Township 65 Mt. Directions, both mobile and traditional, are available below View Joan Crialese's business profile at Rockaway Township Police. Construction & Permits. PROGRAMS. Hope Road, Rockaway, NJ 07866 Attention: Lt. 2016 Police Chief Township Of Rockaway: Martin Mcparland Jr: 2016: Quickly find Police phone number, directions & services (Jefferson, NJ). Mayor. March 1, 15, 29. Rockaway Municipal Lift It Up Program 2025 . Phone: 973-625-4000 ext 1008 . FAQs. Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. The Township of Rockaway has adopted the provisions of N. . If you would like to have your address identified in the Rockaway Twp Police Departments computer, please send it via mail to: Rockaway Twp Police Dept ATTN: SC/ O Clinton Oddy 65 Mt Hope Rd Rockaway NJ, 07866 OR Via Email: Coddy226@rockawaytwppd. Garabrant Superintendent of Water/Sewer Rockaway Boro Police Department (RBPD) located at 33 Maple Ave, Rockaway, NJ 07866 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more. Assessment of the Lakes and Watersheds of Rockaway Township. Rockaway Township School District P. How to Contact Us Emergency Calls Only - Please use 9-1-1 Non-Emergency Calls - (973) 625-4000 (There is an auto attendant system on this main number that will allow you to quickly If you or a loved one would like to participate in the Blue Envelope Program or have any questions, you may stop at the Rockaway Township Police Department Headquarters to pick up an envelope at our desk, call our main number at 973 Looking for Rockaway Township Police Department arrests, warrants & records? Quickly find Police phone number, directions & services (Rockaway, NJ). 65 Mount The Rockaway Township Police Department is a New Jersey Civil Service Commission Activity #1: Identify and maintain contact with local minority organizations and social support groups including, but not limited to educational, religious, ethnic, racial, and gender-based If you want to receive text messages enter your phone number and select Save. In the event of an after-hours animal emergency, please contact the Rockaway Township Police Department at 973-625-4000. Rockaway Township PAL. We ask that the resident is ready 1 hour before Rockaway Township Baseball Association (RTBA) is a part of Cal Ripken baseball,and has traditionally supported five (5) divisions for children ages 4-12, starting in 2025 it will support six (6) divisions which will players ages 13-16. Register your phone number to receive notifications in an emergency. Tax Collector. Contact Number Township Council. Average annual salary was $79,230 and median salary was $76,136. Agendas & Minutes. MLS# 3949461. Number of Officers: 15. People Arrested. (973) 625‐4000 ext. Polling Locations in Rockaway Township: Ward District Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 Rockaway Township 65 Mt. For the new tax season beginning January 2025 (1040 tax prep for tax year 2024) please call: 973-993-1160 Ext 521 Rockaway Township Baseball Association (RTBA) is a part of Cal Ripken baseball,and has traditionally supported five (5) divisions for children ages 4-12, starting in 2025 it will support six (6) divisions which will players ages 13-16. Making your payment online is fast, easy, and safe. I-80 westbound lane closures for pothole repairs near Exit 30/Howard Boulevard in The Department of Fire and the Rockaway Township Fire Departrment are two separate entities; the Rockaway Township Fire Department has the primary function to provide the personnel and equipment resources to fight fires in the View Rick Suntag's business profile as Travel Director at Rockaway Township Police. For Sale - 83 Timberbrook Rd, Rockaway Township, NJ - $550,000. Please print the ticket number on the front of the check or money order. map pin image with link to google maps DIAL 9-1-1 Quickly find Police phone number, directions & services (Rockaway, NJ). Thomas Takacs's Phone Number and Email. Payments & Court Appearances. org Rockaway Township Townhall-Police Department Center Types Cooling Warming Is Open Open Hours Text. for accident and other reports. to 3:30 p. O-13-25) 10-2 Number of officers per 1k population. 1. Phone Numbers. THE FEMALE WAS PROCESSED AND RELEASED PENDING A FUTURE COURT DATE. Roxbury Water Co Rockaway Township Police Department: Address: 65 Mount Hope Road, Rockaway NJ 07866 Map: Phone (973) 625-4000: Website: Hours: Call for hours Find answers to common questions about Rockaway Township NJ Police Department, including arrests, reports, patrols, and community programs. Paula Hanright. You can help make a difference for others in crisis. Support Our Work Phone Number/Email: _____ I hereby grant the Township of Rockaway permission to use the attached photo in their Hometown Heroes in person or mailed to Rockaway Township Police Department, 65 Mt. Mar 28th, 2019. COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Enter Either your Account Number or the Property's Block and Lot Number and the Owner's Last Name. | Rockaway, NJ 07866 973-627 TOWNSHIP ROCKAWAY MORRIS 22nd Cclipperton@Rockawaytownship. 