Unitrunker could not open. However, DSD does not understand P2.
Unitrunker could not open FIXED: Omnilink systems lose their delegation links. 60 feet of cable. Basically, the more real time information that can be displayed coming out of the control channel about the system (within reason), the happier I am. I am not sure if this will Nov 26, 2014 · I was hoping that someone could give me some advice. I made an attempt at using NTVDM support for VXDs (Windows 9X drivers) but found that didn't work either. 30. It Jul 2, 2021 · Well, 2 actually. C. The first vfo seemed to work fine, but the second one always says stopped, can not open. xml. F. Receiver logging folder (where tuner and decode logs are kept) - deleted when receiver is deleted. SDRsharp and all other RTL utilities work just fine with both sticks. Your LCN order needs some work as it is currently not defining channel frequencies - what system is this? Aug 15, 2014 · So, it seemed to me like the next step is to get it working in Unitrunker. The control channel VFO is actively receiving a signal. Changes the altered one to unitrunker. Click the "refresh" button on the receiver window toolbar (this re-populates the list of available RTL devices). What I do is go to the system tab double click the system you want then select the group tap and it will show you a list of all the talk groups, from here select edit mode and select the talk groups you want lockout, if I want to listen to just one talk group I just lock the Sep 27, 2012 · The plan was to use the log file(s) as a back store for the history grid so that you could scroll back in time as far as you wanted (provided any history exists back that far). The system as it is now is pretty much correct. Feb 19, 2018 · What I am saying though is that in the Source ID if you click on one of those it will open a new window. O. Then when running sdr# and activating trunking plugin it wants me to place remote. 1. I am currently running the Unitrunker program and I am receiving something on the display. Jul 12, 2015 · 1) The trunking system has changed the control channel while Unitrunker was not running. FIXED: Oscilloscope trace line not invisible. Could someone please give me a step by step process for getting the info from the scanner into the laptop. The problem is that there doesn't seem to be a unitrunker. 1 is a e4000 and the other is the 820t. I suppose some sort of overall additive adjustment would be nice to apply to a system so you could easily change your priority logic (i. [Same Unitrunker "Skip"] - F3: Toggle talkgroup delay mode Jan 27, 2015 · Usually to listen to trunked radio systems, two RTL-SDR dongles are required. e. The Nooelec one seems to work fine, but when I try to add the Smartee XTR and start it, it seems to stop itself right away. Joined Jul 24, 2005 Messages 149. [HELP] Unitrunker “Could not open!” Message. Sure wish I could get the system logging to work correctly. Apr 3, 2013 · The Unitrunker. I stopped unitrunker and went back to SDR , I was able to get local analog radio staions, however when i tried to find a local trunked station that I had listened to before Sep 26, 2012 · Not open for further replies. Recently Pawel of pewusoft wrote in to RTL-SDR. , in PCR2500 mode) it locks up Com port 8, and Unitrunker could not be expected to talk with the unit in that mode Sep 11, 2010 · I may have posted some of these before, but I wanted to get them all down in the same place. This likely got polluted when I switched the scanner from one site (6F0F 31 Salem) to another one (6F10 61 Dellroy) without stopping the receiver first. Aug 1, 2020 · The "4" in the service column of his screenshots indicates a regular old clear voice transmission, not data or anything else, and not secure transmissions. Aug 26, 2019 · I am running two RTL-SDR's in Unitrunker, one for signal and one for voice. Feb 17, 2025 · The exports work fine in Open Office on the Windows 10 computer and also LibreOffice Calc on my Linux computer. Nov 23, 2013 · MPT1327 does not (generally) tell you how to map channel numbers to frequencies. Any Jun 13, 2021 · When I open FMP. 2000 mhz. -rick Feb 22, 2020 · What works for one person might not work at all for any other person. 7 and am having trouble saving the user call history. Maybe I am missing something, but it appears that the audio codec or A/D input port on my computers is not compatible with unitrunker. It will optionally allow for voice monitoring of analog and P25 Phase 1 audio, but not Phase 2, and would likely require a second SDR to cover all system voice channels due to band width limitations of SDR dongles. Aug 28, 2008 · Using "Sub" packet-out (discriminator tap), Unitrunker decodes in its usual fantastic way showing a constant 100% readout. 28. Feb 16, 2016 · Thanks for that suggestion, but being on the dumb side when it comes to the computer end of things. Motorola P25 scan/NAS questions. I have to select Cancel, otherwise the program won't open. just incase you didn't see my last comment, here is a video showing the problem when running May 7, 2017 · I recently installed Unitrunker for use with a dongle, from RTL-SDR. 10. While exploring the program and playing with airspy/DSDplus, I did something to the program(s) and have no idea how to correct my mistake. 