Telegram unisa groups https: Just use @UnisaGroupsBot or unisa-groups. Download Telegram to view and join the conversation. This is the announcement channel for the Unisa-Groups network. Friends and families use groups to share photos and plans, teams and businesses to coordinate their work, massive ICOs to answer questions and keep in touch with their investors. If you have any issues signing up or logging in, drop me a message on Telegram @darrynv (t. This is so that they can work well enough for them to finish posting the results, etc. t. 2K subscribers. Join Group. @unisagroupschannel. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4. right away. Find and join various Telegram groups for UNISA students, such as academic, study materials, textbooks, chit chat and more. You are invited to the group ILW1501. The UNISA B. The ultimate student portal for seamless group discussions and resources. Join the updated PSC1501 group now for ongoing academic discussions and updates. If you need help, run /help For the Verification process: Send a message with only [StudentNr]@myLife. You are invited to the group FAC1503 - Financial Accounting Principles, Concepts and Procedures. If you have Telegram, you can launch It is recommended you try use the desktop version of Telegram on a computer as a means of accessing shared resources in your group until Telegram releases a fix for the iPhone app. We anticipate the admission to the examinations will run from 29 April 2022, when students will receive their examination admission letters. You are invited to the group LCP4804. You may also have or want study materials 📚. Telegram groups 2. STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO SHARE Module Specific Groups Found at - unisa-groups. We, as Unisa students, made and look after these groups for you; but there is just a few of us & we don't study every degree & every module, so nobody can do that for you. You know, a pervasive issue I find among us is that most of us treat each other like we treat the @UnisaGroupsBot, meanwhile we all want to be treated as people. Please avoid filling up @unisalounge & the module groups with messages about these things! Rather ask in the perfect place for them: Course Groups! Just use @UnisaGroupsBot Moreover, the University appeals to students with any information on dishonest or fraudulent activity related to Unisa examinations and certification to report such activity to one of the following reporting channels: • Hotline South Africa - 0800 075 278 • Hotmail South Africa - unisa@thehotline. tk) and search for your course by using the code number or the name. 4. Alternatively, you can also try ask your peers in the groups to point you to the file you are looking for by replying to the message of the file. za/ When the page opens, enter your Module or Group Name and click on the Search button. 55 If you have Telegram, you can view and join Unisa Study Tutorials etc. Educational The University of South Africa (UNISA) is a public distance learning institution based in Pretoria, South Africa. To find the group for your degree, just: - find out the numeric (number) code of your degree; - search for that number on unisa-groups. Want to promote anything on Telegram? Les us do the job! Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups If you have Telegram, you can view and join Unisa-Students' Announcements right away. Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups Step by step guide to preparing for the May/June 2022 Online Examinations It is that time of the year and we are ready to commence the May/June 2022 online examination period which will start on 13 May 2022. Members count for @unisagroups last 30 days Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups If you have Telegram, you can view and join Unisa-Students' Announcements right away. To search for UNISA groups on Telegram, follow these steps: Open the Telegram app on your device; Click on the search bar at the top of the screen; Type in "UNISA" or any keyword related to UNISA; Several UNISA groups will appear in the search results; Select the group you want to join; Click on "Join Group" I was banned on telegram and now I’m unable to join groups, who can I contact regarding this matter? This is so unnecessary. tk), after 24hrs. Feb 9, 2024 · UNISA's Telegram and WhatsApp Study Groups, crafted with care by your fellow students! These groups stand as a testament to the power of student initiative, offering a vibrant hub for sharing knowledge, exchanging study materials, and fostering friendships. unisa_study_materials. We hope Telegram will reply and provide us with a reason and/or solution 😔 If you have Telegram, you can view and join Unisa-Students' Lounge right away. Platform. Here people share thair interest and knowlage about Unisa, in this groups they discussing thair problems and wonders on the Unisa subject. ) Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups If you have Telegram, you can view and join Unisa-Students' Announcements right away. 58K subscribers General Unisa Group for Economics courses and modules. General chat for Unisa students. Enter Module/Group: Once again, please use @UnisaGroupsBot or unisa-groups. Once again, please use @UnisaGroupsBot or unisa-groups. We encourage all students to start studying and preparing for these exams. 56. Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups ATT: Tutors, Due to complaints among students that some tutors are trying to take advantage, it has been proposed that any tutors that wish to make themselves available to students here by advertising themselves discretely, show good faith by also contributing to discussions & aid students to a reasonable degree within these groups. 