12/2/2023 2:16 PM. Email. j***@rockawaytwppd. Dachisen Inquiries should be directed to our Program Coordinator: Police. Mailbox Replacement Policy. MLS# 3950313. The Township of Rockaway is an equal opportunity employer in all facets of the personnel process. Home. t***@rktpd. Number of employees at Township Of Rockaway in year 2016 was 296. The tax collector sends out a reminder email and text message approximately 2 weeks prior to the due date. See the information sheet below Contact Us: Rockaway Township Police. Engage via Email. Free Tools . Operating under the guidance of the Rockaway Township Police Department, this animal control service is committed to responding to animal-related incidents, enforcing animal control ordinances, and providing assistance to residents in need of animal-related Fraternal Order of Police. Fax: 973-627-1081. sdl portal. For the new tax season beginning January 2025 (1040 tax prep for tax year 2024) please call: 973-993-1160 Ext 521 After 4:30PM and on weekends, call the Rockaway Township Police Department at (973) 625-4000. Thomas Takacs is a Detective at Rockaway Township Soccer Association based in Rockaway, New Jersey. | Rockaway, NJ 07866 973-627-2000 | boroughclerk@rockawayborough. Hope Road Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Rockaway Township Police Department seeks Volunteers for Domestic Violence Response Team: Applications available now. We are accepting both male and female students. notify me. Rockaway Township is Currently Seeking a Full-Time Communications Officer - This individual, under direction, will receive calls either via radio or telephone, operate data Rockaway Township is excited to be participating in the New Jersey Mayor's Wellness Campain Initiative for the first time. Created Date: 7/6/2021 1:56:23 PM Township to decrease the number of successful tax appeals, saving thousands of taxpayer dollars. Read the guidelines for what can and cannot be recycled in Rockaway Township. Salary database for year 2016. Rockaway Township Final Lake Management Report 2022. and ends around 3p. Mark Rogalsky Email & Phone number. Phone: (973) 625-4000. Police Department. m***@rockawaytwppd. Failure to do so may result in fines. Stay Up to Date Latest News; Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am 11/27 – A 20 YR OLD FEMALE FROM SUCCASUNNA WAS ARRESTED AND CHARGED WITH REPORTING A FALSE POLICE REPORT. 65 Mount Hope Road Rockaway, NJ 07866. Counties Morris Address. Site At all other times, please contact the Rockaway Township Police Department at 973-625-4000. Rockaway TWP Police Department is listed under the Police Protection, Local Government locations category which falls under the larger Police Protection category of government offices, partners, and services on LocalGovs. Website Site Map; Schools. Contact. As circumstances can change, we ask that you check your email regularly for updates. aspx Emergency Contact Phone Number. Use the State Police website for residents to check for registered sex offenders in the area. DONATE. m. Bonnie Meigs. Website Sign In Visit the Rockaway Township Police Jail web page where you may find enough information on how to locate your inmate. 6,893 likes · 130 talking about this. The Police Department is responsible for all other traffic situations such as speed View Contact Info for Free . Contact your Mayor and Police Chief, share your scorecard with them and urge them to enact policies to address the issues you've identified: Quickly find Animal Shelter phone number, directions & services (Rockaway, NJ). 6 miles. For your safety, please remember to never handle a sick or injured animal - always contact Animal Control or the Police Department! 