0 (8/23/2013) that performs flawlessly with SDR# and RTL1090 programs among others. 1 of 2 Go to page Some are not even listed in site 6 and some that are listed for site 6 do not seem to be in unitrunker Apr 13, 2016 · Unitrunker. Verify the RTL stick is working with SDR#. However if the audio channels are within the same chunk of received bandwidth as the control channel it is possible to use just one dongle to follow trunked conservations. For example, the MPT1327 decoder in Unitrunker is a very basic "me too" implementation. Feb 3, 2017 · I guess another dongle and a DSD+ upgrade is in my future. In every case, the R2500 audio was typical P25 digital "noise". Your previous suggestions were spot on to get my local Harris P25 working. 108 for unitrunker. I have noticed in unitrunker that many calls are Digital and figured I would have to use DSD+ to decode the audio but have no idea where to start. 0. Run Zadig - only to verify the RTL device is paired with WinUSB (not libusbK or some other driver). Now I close the System window and the Group window by clicking the X button. and also /user/application data/Unitrunker/S0000001 etc. Jul 11, 2007 · It is too bad that more of our local scanner enthusiasts could not/did not attend the demo today. 3. I have the audio output set to my speakers. And frequencies will be missing the decimal. The FMP returns a message, "No frequency data files found" _____ When I open FMPA. Feb 8, 2019 · You could join the Unitrunker official Google group for help - Google Groups. I think what got me off track was the first few times I tried there was an export issue with the previous version of Unitrunker. R. Jan 7, 2015 · I set the park frequency of my voice receiver to a local P25 conventional frequency. I have downloaded and installed DSD + VB Cable and Unitrunker. One for decoding the trunking control channel and another for listening to the audio channel. 7 DSD+ v1. Thread starter offsite; Start date Sep 1, 2015; Status Not open for further replies. I have set up a discriminator to recieve from the virtual cable. May 8, 2016 · The unitrunker program seems to have crashed. S. open the Unitrunker receiver window for your RTL stick. Anybody got some Aug 13, 2011 · Kudo's to the authors of Unitrunker and DSD! My next effort is a hardware decoder. No matter what I tried, I got the message "One of more files could not be copied. Joined May 3, 2003 Jun 28, 2008 · Does "636" equate to 409. Save as BMP, JPEG or (my favorite) PNG. Unitrunker 2. bat" didn't change anything. Not open for further replies. Go. Nov 23, 2019 · Thank you Maus. When I encountered this problem, I uninstalled Unitrunker, downloaded and installed the latest version, and the problem still persists. It is possible for the voice receiver to provide discriminator audio to a separate decoding program like DSD. The code responsible for all Uniden models has been split into two separate modules; one for the older Uniden models that contain mostly two letter commands and another module for Oct 1, 2009 · Just released - improvements over the 1. btw: the only way I could get the psr-600 working half decent for airband was to put a 25 db preamp in line and then put in 10 db of attenuation and an fm trap from a ground plane cut to 120MHZ. However the Western MA network is still MPT1327 and works with UniTrunker and SDRTrunk. I'm not saying the answer isn't in there, but I don't know enough to realize it maybe. There's a lot more I could do for this format but won't until I get more time and access to a variety of systems for testing. Since Unitrunker expects the connected receiver to be in CC dump mode or tied up as a voice following reciever, that won't work. 6. Dec 19, 2020 · No version of Unitrunker decodes P25 TDMA. But, so far, it is not able to control the "Main" side. Profile is 1. My SDR# works fine and I can listen to different frequencies with it, but for some reason unitrunker says "Could not open!" when doing it. The data is shown in the history tab for each user whilst the program is running, but when I close down and re-open the program all of the user history is gone, the rest of my data is saved - just not the user history. (Note: This setting was not generally saved in 1. Otherwise it wont work properly. 8. I do however have a BR330T that sits mostly idle on my desk. If not I'll be stuck with getting this working as my dongles are remote Jan 9, 2015 · alot of people (like me) that have a 2 dongle system can not or do not know how to do this with unitrunker that have a non R280T tuner. When I use the ICOM s/w to control the unit (i. Oct 6, 2009 · I resolved the Optocom control problem and the Unitrunk decode problem by using 2 laptops. I have noticed an apparent link between this happening and the group I'm trying to open showing a first hit of "Invalid Date". A little help with Unitrunker 2. Joined Feb 8, 2008 Messages 10 Location Jul 4, 2019 · I'm very new (and confused) when it comes to decoding. funbob Member. 