58K subscribers. Joining a Unisa Telegram group is simple. Com and LLB Law Group is a general platform for students enrolled in B. Hello fellow students, Please note that Unisa has hidden the marks from myUnisa, because they are trying to get everyone to stop logging in so frequently, and consequently overloading the server(s). • a postgraduate student received a final mark between 40% and 49%. VIEW IN TELEGRAM. Unisa Telegram Groups Links and resources pertaining to UNISA study modules and their studygroups. when you sign up you MUST use your Unisa email address! This is done to avoid people signing up just to send spam. unisa-groups. Your Unisa email address is in the form of studentnumber@mylife. The results are grouped into three, first tab contains all channels matching unisa, the next contains the groups and the last one, the bots. Unisa Telegram groups are online communities hosted on the popular messaging app, Telegram, specifically tailored to cater to the needs of students enrolled at the University of South Africa (Unisa). za. za and Telegram Bot Joining your favorite Telegram groups is easy and can be Download Telegram About. Apr 14, 2024 · Learn how to find and join Unisa Telegram groups for students, alumni, and staff. Please be patient and ask others to also avoid trying to bypass what Unisa has done because it will only make Every group we had on whatsapp now has a Telegram group🎉 Hopefully we can work together to bring our friends and peers over, you can give them the link to our website, Unisa-groups. N. You are invited to the group LPL4802. co. How To Join Unisa Telegram Groups 2025-2026. We hope Telegram will reply and provide us with a reason and/or solution 😔 Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups If you have Telegram, you can view and join Unisa-Students' Announcements right away. The implementation of our new learning management system (Moodle) stretched our resilience as we navigated the challenges of the new system. 🎉This channel now has over 4000 subscribers!🎉 This means that at least 1 out of every 100 people studying at Unisa are subscribed to this group😳 Thank you all for spreading the word😁 Please make sure to tell fellow students that are still on whatsapp, facebook or myunisa forums about our groups! General and Module Specific Academic groups for UNISA students. za to find groups. ac. Dec 22, 2023 · Unisa does not provide third examination opportunities. If you requested a group, please search for it via @UnisaGroupsBot (or Unisa-Groups. za for: Textbook Sales Academic Tutor Services Spread the link https: Hi! I'm here to assist everyone on the Telegram groups, please type /help to see what I can do! Start Bot. za for: Textbook Sales Academic Tutor Services Spread the link https: Category: University of South Africa Tags: download unisa telegram, Free unisa group bots, telegram join group, Telegram group search UNISA, Unisa group bots download, Unisa group bots telegram, UNISA groups Telegram link, unisa groups whatsapp, UNISA group bots, Unisa Telegram groups 2025 link, Unisa telegram join group, UNISA group bot Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups If you have Telegram, you can view and join Unisa-Students' Announcements right away. Unisa has made an announcement, please read it here: Unisa is concerned about reported incidents of a fraudulent scam offering to alter students' academic records It has come to our attention that some students have been approached by individuals offering fraudulent services to alter academic records, particularly, offering to change students’ disciplinary status in order to release student Jan 13, 2024 · To search the groups, you must type this URL into the browser >> https://unisa-groups. Typical links to be found here; 1. The first semester examination timetable will be made available on the Unisa Examination Timetable Tool and will be available as from 15 April 2022. You can have separate Telegram groups for your paying students. To use the Unisa Group Bot, click here. If you have Telegram, you can view and join All UNISA Telegram Groups 2025 right away. 7 Results outstanding Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups Unisa has made an announcement, please read it here: Unisa is concerned about reported incidents of a fraudulent scam offering to alter students' academic records It has come to our attention that some students have been approached by individuals offering fraudulent services to alter academic records, particularly, offering to change students Jul 5, 2024 · Unisa-Groups Announcements is an announcement telegram channel for the Unisa students. Each tab items are ordered by relavance, you can click on any item listed below for more details including analytics and user reviews. tk to get the latest link. B. za Main UNISA Students Whatsapp and Telegram Groups for 2025 Find groups is for WhatsApp and Telegram groups related to UNISA for the 2025 academic year. Please try to send enquiries to the relevant department to avoid delays (also try to avoid sending to multiple recipients). unisa. Tutors will conduct themselves in a professional manner and no conflict with admins or other tutors or even with students on the groups will be If you have any issues signing up or logging in, drop me a message on Telegram @darrynv (t. Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups If you have Telegram, you can view and join Unisa-Students' Announcements right away. Get instant notifications, access educational resources, and follow the community rules. Unisa-Students' Announcements via @bold Apologies to ECS1601 students, the matter with the group has been resolved and you can join properly now 13. If you have Telegram, you can view and join The Educators (Bed, PGCE, ABET, FET) right away. Unisa Telegram groups are online communities where you can connect, share, and work with others on academic and non-academic topics. You are invited to the group EUP1501. you can find the invitation link by opening a group. If you have Telegram, you can view and join UNISA B. You are invited to the group PDU3701. Jan 28, 2025 · Group 'Unisa Study Materials Share' focuses on building materials & supplies, industrial materials & equipment, heavy machinery, study grants & scholarships, timeshares & vacation properties and you may join this group by clicking the above "Join Group" button (link opens in Telegram App). Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups Hello UNISAns, For your safety, it is NOT permitted to post phone numbers in the groups. Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups Unisa-Students' Announcements @UnisaGroupsChannel. Join group Join the UNISA Telegram groups for essential study updates! Discover semester-specific groups on Telegram/Facebook. Join In addition, in accordance with policy, Unisa does not grant third opportunities to students to rewrite their missed examinations. 589 Niks indian telegram channels. You are invited to the group Unisa-Students' Lounge. Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups Hello UNISAns, We are approaching exams, so here are some exam prep hints on how to get ready: (1) 👍🏽Simply start working through the coursework, all the while talking about & sharing the question(s) you are working through, in your groups. za Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups If you have Telegram, you can view and join Unisa-Students' Announcements right away. Com and LLB Law programs. me Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups Unisa-Students' Announcements @UnisaGroupsChannel. za, with a main Unisa community available at https://t. 55 Jul 15, 2024 · UNISA Group Search. tk and get the group in the results; - then press the link in the results to join it. Aug 19, 2023 · Joining groups using Unisa-groups. Unisa-Students' Announcements Step by step guide to preparing for the May/June 2022 Online Examinations It is that time of the year and we are ready to commence the May/June 2022 online examination period which will start on 13 May 2022. Unisa has made an announcement: Dear Unisa Student Unisa has successfully concluded its May/June 2022 examinations. Aug 18, 2023 · Type a message: “/Search (your module code)” and hit send eg: /search AUI4863 /search mat1502 /search graduation Telegram Council of Mathematicians Group of Mathematical discussions; Topics includes: Linear Algebra (Matrices) Calculus Analysis (Topology) (Real and Complex) Differential Equations (DE, PDE, ODE) Abstract (Modern) Algebra Matlab and other CAS If you have Telegram, you can view and join UNISA B. . This is the list of Telegram groups related to Unisa. How to Join Telegram Groups via Unisa-Groups. The group shares important announcements on Exams, graduations, applications, and Unisa assignments submission closing dates. Do not advertise competing groups on Telegram. 5K subscribers. 🧏🏽♂️ (Also note: Admins here are students too & we don't work for Unisa or have inside info. You must love the Telegram! Do not lure students to other groups outside of Telegram. Happy New Year Unisa!🎇 Now that registration has begun, you may have questions about module combinations, pre/co-requisites and other things specific to your course/degree. Also note modules with portfolio (evidence-based) assessment, continuous assessment, practical assessment, experiential assessment or require research reports, do not have a second examination opportunity. Unfortunately, a lot of you do not understand the dangers we've mentioned, of sharing personal information in a public space, so if & when admins encounter this rule being broken, they'll have to enforce it in order to keep this space relatively safe for Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups Unisa-Students' Announcements @UnisaGroupsChannel. 59. You could also share the link in other places where the students for that module/degee gather, & soon the collaborative experience in your group(s) can become better than ever. You can view and join @eup1501studygroup right away. If you have Telegram, you can view and join EUP1501 UNISA STUDENTS Apr 5, 2022 · Please open Telegram to view this post. 87. Discussion regarding National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), NRF (National Research Foundation) and related issues Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups Good morning fellow students, @inferKNOX here with a bit of encouragement. 7 Results outstanding Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups Hello everyone Unisa seems to have changed their timetable format again and as such it was throwing the bot's results out by up to a day (we did warn you, though) Again, please let us know if any dates/times/durations are incorrect, but it should be working now) Also, we have secured a domain name. Student Groups Gateway. Dear students, A lot of you keep on spamming groups with messages about email addresses of several UNISA departments. 8 Unisa-Students' Lounge. tk, to get them started👌 Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups If you have Telegram, you can view and join Unisa-Students' Announcements right away. We hope Telegram will reply and provide us with a reason and/or solution 😔 Please open Telegram to view this post. Here you can find links to Unisa Telegram groups aka communities, supergroups and chats. Announcement to all UNISA students Fraudsters are trying steal personal information or charge students money for services that are free. 57. Below is a step-by-step guide: Download the Telegram App: Join the UNISA Telegram groups for essential study updates! Discover semester-specific groups on Telegram/Facebook. 6K subscribers. me/darrynv). me/UnisaGroupsChannel /1082 Join Group. Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups Unisa has made an announcement: Please note that the Graduation ceremonies for 3, 4 and 5 May at both 10:00 and 18:00 have been postponed till further notice. The group for each subject or course will only be made if requested. Learn how to find and join Telegram groups of your interest using Unisa-Groups. za email addresses) 98. Attention PSC1501 members! We've made changes to our groups. Browse the list of links forwarded from Student Groups Gateway and click to join the groups of your interest. me/UnisaGroupsChannel /1147 If you have Telegram, you can view and join Unisa Study Materials Share right away. About. Join best Search Telegram Group 👆 list of links to Find groups chats. Join UniSA Telegram Channels free of cost Research study Materials as well as Notes for LLB, BPT, and Management Students. EUP1501 UNISA STUDENTS right away. Find and join UNISA groups on Telegram for your modules and degrees. Join Group under unisa-groups. za Download Telegram About. Please do not fall for any scammers contacting you via sms, email or here on Telegram for any service that you can easily do yourself. Unisa Telegram Study Groups. These groups provide a space for Unisa students to interact, collaborate, and seek assistance related to their academic endeavors. Telegram: Join Group Chat To find the group for your degree, just: - find out the numeric (number) code of your degree; - search for that number on unisa-groups. Join group BPT1501-UNISA💻 right away. UNISA Telegram groups. Blog. Follow the screenshots and steps to join a new group with your module code. You are invited to the group UNISA Graduation Group. Also, you search for study groups with the Unisa Group Bot. Join the UNISA Telegram groups for essential study updates! Discover semester-specific groups on Telegram/Facebook. May 21, 2021 · Join UniSA Telegram Group Links for University of South Africa Students as well as Faculty Members to aid to find Jobs as well as Important Alerts. Please see here about how to request. Download Telegram About. Search results for unisa. Rules for every telegram group we don't allow students share contacts in the group or WhatsApp links, due to lot of scammers around. 6 Supplementary examination A student attains a "supplementary examination" outcome if • an undergraduate student failed or was absent from the first examination opportunity (see section 3 below). 4K subscribers. This group has over 46k members. za & search for your QUALIFICATION CODE, then join the group to find others that are doing the same course & can answer you and/or want/have your study materials, etc. Unisa Telegram Groups 2025-2026 Unisa Telegram Groups 2025-2026 Why You Should Join UNISA Telegram Groups in 2025-2026: As a distance-learning university, Unisa has various students from all over the world. Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups 📝 Here is an exam list for January/February 2022 of CSET modules that are invigilated. If you have Telegram, you can view and join Unisa-Students' Lounge right away. Telegram Council of Mathematicians Group of Mathematical discussions; Topics includes: Linear Algebra (Matrices) Calculus Analysis (Topology) (Real and Complex) Differential Equations (DE, PDE, ODE) Abstract (Modern) Algebra Matlab and other CAS Join the UNISA Telegram groups for essential study updates! Discover semester-specific groups on Telegram/Facebook. If we come across lists for other modules, we will share them too. Find & join the group for your course by using the bot (press: @UnisaGroupsBot) or the website (press: Unisa-Groups. Тг Каталог Searching for UNISA Groups on Telegram. Join UNISA Telegram Groups 2025 on Facebook to connect with fellow students and access study resources. Com and LLB Law Group right away. 8K views 06:29 Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups Dear Unisa Student, The upcoming October to December 2022 online exams will start on 03 October 2022. Click on the Telegram link for the particular group to join. 1454 unisa groups, channel link join naat, barcelona fans kerala channel link, Telegram channels are one of the most popular words in TelegramIans Join the UNISA Telegram groups for essential study updates! Discover semester-specific groups on Telegram/Facebook. General and Module Specific Academic groups for UNISA students. Click above to join. Members can use the provided link to join any UNISA module group. 59550. Feel free to share your groups or ask for any links to admin to upload too! Educational The University of South Africa (UNISA) is a public distance learning institution based in Pretoria, South Africa. You do not need to re-join any groups, this only affects new groups you want to join 👍 Again, sorry about this. If there is no result because it has not been made yet, use feedback or tell us in @UnisaLounge that you need it to be created. 🧲LLB LAW TELEGRAM GROUP LINKS. za, a platform for Unisa students. It’s a telegram robot that will aid you in the different groups of the University. See the stats Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups If you have Telegram, you can view and join Unisa-Students' Announcements right away. za Unisa encourages students and other Unisa does not provide third examination opportunities. Apps. You are invited to the group AFL1501 - English. The Unisa Study Materials Share group facilitates the sharing of study resources such as textbooks, study guides, and tutorials for Unisa study modules. za (For Unisa Staff we also accept @unisa. Announcements for the UNISA-Students' Groups Unisa-Students' Announcements. Please save this message for future reference. Students are encouraged to contribute materials and can join module-specific groups at unisa-groups. See the stats Join Group. 4K views 07:06 Unisa-Students' Announcements Please note, the Course & Subject groups above are to give you options, & you don't have to join any group that you don't want to. You are invited to the group BPT1501. Join Student Groups Gateway. Telegram groups are a powerful tool for building communities and can support up to 200,000 members each. fpx fkwll blis bhl novuyblez gubex ovvke liot hfcn xzxyufv tdl bmk wqk zgobgyl omsif