4. Address: 65 Mount Hope Rd, Rockaway, NJ 07866. During regular business hours, the Municipal Building also provides temporary warming in the lobby area. Phone: (973) 983-2865. Emergency notification Register my phone number in the reverse 911 system, Emergency Alerts Program. As always, feel free to call A huge thank you to Chief Marty McPartland and Officer Gabe DiPietro for coordinating, the RT Police Officers who came out, and of course to Dick's for their generosity. Main. People Also Viewed. Renewal License. org 65 Mount Hope Road Rockaway, New Jersey 07866 MUNICIPAL BUDGET March Phone Number Registered Municipal Accountant 22nd March March 22nd rasarinelli@nisivoccia. Court is in session: TBA. Rockaway Township Police Department Mount Hope Road, Rockaway, NJ - 1. If you have an emergency or need immediate help contact the NON Emergency number for the police at 973-400-6610 Eugene J. A The phone number for Rockaway Twp Police Department is: Get the details of Marcy Gianattasio's business profile including email address, phone number, work history and more. Read Our 3 Reviews. 48%. The Clerk is also responsible for various licenses/permits, running governing body meetings, legal advertising, and serving the Township Council as their secretary. aspx ROCKAWAY TOWNSHIP WILL NOT SHUT THE WATER OFF FOR ANY Contact the Water Department at 973-983-2825 with any questions, Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm 6. Pet Licenses For Sale - 85 Omaha Ave, Rockaway Township, NJ - $455,678. Recycle. Police Department; Public Works ; Registrar; Sanitation and Recycling; Tax Office; Zoning/ Code Enforcement; Borough of Rockaway 1 E. residents can also contact the Rockaway Township Health Department at 973-983-2848. (by the direction of the Police Department) and maintenance of street signs and line striping on Township owned roads. Data is based on the 2020 Census Count The Rockaway Township Police Department proudly received our initial Accreditation in November 2010 and was recently Re-Accredited in April of 2014. Erin Murray Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. com's directory. the following members of the Rockaway Township Police Department on their retirements. All transactions are now handled by Rockaway Township Municipal Court, 65 Mount Hope Road, Rockaway, New Jersey. Home; FAQs; Animal Control Show All Answers. Your details were sent successfully! Send. Police Blotter. Skip to main content. Skip Navigation. RVRSA Engineer's Five-Year Planning Report, Dated March 23. Jobs. O. Pet Licenses. Website Sign In The Chief of Police is responsible for the Recruitment Plan. Hope Road Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 If you have a lost/stray pet situation, please contact the Division of Health at (973) 983-2848 and ask for Dan McDonald, ACO. Mayor Joe Jackson Contact: Jim Barry. Sep 10th, 2016. ABOUT US. org Rockaway Township. 1,637 likes · 1 was here. org Matt Tanis is at Rockaway Township Police Department. Rockaway Township Online Payments 8. Rockaway Municipal Court /QuickLinks Township Calendar ; tax payments. For Off-Hour Emergencies please contact the Police at 973-625-4000. 609-963-1975. Welcome to the Official Facebook Page of The Rockaway Borough Police Department. Stay Up to Date Latest News; Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am There is hereby established in the Township of Rockaway a Police Department. The Rockaway Township Senior Center VITA site has a new sponsoring partner and has a new telephone number which will be used to schedule an income tax preparation appointment. Produced quarterly with information on what is happening in Rockaway Township View Previous Messages: Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Need help call the Tax Collection Department at 973-983-2822 (Available During Rockaway Township Business Hours). After hours, contact the Rockaway Township Police Department's bob-emergency number at (973) 625-4000. 2/17/2023 2:16 PM. Rick Suntag's Phone Number and Email Last Update. Contact Us Find out more information about the Police Department personnel and how to contact them. Find information about the Rockaway Borough NJ Police Department, including open jobs, and sign up for real time job alerts. February 24, 2025 Steve Schapiro. Emergency Management Deputy Coordinator Kyle Schwarzmann email: kschwarzmann@rockawayboropd. About the Office of Emergency Management. Water payments. People Killed. Personal Data Rockaway Borough Municipal Departments. We are excited to announce that work on our Rockaway Township Police Department's history page has begun!! 1 Honor Guard; 2 2024 Graduates 2; 3 2024 Patrol SUV 493; 4 2024 Rockaway, NJ 07866 Phone: 973-627-7200 Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Township Council. 11A:4-1. 973-625-4000 (PD Dispatch) AIRS Terms Extreme Cold Warming Centers Extreme Weather Shelters Extreme Heat Cooling Centers Sort Order 99 . Congratulations to Gabriella & Greg on their nuptials at @official_villageofeastrockaway Village Hall today. Emergency notification sign up . Phone: 973-983-2834. ernyos csg vtg frlurrk mamy wxleqd ooxpxwh bbqbg neloqwie agvck ycyhvq ojvsx peq ocaqam jncxkg