3 SDRSharp Signal Radio Jul 18, 2017 · Hi, So here is a new user question about Unitrunker. Oct 5, 2008 · I live in Colorado and I would like to do some control channel monitoring of the state DTRS system, but my 396 currently does not have a discriminator tap. P. NOTE #2: Ignore 6F10 Site 46 listed in the PEERS. This was on systems that had previously worked with UT He noticed that his sound card settings had changed from 48000 to 44100. I have tested a FM radio station frequency and was able to read the FM station. 101 SDRSharp v1. Im trying to use just 1 usb dongle, and it does detect traffic (with no sound). UniTrunker has lots of great bells and whistles but I could never get it to run worth a damn (and retain all my info and settings). 9375(as i entered) Dec 28, 2013 · The trunker plugin could also control turning the filter on and off in sdr sharp for cleaning up the audio. Will the new version of unitrunker that supports the dongles directly support a connection to a dongle via tcp (ie: rtl_tcp ). Mar 8, 2016 · It's not a cable issue (the antenna cabling) because that would create a set level of signal reduction - anyone can see the wildly fluctuating signal health right there on Unitrunker's site window in the upper left where the health meter is red, green, yellow, green, yellow, black, red, yellow, green, etc, it's all over the place and that's not Nov 8, 2024 · For past history of a tg, from the main window, select the Systems tab. The video posted above is not Unitrunker. May 2, 2010 · I know this has gone around many times however for whatever reason I am not understanding this. chris Apr 23, 2020 · kd0taz, i tried your method of changing ser. It is not a standard bandplan, so I have to enter my own: Base - 141. I'm running Unitrunker 1,0,0,17 on Windows Vista Home Premium. I think it has something to do w/ USB port but idk, please help! Trying to use these 2 identical dongles with Unitrunker. I believe I added a DLL file that will not allow Unitrunker to Feb 21, 2012 · I have used Unitrunker Retro quite sometime ago and know that I could import the files from trunker to replace the RID's and GID's. Groups with recent activity will have recent "last seen" timestamps. Mar 24, 2015 · On a brand new installation, I cannot get Unitrunker to recognize the two RTL sticks I have installed. Jan 24, 2011 · UniTrunker P25 decoding tips Thread starter Forts; Start date Jan 24, 2011; Not open for further replies. Jul 8, 2010 · Yes. Jan 23, 2012 · I noticed that newer scanners dont have to be tapped to run Trunk 88 and unitrunker. This allows me to also monitor that frequency when the P25 trunk system is not active, and it works well. 51 was the latest that was available at the time. From the receiver window; click on the radio tower button. Icons colorworldxml configurexml unitrunkerxml1 and xml2 and everytime I listen to a different Sep 16, 2013 · I'm trying to get Unitrunker to work with the SDR# plug in. It looks like the application itself plus supporting items for the installation. But otherwise, you need to supply the control channel, and tell unitrunker what it is, like motorola, provoice, apco p25 etc. Unitrunker makes the information available through the remote API (that's how the sharptrunk DLL gets the information). I can see the peers under the tab - but no control channel frequencies are displayed on each per site line. It was removed a while back. 1) Run 2 instances of Unitrunker for the same system, as an example, talkgroup 1 & 2 go to line 1, talkgroup 3 & 4 go to line 2. May 14, 2016 · I do not know of an across the board way other than making the ranking value numerically higher (which makes it lower priority) for all of the talk groups on that system. Oct 10, 2015 · I think the best thing is if you could simply click on an active talk group that you see in the channel activity to hold on it. I discovered that the Motorola type 2 UHF system had been replaced with a P25 phase 2 system. I was thinking that I could use it to tune to the particular CC frequencies Dec 6, 2015 · I'm not a developer, and by the time I learned what I need to do to manipulate the XML file, I could have spent it loading the data in Unitrunker myself. Though the admin chose to leave unconfirmed LCN's in amongst the confirmed ones contrary to what he was told. I was not brave enough to open my Pro-97 and do it. Finally I exit Unitrunker and get the Please Confirm box, which says all data has been saved. They only happen every 10-20 seconds though and don’t affect digital decoding much. In August 2022, I visited my brother in Umatilla County, Oregon. Jun 13, 2021 · When I open FMP. You can sort by the group ID or by "first seen" or "last seen" timestamps. The program files are located C:\Program Files (X86)\unitrunker. dll in the same directory as Unitrunker. 01500 Lo - 380 Hi - 578 Spacing - 15. Adjust the Warp value for the Signal VFO until you get as close to 0 (zero) as possible (within +/- 10 of zero is good). T. Thread starter cypherstream; Start date Nov 24, 2014; Status Not open for further replies. They all have different correction factors, but most seem to hover in the -50 ppm range. I have the control channel in my VFO1 configuration (142. and I also wound up with 2 different sets of shortcuts One ran the program and found the existing config data and one that would run the program but did not see the existing config data. 5 DSDTune v0. It looks like that 90% of the traffic is on about 30 frequencies anyways, and I've got those loaded. Verify the selection in the RTL device combo box (if the RTL stick moved to a different USB port - the program might not find it; the refresh above tells you the new Feb 28, 2020 · Now I stop SDR and try to get unitrunker up and running,, here is where the problem starts, I can get one RTL running but the other comes up with status could not open. If a system reports as P2 in Unitrunker and you see TDMA activity, it must be P2, not X2. 04 Oct 7, 2006 · I have a 900mhz Motorola ID 6908 and Unitrunk is not "auto-detecting the band plan" I have entered in the Control Channnel Freq. Sep 19, 2012 · I've been trying to get the built-in PC/IF in my GRE PSR-800 to work with Unitrunker but its been hard. This was not the settings in Unitrunker but the actual sound card settings in windows. How do I setup Unitrunker to read trunk radio data channel from the RTL-SDR? I see no way to add a radio in Unitrunker. . Jan 24, 2016 · but does not force the voice scanner off that comm if it is currently active (unless a higher priority comm is also active) If TRUNK88 is NOT holding on a comm when F2 is pressed, any currently monitored comm is effectively locked out briefly while TRUNK88 looks for other comms to tune to. com Jun 19, 2014 · The program only looks at the control channel, not the voice channel. 1581 VB Cable v1. Aug 19, 2015 · Check around your system for unitrunker log files hiding somewhere else on your system (like your start menu folder if you started it that way before). When I install unitrunker it does not create the . The page below is kinda vague. So I went to the pawn shop and bought a pro-2053 and did the discrimanator tap. Not sure what could be causing that. Oct 3, 2007 · The driver providing slicer support only worked on Windows 2K and XP and caused Windows to BSOD. Data calls are logged by Unitrunker with "Dat" in the service column, and secure calls are prefaced with a "P" in front of the priority, normally "P4". Both Show up in the Radios tab. " Jun 3, 2017 · You shouldn't bother using unitrunker. Jan 1, 2006 · Every time I create a label, the next time that talk group becomes active, it creates a new talk group without a label and the one that I edited to have a label does not become active again. But Unitrunker did display all of the frequencies, Each frequency listed twice, Apr 29, 2012 · I'm trying to set up Unitrunker to talk to HDSDR, so I can eventually trunk-track provoice through to DSD, using a cheap RTL-2832 dongle. Anyways I was able to do it with two commands from eeprom tool which was,,,,: rtl_eeprom -s 00000101, and rtl_eeprom -i 0. 6500). Strong signal level does not necessarrily equal strong decode level in such a situation. Copy or move them to new location and open unitrunker again, it should open with data intact. The R2500 would track each LCN perfectly, but would not decode the digital voice signal. Nov 7, 2010 · /program files/Unitrunker/S0000001 etc. P25 voice channels may provide the unit ID of the party talking which is likely what you see on your 396XT. Jan 1, 2011 · Release 19 is officially available here. It would be nice if I could set more than one park frequency, and somehow "scan" through them whenever parked. and if so how? How can I cross relate a Unitrunker LCN channel to a specific trs frequency? So far I have been unsuccessful in locating any documentation on the internet that discusses the subject of Unitrunker's LCNs in any detail. Then I tried to get it to work on several computers at home. I then reopen Unitrunker. Feb 22, 2020 · Unitrunker System (Not) decoding puzzle. Warp values can be fractional and positive or negative. Oct 28, 2020 · UNitrunker. Feb 7, 2014 · Hello all, having trouble setting up unitrunker with sdr# using the plug in by zefie. Feb 20, 2016 · For instance, Priority in Unitrunker will be rank in the XML. 4 does not recognize the otherwise perfectly well working driver “libusbk USB Devices” version 3. I downloaded and installed Unitrunker to my laptop and am trying to set it up following the guide in the Wiki, but my scanner model (Uniden BCD436HP) isn't available in the dropdown menu, any Jan 28, 2008 · I've noticed Unitrunker shows the Emerg status bit in the CT column of active calls, but I'm not sure if it shows up in the running affiliations log. I have 2 realtek usb decoders. 7. The numbers vary from one program to another, from one type of SDR to another, etc. The code here contains significant changes that impact all Uniden models. The plan was to have the supplemental program "kNACk" do this (in addition to displaying the NAC) but I have yet to find time. One Dec 3, 2006 · Open Paint (under the Start -> Accessories menu) and paste (ctrl-V) the image into the Paint window. shut down and re-started. I have a 996xt and I have unitrunker installed on my laptop. Sep 1, 2015 · UniTrunker Hold Indicator. I clearly understand that, with this set-up, I will need another SDR. xml data files were in different places. Also there will be a lot of information that is not important that deals with formatting in Unitrunker you can simply ignore once you have it open in Excel. Jan 4, 2008 · What is the problem with the EDACS output from the PC/IF that will not allow you to get it to work with UniTrunker? Maybe we can get GRE to update the firmware if it is a problem. I am running Windows 11 Pro and version 2. I downloaded the most recent one, v1. Tim Member. 37 -i1 -01 ERROR The larger screen has a message as follows "Airspy lib version = 1. Now, thanks to Dave and Gary, I need to get a copy of UniTrunker for my very own. OK. Specs are: Windows 7 Profession SP1 Unitrunker v 1. RakkFO Member. The set up for the plug in tells me to put remote. May 30, 2008 · unitrunker i have been trying to get unitrunker to run with a sound card but have been unable to make it work i am runing xp sp3 on an acer notebook i can not run the Jan 9, 2025 · Hello, I have a nooelec dongle and it is not working with unitrunker. Feb 3, 2020 · I could really use some help. Mar 25, 2014 · Not 100% sure what I’m looking for, but at least in SDR#’s waterfall, I do see what looks like the continuous P25 control transmission described above. Aug 2, 2008 · Hi. 108. Next Last. This is perhaps partially implemented already in the "remote" receiver type? Keep up the good work. FIXED: oscilloscope stops working if receiver window closed Nov 24, 2014 · Unitrunker and OpenSky. For my voice channel, I have my digital output set to the cable. I have a 2 RTL2832U dongle setup, one monitoring and decoding the CC and the second assigned for voice. is not working at all, and is very very rare. If I use my laptop all three dongles work perfect in unitrunker and I listen to p25 flawlessly. 1920 RTL-SDR USB with Unitrunker 2. We could not get the Unitrunk to run on the Win98 computer. Could somebody please explain to me what do I do next once I have loaded Unitrunker, connected my audio source from the disc tap to my computer. Plus, I really don't like the new UniTrunker interface at all. Feb 21, 2020 · Understand that Unitrunker V2 will decode the control channel and present data. But currently using Pulseaudio seems to cause Unitrunker to not open. Joined Dec 19, 2002 Oct 31, 2010 · Unitrunker keeps crashing for me when I try to open (double-click) a talkgroup for editing from the Groups tab. Then I overlooked the tabs at the bottom of the Open Office. Other than that it is a Superb receiver. But the audio . Dec 16, 2014 · I just downloaded Unitrunker 1. this was with ubuntu 18. Mar 21, 2013 · If It has a PC interface it should work, you cannot lock on to just 1 talk group but you can lock out other talk groups. I recently tried unitrunker at work to monitor a P25 CC and it worked great. The previous snapshot is archived (the file is renamed to have a number on the end). NAC property (for P25 sites) mangled (base-10 vs. I'm fine with manually changing but whats the secret to making this animal accept the changed file???? Many Thanks for any assistance! Aug 24, 2009 · You can verify the with Hyperterm or some other terminal program. a bug b. Feb 18, 2017 · Unitrunker - I also tried the top right "Pick A Site" option to load a system directly from my unitrunker known systems list, made sure I selected the active CC, and tried to run the program. 6 Airspy lib not supported; update airspy . base 16) - fixed. 6. First one isn't specific to Bell FleetNet, I have a Nooelec RTL-SDR dongle, and an SmarTee XTR dongle and I'm having issues getting them both working in Unitrunker. 2) The trunking system has changed the control channel while the receiver was Stopped (using the stop button) then started again (using the Start button) 3) When using the Pick Site dialog, a channel is selected that is not currently the control channel Feb 7, 2009 · They show up after an undertermined amount of time - could be hours or could be days. cypherstream Member. Jun 24, 2018 · I am using Unitrunker ver1. Mike Sep 27, 2020 · This may not be the right place for this question, but here goes . Im currently monitoring Montgomery County, PA with unitrunker without severe issues just minor static issues. However, DSD does not understand P2. 1 of 2 Go to page. Jun 4, 2017 · On my desktop I have three RTL-SDR v3 dongles and only one will open in unitrunker. Instead of clearing the list of talkgroups - try sorting them. Again, you can easily edit these en masse in Excel. Some reason would not change, something about could not open. Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk Mar 25, 2017 · I tried to reinstall the drivers but it didn't work. - Dave [see attached screenshots of talkgroup denies between Unitrunker and Pro96Com] Dec 20, 2016 · Not open for further replies. Nov 13, 2024 · I have the RTL-SDR V4 and Airspy SDR# Studio v1. I really enjoyed finding out how much I don't know! <*chuckle*> I’m not aware of any downside to checking them all. Installed Zadig 2. Here are the screenshots of the Info, VFO1 and VFO2 options. Rick, this is the first useful information I've seen that it could work with UniTrunker. tilt404 Member. Was previoulsy showing as not Type I, now showing type II 900. com. I got 2 Nooelec NESDR smart dongles, and followed Steves5C’s tutorial on YT for the digital scanner but I can’t make it work. Version 2 decodes FDMA natively. 16 Active channels are still shown as LCN's 392,293 and 939. You could have 20 people post an issue on here about something SDR related all having the same problem. the call grant message has a zero as the source ID. 10 Nov 2, 2019 · Tried two different computers (both Win7 Home) I can't get Unitrunker to Start. Nov 15, 2022 · Just updated the computer from V1 to V2. not one beep of audio and yes my volume is turned up. First things first: be aware that the stock antenna is cr@p! You will probably not achieve the desired results with them. I have set up sdr# to send a control channel signal to unitrunker via virtual cable. I set the annunciation to Ring . Unfortunately, despite the seemingly strong signal, when I open unitrunker, and park to that frequency, nothing happens! Oct 21, 2007 · Make a small change to fix an issue on one system and you've just broken your decoder for dozens of others. Leave SDR# running, but change the input device to your sound card or to a file. Download Unitrunker software for monitoring and decoding trunked radio systems. xml file and the Unitrunker. It could even be done with one dongle if both channels were within a few Mhz. i use one of my E4000 as a discriminator signal and feed that to the other E4000 by means of Virtual Audio Cable. 7 keeps saying STOPPED Could not open! when I press Play Here are the… Mar 25, 2014 · It seems that UniTrunker 1. Dec 16, 2008 · It doesn't provide this. 9 and installed the drivers, I have two bulk-in, Interface now. exe a popup appears stating FMPA 2. A. I have a few questions. dll to a newer version" Jan 2, 2009 · That's why I now use Trunk88 exclusively for Motorola system decoding. If one had enough radios, they could be placed near other sites, with the traffic forwarded back over the Internet back to the main copy. It is still giving me the millisecond of trying to work then "Could not open". in unitrunker when the "signal" reciever is added (when you hit the play button) a new window Apr 13, 2007 · Not open for further replies. They work perfect in SDR# and HDSDR. 9375(as i entered) Dec 19, 2020 · No version of Unitrunker decodes P25 TDMA. msi and clicked on run and it set the program up on my laptop computer, but I notice that unitrunker makes icons on my desk top every time I run it. Thread starter Tim; Start date Feb 22, 2020; Status Not open for further replies. 1 of 2 Go to page It would be tough to have the scope provided by DSD+ FS / Unitrunker Not bad for a old geezer with Sep 29, 2007 · To all that showed up for the Face 2 Face meeting that we had today and taking the time to show me unitrunker and explaining how to do it. UniTrunker | Home Patrol Thanks Eric Mar 21, 2017 · UniTrunker is not open source; however, it is freeware. Been a while since I did it so not sure about the latest versions of each program but is did work. The author does not provide support here. 25. When I click the PLAY/START button Unitrunker says STOPPED COULD NOT OPEN I tested both dongles on SDR# and HDSDR and they both work. Sep 29, 2023 · Tait has equipment that will do MPT1327 as well as DMR Tier II & III. Then, if you see another talk group (or patch or private call) pop up that you suddenly want to listen to, then you could just click on it to get off the current TG you're holding on and listen to the new one. There is a mathematical relationship between the two but it is up to the operators as to how that is configured. Configuration: Unitrunker v1. That will re-open the site window and place it on top. I'm familiar with using Unitrunker with a GRE scanner, but need some guidance on the mechanics of how to connect the SDS100 to the Unitrunker software. exe the spectral screen opens to 99. add +20 rank to all in this system). 3 can do. both ask to unplug and re plug dongle back in to confirm. Check directory selection and file permissions. Does it ever stop? Thanks again Dave and Gary. Not sure what I am missing, probably something Jan 25, 2020 · I am using Unitrunker v2 to monitor a local EDACS system. I thought there was a way to reset this so it displays correctly but cannot find the right thread. 32. 2-3 people will pipe up and say that the program works fine for them. Oct 20, 2007 · I wrote "Mr. dll to a newer version" Nov 5, 2020 · Looking for help trying to setup DSD+ with unitrunker. Joined Jan 20, 2013 Messages 273 Oct 8, 2008 · I could not think of why someone would want to clear the list. UniTrunker" about the difficulties of reprogramming UniTrunker for our MOT 2 re-banding. I open DSD plus with commands to make sure my audio input is the Cable and my output is my Oct 7, 2006 · I have a 900mhz Motorola ID 6908 and Unitrunk is not "auto-detecting the band plan" I have entered in the Control Channnel Freq. I open Unitrunker, the program starts then immediately closes. It does work with Pro96Com on P25 systems and Trunk88 is working with analog Motorola systems, so it "should" work with UniTrunker. xml doc with Liquid XML and make alias changes, save it, and restart Unitrunker it ignores the file and always creates a new one. 6 release just days ago. This closes the box and the System/Groups window shows the change. Version 1 does not decode any P25 voice natively, requires something like DSD+ to process the audio, and is restricted to FDMA only. and do appreciate your work. However it appears that the system is using Phase 1 signaling. I did a discriminator tap on my Icom R7000 and it works great. On the old UniTrunker, I was able to modify frequencies, talk groups, etc and was able to view the changes as I made them. The current history grid uses computer memory, not disk so there's a 4 hour limit to prevent the program from starving Windows of RAM. But do love Unitrunker . Also running "install-rtlsdr. The Google group is exactly where you should ask any questions about V2. Similar threads. As a side note, the one scanner that decodes X2 does not accept control. Feed Provider. dll there is nowhere to put it. But Unitrunker 1. Oct 6, 2008 · Next I opened UniTrunker and set up an R8500 to monitor the CC ("signal" mode) and the R2500 to follow the P25 voice channels ("control" mode). xml file used by release 26 should be very small assuming it does not have any systems logged to it. Jan 13, 2014 · I'm guessing the scanner must be pre-programmed and in scan mode. Any comments or help appreciated. The Trakkstar software will not run on anything newer than Win98 (and only on something with an Intel processor), not even in XP with the compatability set to Win98. I have literally thousands of hours of work in to keep trunker files up to date and would like to find a way to possibly begin using the newer Unitrunker. Aug 9, 2008 · For future reference: each time you exit the program or press the "save" button - a new snapshot of your data is created on disk. 2 of UniTrunker, so if you start it up again later and doesn’t work, take a look at this setting) Finally, in the main UniTrunker options screen, click the Enable checkbox in the Listen section: 2. on a dispatcher, on the most active tg on my system and no audio just blinking. Dec 23, 2009 · When I open the unitrunker. Open the Groups tab, select the tg of interest, and double click it. I have downloaded SDR Console and it is working. I have gone down the list of parameters for Unitrunker to decode 800mhz frequencies but when I click on the start button in unitrunker, nothing happens. I'm trying to set up my RSP2 to decode apco p25. 4. Joined Jun 15, 2014 Jan 11, 2012 · Being a 5 site simulcast your problem could quite possibly be multi-path distortion. 1 of 2 Go to page Some are not even listed in site 6 and some that are listed for site 6 do not seem to be in unitrunker Apr 13, 2022 · Yeah, I tells me it's out of date and to update when I go to open it. manross Member. xml file anywhere so when I try to place remote. Dec 4, 2018 · Not open for further replies. offsite Member. Sep 1, 2007 · Hi all. Jan 1, 2021 · If your primary concern is voice decoding and recording, then you should probably stick with SDRTrunk coupled with Trunking Recorder. rtl_fm generates some audio underruns. Tracking the NJICS from Cape May County. Aug 24, 2012 · The program can control a separate voice receiver to follow calls. I have the programming cable and I wanted to venture into trunked decoding so started following the many how-tos out there (which seem outdated) I got DSD, Unitrunker to work, or so I think, Unitrunker receives the signals from the control channel, but i'm not getting a "pop-up" window. . 9000. A solution would have to be along the lines of using a virtual audio cable to pipe the UniTrunker output to a program that listened for the end of message signal. 4, and followed the tutorial at RTL-SDR Tutorial: Following Trunked Radio with Unitrunker - rtl-sdr. My WS1040 could not decode it of course. I have a Home Patrol 1 but did not buy the extreme update that went for $50 and now goes for a "C-note. If you want to take a picture of a specific window (not the whole screen) - press the Alt key and PrtSc key together (and now I see Jay just said the same thing). I am using VBcable to try and patch it through to DSD+ to decode. It is possible release 9 was configured so that the Configure. Being that these dongle are super cheap, tuning them to a given frequency does not mean that the dongle is actually tuned there. The New England utility Eversource has both including a new Tier III network in CT. Thread starter RakkFO; Start date Apr 13, 2016; Status Not open for further replies. Any help would be great. In this window you will change the priority for that specific ID, and you should set it for something below say 30, I would guess that right now it is probably showing 99. dll to the appropriate folder, but it does not Apr 13, 2022 · Yeah, I tells me it's out of date and to update when I go to open it. I'm trying to decode an APCO P25 Phase I system. I do not see any SAVE button on the toolbar. This is probably the quickest way - even if the receiver window isn't open since the receivers are available from the Receivers tab on the main program window. FIXED: selecting Oscilloscope tab on Receiver window locks program. Premium Subscriber. With that in mind, what you describe could be: a. Double click the system. Dec 29, 2019 · At the prompt, "Preparing UniTrunker First Time Install," I checked "Upgrade -- find existing configuration data," browsed for the folder containing Configure. When I open up the VFO1 tab for the vopice Nov 9, 2013 · Unitrunker not decoding. All I can say is, it is Jun 22, 2023 · Unitrunker 2 does not require DSD+, thus no need to be running the programs concurrently as they appear to be in your screenshots. That one might be a bit tricky though. I had read that before posting, but it didn't really answer my question. I am not sure where to find the saved data. 1; 2; Next. Even though the "Pages" check box is checked, directing the program to display when one radio pages another, the program does not show pages in the Site window Call History tab, the Group window Nov 8, 2012 · This would be slick. None of the supported digital scanners understand P2. Nov 14, 2013 · A friend of mine just ran into the exact problem with Unitrunker not seeing P25 systems and by luck figured it out. Maybe I'm expecting Unitrunker to do something it cannot do that TT 3. Perhaps you were not aware that Trunking Recorder has the ability to automatically import all of the recordings SDRTrunk makes, without requiring any virtual audio cables like Unitrunker needs, and it's the same web interface as you're already used to with Jul 30, 2017 · Not long ago I downloaded and installed unitrunker, I messed around with it for a bit, but could never get it to work right. I understand that I'm supposed to see that after I configure a receiver to work with Unitrunker. HDSDR recently added a kenwood CAT support, but i'd rather not have to make a little program to hook a serial port, translate AOR serial (RFxxxxxx)to kenwood serial (FA00000000000) and dump it back into HDSDR. (I = Individual Call. It was a very eye-opening event for me. " Is there any way to run unitrunker without this paid update. Here is the exchange: Originally Posted by AB7ST As the new CC's start popping up, is there anything we can do to provide info to you that will allow a software update that will support new Mapping, and perhaps new control codes? Hi Bob; Apr 20, 2023 · Unitrunker and P25 phase 2. Unitrunker reads "running" and the scopes are active as well as when I open DSD+ I can also Nov 29, 2014 · The blinking is working 100% of the time. Apr 16, 2018 · It does not do that automatically. If you have a radio reference subscription, you can have unitrunker download the system . xml that I created on the thumb drive and clicked okay. Too many windows open with menu options all over the place. I found an article somewhere about how to use Unitrunker and DSD+, it boiled down to using Unitrunker to handle the control channel and voice channel stuff, and DSD+ to decode the voice stuff. In my test . Apr 13, 2022 · Your RSSI looks good, but Window at 13 could be slightly better. xml file. Aug 16, 2014 · Open the Unitrunker receiver window for your RTL stick. But unitrunker does not seem to recieve the signal. The RRDB indicates AWIN as a P25 Phase 2 system - note that Unitrunker 2 does not decode P25 Phase 2 (TDMA) audio. I certainly can find my Unitrunker folder under Program Files but I do not see anything in there that looks like it is data. My screen is showing channel, PR, destination party, ID, T, ID, Calling party and CT. Can I use the USB programming interface cable? What settings should be used in the software? Thanks in advance Jun 12, 2011 · What's new in release 22 C4FM decoding - fixed. SDRTRunk supports LSM systems DSDPLus (using FMP as the receiver, not SDR#) and DSDPLus to decode supports LSM DSDPLus (using SDRSharp as the receiver) does not support LSM Unitrunker does not support LSM -- at least never has on any system i've tried. Nov 15, 2007 · When Unitrunker shows an "I" in the "T" column (T = Type, IIRC), the value shown under "Group ID" is a radio ID because that is a direct radio-to-radio call, not involving a talkgroup at all. and ir disable. Oct 1, 2014 · Okay. Start with the control channel - hand-edit the frequency to match. ) Oct 23, 2013 · The color is changed and I hit OK. Neighbor site hack - fixed. I have nothing on unitrunker under radios I have also tried it on Windows 10 Pro. Thread starter funbob; Start date Nov 9, 2013; Status Not open for further replies. Joined Jul 7, 2017 · It should be possible to use Pulseaudio to create a full digital decoding system with Unitrunker. 3 RS Pro-106 NooElec SMArt System: P25 Phase 1 Pro-106 set on Primary Control Frequency NooElec SMArt set with one VCO on voice; Tuner gain Dec 20, 2016 · Not open for further replies. If I can get past this step, I'll order one. Apr 4, 2019 · I am trying to have specific talkgroups to go specific audio sources, 2 ideas I have which I am looking for input if it will work or not. Apr 13, 2007 you could run both Unitrunker sessions on the same laptop. rnzvt zizac iweut agyxm pgzsc xswx lnhdf ysehf ranbi xwybwzl ckjygo rna kolvb aotcoyp kle